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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Americans Are Idiots

""We suck...and yet we are the ones who police the world, support poor and developing countries with tons of cash and goods, fight others wars, have a democracy that wants to blow its self up by letting the IDIOTS run the country and vote in an empty suit for President with ZERO experience of any kind!! If this happens; soon we will truly SUCK and hopefully a country like China or Japan or the United Kingdom will bail us out of a major depression which Democrats in Congress will drive us into. In the meantime the Arab world will jack the price of a barrel of oil to $250 or better and we here in the USA will still be wanting to "get out from under" dependency on imported oil, yet we will not have built a new refinery in over 30 year, or drilled in Alaska, the mid west states or off shore because of some environmental group crying the blues about how only the USA is polluting our oceans, streams, forests, destroying the atmosphere and ozone layer and we will cause the Ice Caps to melt, the oceans will rise an inch or two, causing major problems in
coastal cities. BULL !!! It's about time the people of this country take it back from the idiots, let's vote them out of office, take environmental groups for what they are and dismiss their concerns and make decisions that will benefit our nation and all of it's peoples, not just the idiots!!"



Anonymous said...

Boy, RIGHT ON!!!
My sentiments, EXACTLY.

I'm NOT believing the polls...they're NEVER right, beside they are too
controlled, imo.
No wonder it's gonna take 10 years to get any U.S. oil to market. ARE WE
Saw a ticker last nite announcing al-quaida(?sp) was for McCain...what'll
"they" come up with next to keep the votes away from him...."...and now a
word about Sarah Palin's wardrobe..." IDIOTS!!! I'm hopin' mad, but don't
know what I can do about it. I can't even talk to any of my friends, and
some are MAD at me. Well, they'll see...Alas, not soon enough. The media
disgusts me to no end, as well and are responsible for this "historic, they
all want to be a part of" mess. Hopefully Nasty, I can't believe she said
that, again, Pelosi's words of ..."100% sure bho will be elected" will be
the kiss of death!
Vote McCain/Palin!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you "Chuck", but it's not just the Democrats that have assed up. I think the Republicans need to fess up to their screw ups as well !! What we need is to clean house and start all over, But that will never happen . Hell, look whats going to happen Nov 4th, Another idiot will be elected who will promise us the world but won't deliver crap!!!!

Anonymous said...

Chuck did say "let's vote them out of office", meaning ALL idiots. I don't think he was being "party specific".

Anonymous said...

In the first place Republicans got us into this mess. Obama is our best hope to get us out.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:49 The republicans got us in this mess. Lets loook at that; The dunbocrats wont let us drill for oil off shore or in anwar, the dumbocrats would do nothing to regulate fannie and freddie even though they were warned many times by the republicans.Is that because they were to busy lining their pockets with money from these entities. Lets see Chris Dodd ,Barack hussein Obama and Barney Frank were the top three reciepients of money from these entities

Anonymous said...

12:08 - I am going to assume that your end of the Republican party has no need for punctuation or correct spelling, which are probably liberal propaganda created by elitists.

Very maverick of you, though.

I am confused by who you are actually mad at: the "dunbocrats," or the "dumbocrats." You referenced both, so either you are not sure, or you are mad at these two seperate groups?

Thanks for the clarification!

Anonymous said...

You live by the dollar, You die by the dollar.