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Friday, October 03, 2008

The Bailout Bonanza

As the House moves to once again tackle the bailout bill we need to ask ourselves some hard questions:
  • Do we really need it?
  • If we need a bailout bill, is this the one?
The first question is obviously the hardest to answer and we'll save it till last.  As for whether we need this particular bailout bill, the answer is clearly no.

How is a Christmas tree bill loaded up with pork in the best interests of our national economy?  Have our elected representatives in the US Senate become so cynical and so lacking in any integrity that they are incapable of passing supposedly vital legislation without tacking on subsidies for manufacturers of wooden arrows?   Read More ...


Anonymous said...

159,000.00 jobs lost september.

Bryant Arms said...

The financiers are snookering us again. We, the taxpayers, will never see that money once Congress caves in to special interests, (as usual). If we try to get it back by taxing these businesses, then they will take the good parts of their portfolios and flee to other countries. Suckers!

If we use that money to enhance social security, then all of the retirees that lost their retirement funds in the stock market will at least be guaranteed a reasonably comfortable retirement. (The only ones who will still be unhappy are the ones trying to retire to their mansions.)

Finally! Congress has found the money to make social security work.

Let Congress know that if they get fooled by this bailout, then the only thing for voters to do is punish congress the way it was punished for the gulf war.

Bryant Arms

Anonymous said...

Lobbyist are the enemy of the American people.

Anonymous said...

This just shows how corrupt the law makers are in this country. The American people are being
totally blindsided by these thieves. These people including some Congressman and women need
prison terms not elected terms.
Its a sad day on Capitol Hill.

Anonymous said...

9:22 am...factor out the jobs lost in the areas hit by know the old saying about statistics...

Anonymous said...

Money is the root of all evil.
(you know its bad when I have to use the bible).

Anonymous said...


not a recession. Hooray.