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Monday, October 06, 2008

Media Tries to Shield Obama from Terrorist Ties ...

... and Myriad Other Sins.

Would we expect less?  The MSM is doing everything it can to shield "THE ONE" from his ties to domestic terrorists.

Bill Ayers participated in the bombings of a police memorial in Chicago, the New York City police HQ, the US Capitol and the Pentagon.  This is not supposition, or right wing propaganda.  Ayers proudly admits to these acts in his own memoir - Fugitive Days.

Barack Obama has "repudiated" the acts of someone "he barely knows".  Unfortunately, this is another example of "THE ONE" not being very honest with the citizens he wants to lead.  He knew Jeremiah Wright for 20 years, but never heard him make the kinds of comments that caused Obama to distance himself from the radical preacher.

It's similar with Ayers.  Obama claims to barely know Ayers, but it was Ayers who recruited Obama to serve on the board of the Chicago Annenberg Project.  Obama and Ayers served on another board together.  Ayers contributed to Obamas campaigns AND even hosted a campaign event for Obama during his first run for office.

What is the media's spin?  An Associated Press article (parts of which are in today's Daily Times) is typical:   Read More ...


Anonymous said...

You have got to be kidding me. The economy is a mess and our country's morale is in shambles, and the best you can do is tell an old debunked story?

I know this is an act on desperation on your part and
I know you are afraid of what the polls are saying, but this is absolutely crazy.

Anonymous said...

You guys are getting desperate, and the fact that McCain is sinking so low shows he will do anything to get elected. I have lost all respect for the man. Obama was 8 years old when Ayres was running around acting like a total idiot. They have worked together on local issues, but are not the buddies McCain and Palin are claiming them to be. McCain, however, was over 50 years old when he was involved in the Keating Five scandal. So who really is the one we should watch out for? The guy who has tenuous (at best) connections with a guy who did something stupid, or the guy who, as an adult, was DIRECTLY INVOLVED IN A FINANCIAL SCANDAL! McCain is grasping at straws while the DOW sink ever lower. Way to keep your eye on the ball, John! Not the kind of guy I want as my president.

Anonymous said...

Debunked? Hardly!
Obama has a long history of hanging with the wrong kind of people.
His Marxist past is there for everyone to see, but the MSM keeps trying to ignore or minimize it.
It is Obama's philosophy that the Dumbocrats have used over the years that have caused the economic mess we're in.
$700 billion/year leaves this country for foreign energy while we sit on mountains of our own but aren't allowed to use it.
Obama is the largest example of every conspiracy theory you can think of, but he is real, not a theory.
Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it.
Elect Obama, and watch as more and more of your rights and choices go away, like what you can drive, what you're allowed to eat, where you go for medical care and what will be covered, the right to own firearms, global carbon tax that is the firat step to a one world government.
People, you better really think this election through.

Anonymous said...

This is a story?

Senator Obama and William Ayers both lived in the same area of Chicago. Ayers had always been politically active in that community. Senator Obama attended a reception in his honor at Ayers house. Afterword, they were both asked, separately, to serve on the board of a charitable organization. That is the end of the story.

This is another manufactured “issue” because the polls have shifted to Senator Obama. This has nothing to do with this country’s real issues.

Anonymous said...

Let's look at people's associations, then, since Palin thinks that is fair game. What would you say about a candidate who sleeps with someone who advocates a state's separation from the United States? Why, who could that radical anti-American be? It is Todd Palin, Sarah's husband and member of the Alaska Independence Party! Gee, that connection seems a lot closer than Obama's connection to a guy who belonged to a radical group when Obama was 8 years old.

G. A. Harrison said...

I love the rhetoric. The story is not debunked. No one is claiming that Obama participated in the bombings. The fact is that Obama associates with people who hate America and, in the case of Bill Ayers, people who are terrorists.

You have proven my point. The left doesn't want to discuss it. You want to hide it.

Why? Because Barack Obama is so far out of the mainstream that he would frighten the vast majority of Americans to death.

Yet, you feel that it is perfectly OK to blame Republicans for the financial crisis when all of the evidence proves that the implosion of the secondary mortgage market was primarily (not totally) caused by liberal Democrats. When one of Obama's chief economic advisors cooked the books at Fannie Mae (and took a $90 million pay day), you don't want to discuss it.

That's fine. I can't wait to hear how you'll somehow try to blame Republicans if (God forbid) we have Obama in the White House and a Dem controlled Congress.

Wait! I know! You'll try to pull a Martin O'Malley and blame it all on George Bush. That won't work for Obama any longer than it's worked for O'Malley.

Anonymous said...

Most economists endorse Senator Obama's budget plan which would put more money into the pockets of middle class America. That helps the average person out.

I don’t blame the republicans for the financial crisis, that blame which falls on the general home buying public, the politicians (of both parties), Wall Street, mortgage lenders, realtors, the federal government, etc. I am only concerned with how we can fix it. Period.

The vast majority of Americans are not frightened by Senator Obama. I am sure that you check the polls everyday. That’s why some have to change the subject off of the issues and onto made up conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories that have been debunked. Even the story that Governor Palin states in her attack debunks the story of the so called association between Sentor Obama and Bill Ayers.

Nice try, but it won’t work this time. People have gone through hell the last eight years and are ready for that CHANGE. No rhetoric, just CHANGE.

Mardela said...

Ayes is a terrorist with no remorse for what he did. This man should be in jail, not at the ear of a presidential candidate.

Wymzie said...

Ayers hosted a reception at his home for Obamas first run in the Senate.
His political influence jump started Obamas political career.
Obama and Ayers are also tied together with ACORN. Ayers developed the idea and Obama was the attorney that put it all together and took it through the non-profit process and established it as functional organization.
This is fact.
Like G.A. says you have proven the point you don't want to discuss it, and you want to pretend like it never happened.
With regards to the Keeting 5. McCain was not only proven innocent he was exonerated.

Mardela said...

Like I said, just the facts.

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ. The event you talk about was an event for Alice Palmer. Obama was invited by Palmer to the event.

While McCain was cleared of all charges, he was criticized by the Senate Committee for “poor judgment”, when he met with federal regulators on Keating’s behalf. That’s hardly “proven innocent”.

Just the facts. All the while our country is in need of help.

Anonymous said...

Wow, anon 11:30 is a perfect example of the anti-Obama crazies out there. Did you know that Obama was at the grassy knoll? And he was born in Area 51? Here's the good news to make everyone's day just a little happier: you all can rant on here all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that thanks to the good ol' Electoral College, Maryland's votes will all go to Obama. That means your vote too, G.A! Ahh, just thinking of that makes me smile.

Anonymous said...

Alright G.A., we'll talk about Ayers if you'll talk about Todd Palin being an Alaska Secessionist.

Okay? No? Didn't think so. Why is it so hard for you right-wing extremists to stick to the issues? Is it because you're flailing in the polls? Is it because America doesn't believe in your "ignore the problems and they'll go away" mentality?

But, yeah, we'll talk about Ayers, and you tell us ALL ABOUT Todd "Secessionist" Palin, k?

Anonymous said...


Ayers was acquitted at trial. Are you right-wing extremists now so pissed off that you're going to lose this election BIG TIME that you are actually advocating that we disregard our own justice system?

Yeah, you probably are. You make a FINE addition to this extremist weblog.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:20 Say it so. What I see is another liberal with their uninformed heart on their sleeve. please speak facts not slanders. Read Anon 11:30 and I shall quote from it and give full credit to it "Elect Obama, and watch as more and more of your rights and choices go away, like what you can drive, what you're allowed to eat, where you go for medical care and what will be covered, the right to own firearms, global carbon tax that is the first step to a one world government." I could not have said it better myself. Anon 1:02 even though you comment has a little basis it still shows your failure to see reality of where Obama will take us. Even the spell editor says it wrong.

Anonymous said...

anon 1;20 you are correct, unfortunately here in the peoples republic of maryland our conservative votes wont count for much. But remember what a fine job you dems did when you voted for the idiot governor we now have and osama will be even worse for the country than omalley is for the state. that alone should be enough for you to change your mind

Anonymous said...

Just a quick correction: it isn't that your votes won't count much, your votes won't count AT ALL! That makes me happy. You all can go stand in line for hours on election day, but Maryland is going to vote for Obama, and every last Electoral College vote is going to the Obama/Biden ticket.

Anonymous said...


It makes me smile as wide as I can knowing damned well that all of MD's 10 electoral college votes are going to Obama. Your vote is absolutely meaningless in this state.

Man, that thought will keep me warm all winter long... just the thought that you right-wing extremists who casually call Barack Obama "Osama" and refer to MD as a Communist state are IRRELEVANT has me smiling right now.

Anonymous said...

You should be more careful with your words. Despite freedom of speech...harmful speech (i.e., libel and defamation of character) are still illegal. Think before you blog!

joe albero said...

Oh STFU anonymous. How's that for defamation!

Anonymous said...

I love the sound of extreme rightwing political death-rattles before bedtime. :)

Happy Debate Day tomorrow!!

Wymzie said...

Succession ism? Not such a bad idea right about now.

Over 75% of Americans feel that there concerns are not being addressed not only by the candidates but also by the folks in the Congress or the Senate, let alone the White House.

Succession from the Union? As Americans our founding fathers instructed us to hold our leaders accountable for their actions, and that we were to speak out and take action when their behavior endangered the Republic.
What the President, the Congress and the Senate have done this last week is no less than treason and bringing home a brigade of troops for his own personal deployment looks to me like a coupe.
Why aren't we having these men arrested?