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Friday, October 03, 2008

WBOC Now Wants $7.00 Per Classified Ad

While Salisbury News offers a completely FREE Classified Ads, WBOC used to offer the same service but has now changed their policy. While IMO it's extremely reasonable, I'm confident they do not get the volume of visitors Salisbury News does. As always, you may post a picture, FREE. I always highlight the item and contact information on every ad so everyone knows what's for sale and who to contact. The choice is yours. You can either go FREE here or pay the $7.00 charge at WBOC. Don't forget, if you have an item you'd like to list an item for this week, send it to .

"Hello Everyone,
We at WBOC would like to thank you all for the posting of your ads over the past several months.

This message is to inform everyone that change is upon us. The listing structure has been altered just a bit to try to help all your listings end with a successful sale.

Starting October 15th, 2008:
- All "photos" will now be FREE.

- Making your listing show up as "bold text" will now be FREE.

- The "better placement" of your ad in each category will now be FREE.

- And lastly, all "attention getters" will now be FREE.

However, for us to accommodate this we will now be charging a small fee of only $5.00 per ad. Also, making your listing appear as a "featured item" at the top of the front page of the site will remain at $2.00.

This means that for $7.00 per ad, your listing can have every feature offered by WBOC Classifieds to help you sell your item or promote your service. Keep an eye out in the next few weeks for the new promos on WBOC TV16 which should entice viewers to check out all the classifieds listings.

Again, we thank you for your continued support as well as all your emails of successful sales from using WBOC Classifieds.

Staff at WBOC Classifieds"

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