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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Question of the Day, Thur 10/23

Why do you think Americans are obese? Is it due to the processed food? Do you think it's because of fast food restaurants? Do you think it's because of our comfort-eating due to mental issues like depression? Do you think it's because Americans plan all their social engagements over meals?

Please weigh in with your opinion.


tedh said...

It is very simple. Have you ever been to the store and try to buy food good for you? Healthy foods are more expensive than fatty, high cholesterol foods. It is cheaper to be fat than healthy.

Anonymous said...

Corn and its subsidies.

Anonymous said...

That is true, also Americans are always on the go, rush, rush, rush, food has to be quick and easy, and inhaled. Only unhealthy food can you eat that fast!

Anonymous said...

Television, computer, video games and cell phones are just some of the things that have contributed to making Americans obese. NO EXERCISE equates to Fat buildup.When I was a young boy in the sixties, we were not allowed to stay in the house watching TV, but were told to play outside.No computers, video games and the sort meant you had to play ball, build forts,swim in the river, etc.If you wanted to find out if your friend was home, you got on your bike and went to find out!! NO CELL PHONES!!.We had fast food back then and ate if as often as we could, but it wasn't a daily staple.Lifesyles change as do bodystyles

Anonymous said...

Because most are too lazy to get off their asses

Anonymous said...

The reason is because this country is built on fast food and video games, and television programming to keep you in the chair. Its not because people are lazy but when you are small and you parents tell you to go watch TV instead of making you go outside for a few hours then what do you expect. I'm a big guy and played sports all my life and still do, but no matter what I did I couldn't seem to lose any weight. I tried it all and some of it worked for a short period of time and other were just scams, but when I found a program that didn't seem like a diet I could see progress slowly but surely. I can't stand people that always think that someone obese is just lazy when in fact that isn't the case at all. Stop being so judgemental of someone you don't know. You have no idea of how it is to be obese, and thank god you don't. You have no idea what its like to feel trapped in your own body.

Anonymous said...

We are a spoiled nation that's why. We want it now!!!!Can't hurt anyones feelings you know. Its a matter of choice what you eat. I'm 41 yrs old and am in the best shape I have ever been. It comes down to what is important. Instead of making excuses on why I can't exercise, I get up at 5:15am to workout.Before the day starts and gets busy. The biggest excuse people make not to take care of themselves is "no time". You have time to eat that donut, dont you? Its so bad we are making it a disease now? In rare cases its a genetic reason, most of the time its just choices of food intake, lack of exercise and dare I offend anyone yes laziness.

Anonymous said...

Not too long ago our esteemed legislature spent untold hours and taxpayer dollars making Smith Island Cake the official "State Dessert." Besides the obvious outrage that our legislators should be addressing REAL issues, have you ever tried to explain the concept of an appetizer (this is the food we eat BEFORE we eat), or dessert (this is the food we eat AFTER we eat)to a famine survivor? In Somalia, they put hot sauce on used tires for an entree and chew a hallucinogenic weed as a vegetable. Where else in the world do you know of FAT POOR PEOPLE!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with all the causes listed, but I think the biggest problem is processed food. Last year my husband and I were fortunate enough to travel in France for 19 days on the cheap. We literally saw only ONE fat person throughout Paris, Normandy, the Loire Valley and Burgundy. French people don't go to the grocery store and buy a week's worth of groceries; they do their food shopping daily and all the food is fresh, not processed.

Anonymous said...

11:16 you make a very good point because I have seen a report about that very same thing on TV but I believe that in that report they also said that in those place's lets take france for example..they don't have the space that we take for granted, and not everyone there have cars..Salisbury for example everywhere you go you really need a car, and with gas prices flip flopping who really wants to drive to the store everyday? I'm just saying that it is easier for some to live that life style then others. Circumstances are different.

Anonymous said...

1:14. Another primary reason the Europeans ARE as 11:16 describes is because they have "space" too-and rarely a car-but use it to their healthy advantage. As a result these folks take advantage of WALKING to the market/train/bus/metro stop. Then usually they walk across town squares/several blocks to get to the fresh market and then carrying the weighted grocery bags back the same way they came(the best are the open air markets where you also get fresh air and some sun on your face). As a result, they are not only eating the freshest, non-preserved food, they are getting consistent aerobic exercise (if you've been to Europe, you know everything is either uphill or on the third floor of an elevator(lift)-less building) which further reduces their appetitite for junk food fixes throughout the day. Europeans also tend to eat heavier/more copiously during the early day instead of the DRIVE THRU (again the epitoe of being too sedentary) McCholesterol fix many eat around midnite these days. This trend seems to NOT be an American thing though-if you live in more rugged states such as Arizona, Colorado, Utah, California, Oregon, Wyoming and such you can see how these populations tend to be less obese/fewer dealing with chronic diabetes issues.

Anonymous said...

Not only is this question and its "insensitve" wording offensive to me but the majority of comments are as well.

Being referred to as "FAT" and making totally (uneducated) ASSumtions as to why people are obease is ludacris. Asking why americans are obese is like asking a .... person why they are gay, or disabled, or have one arm, or look like the elephant man. There have been numerous studies by the PROFESSIONALS as to why americans are considered heavier then say the french. FYI, you may try to GOOGLE it and you would be surprised as to the many conflicting results of studies done over the past two decades even.

As for the individual who stated that ....

(In rare cases its a genetic reason, most of the time its just choices of food intake, lack of exercise and dare I offend anyone yes laziness.)

WAKEUP !!! in rare cases its genetic? You haven't a clue what you are talking about, and tell ya what...your 41 now and in the best shape of your life you say? So does that mean the rest of the world should live to your so called standard? Also come see me when you are 51, and 61, and then spout your ninny whinning to Richard Simmons and maybe he will whip you back into that perfect shape you are in now.

Marlyn Monroe

Moon Willow said...

Woo hoo! I'll bet "Marilyn Monroe" (11:33) is FAT! Guess what, "Marilyn," fat is fat. I'm fat. My husband's fat. We're both losing weight because of a lifestyle change; we're far more careful of what, how much, and when we eat, and we get more exercise. We don't make excuses, or choose to call ourselves "weight-challenged." We're fat.

You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still FAT!

And "ludakris" is a rapper. Perhaps you meant "ludicrous?" Don't use the big words until you know how to spell them, okay?

Anonymous said...

Wow 11:33. I don't know where to start with that logic. But let's just say the last time I saw someone short-circuit their little brain like you have here in the face of true facts and debate(you are rather massive yourself aren't you?), she was arguing with an airline supervisor like a rabid possum because the airline "had the audacity" to charge her for two seats because her enormous ass wouldn't fit into the single seat provided. I would think that if your "badunkadunk" has grown so enormous that the only way you can travel nationally/regionally is in the cargo bay of a C-17, it might be time for you to at least eliminate two of the meals you eat between breakfast and brunch. Just "food" for thought (yummy ideas with absolutely no calories).