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Friday, September 12, 2008

Dear Mr. Obama


Anonymous said...

More Republican bias.

That war is WORSE than a mistake. It's an international CRIME!

Anonymous said...

I am touched, but one can oppose the war without it meaning disrespecting the troops. I'm sad this young man doesn't feel that way.

But many in the military do. And as I was told first hand, many are supporting Obama, for many reasons, not the least of which is he has gone to bat for them for their care when they return when McCain has not.

Anonymous said...

Get over yourself. I hope the next terrorist attack happens on you! Ignorant rants from ingnorant people like yourself are the reason we are a divided country. George Bush doesn't make any exclusions when our country is attacked. He didn't care that Osama started attacking our country and grew his terrorist activity on the Democrats watch. He's going to take the fight to them instead of letting this happen here!

thomas augustus littleton said...

Are you an Islamic terrorist or just an traitor?

Do you, perhaps, remember 9/11/01? That was the international crime!
I only wish former President Truman was our president on that day! He would have made President Bush's response in Iraq look mild:)

Do you not see that we could no longer respond to Middle Eastern Islamic attacks in the weak, WEAK manner of President Clinton after the first attack on the Twin Towers and subsequent Muslim attacks on our military and diplomatic interests abroad? His painfully weak responses, a couple missles here a hundred missles there, gave Islamic terrorists the AUDACITY of hope to perpetrate the dispicable, dastardly, catastrophic, attack on American soil. Our Patriotic Crusade in Iraq showed our mortal enemies, radical Muslims in the Middle East, that we will, at ANY cost, invade and crush their country or vaporize every stinking one of them if they pull another 9/11:) Do you not wish to convey that message to anyone who would attack us? What would President Truman do? I think most of us Patriotic Americans know:) He was a GREAT AMERICAN and a Democrat, I do believe.

Would Barak Hussein Obama have the same AMERICAN Patriotic strengh, wisdom & resolve as President Bush against the Islamic religion of the image of his father, Barak Hussein Obama, Sr.? I don't think so! I certainly wouldn't bet or vote on it! Just vote NO to the abomination of the Obamanation!

I know, I know! It wasn't Iraq. But they hated us, had been a major pain for a long time and cheered by the millions at our suffering of 9/11, so, f*** em! They served quite well enough as an example. Now we have brought them democracy & freedom, and everyone is happy & grateful:) If there is another Muslim attack on our soil, we should immediately level or vaporize the major cities in Iran:) The rest of the regional radical Islamic dogs will fall in line like Lybia did after the invasion of Iraq.

Don't forget, it was quintessential Patriotic American, Jefferson, who first bombed our radical Islamic enemies in Lybia 200 years ago. Way to go, T.J. :)

Anonymous said...

Mr. Littleton we know that you hate Mr. Obama. We know that every time you write about him, you lie about him.

We also know you think he is a muslim. We know that you LIE about him every time also.

joe albero said...

anonymous 7:08, stop acting like a baby.

Anonymous said...

It all started with the Clinton administration.Blame his ass for not being reponsive.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mr Littleton admits (finally)that it wasn't Iraq behind the 9/11 attacks, and then seems to dismiss that as unimportant because they were a pain in the butt! We've lost 4,000 Americans in fighting the country that you admit had nothing to do with 9/11! Isn't that a huge problem? Why would anyone just set that aside? There are lots of countries that are a bigger pain in our butt than Iraq (Afghanistan and Iran come to mind), yet that is the one the US went after? Obama was right about that war.

Anonymous said...

I suppose you'd rather lose Americans on our home soil.
How many more do we need to lose here for you to see the light?
I, for one do not believe in "coincidence" and think it's not one with these huge cranes collapsing, airplane & train wrecks, huge fires ...I could go on...
Imagine if the fire in N.C. earlier this year had been a "dirty bomb".
We could smell the smoke before opening windows that evening.
D.C. is a little over 50 miles away "as the crow flies".
Remember, the Roman Empire fell "from within." I believe these radical idiots have been plugging away for at least 20 years.

Anonymous said...


Paranoid much? Train wrecks, crane collapses---I can ALMOST see terrorism there, but wildfires? Give me a break. I suppose that hurricanes and tornadoes are the work of terrorists, too?

Anonymous said...

Senator Obama is not a muslim. That is one of those silly lies people put out that is not true and some people hope stick.

It's like Westmoreland calling the man "uppity" which is a poorly veiled racial slur.

Anonymous said...

Iraqis are not fighting us. It is the insurgents from Iran, Al Qaida(pooor spelling), and Syria along with Afganistan and Pakistan. They came into Iraq and forced most people to help them fight thru intimidation and torture. Iraq wants to be free and want us there to protect them. They are allowing us to use Iraq as a base for operations in Afganistan. This country is invaluable for the future of our country. It is smack in the middle of the above mentioned countries. Militarily it is the best place for us to launch operations and bring stability to a region that not only do we have an economic interest in, but also a military interest in. Just like when we captured Germany and Japan, we left troops in thereever since. We helped them rebuild into great democracies. They are allies with us against all that is bad in this world. When we stabilize Iraq, democracy and freedom will take hold and this will soon spread to the surrounding countries. People will want freedom themselves after they see how good it can be. Iran and Syria, Afganistan and Pakistan will fall in and develope into an area of freedom and democracy. That is why the fight is so hard. Some people are trying to hold on to a life that has been going on since the beginning. The control of people, the suffering of woman and children will be replace with equality. Just like England wanted to "hold on" to there way of ruling, so is the Muslim Extremists. It literally is a fight to the death for them. A death to the way of life they have now. Humans naturally resist change because of the unkown. That's why it is so important for our future. We need oil to be stable. We need to create jobs for the people living there so they have a commitment every day. Right now, with unemployment so high, people are just sitting around. That's why it is so easy to recruit. It gives them something to do. You won't see anything like that here. Why? Because we have to go to work. We don't have time to organize against what we beliebe is wrong. We don't want to waist our vacation time marching on Washington to speak up for things we believe. Just give us a job, video games and sports and we're happy.

thomas augustus littleton said...

annon 7:08,
I do not hate Mr. Obama. I think he is a smart man and a good family man.

I think as president he would be an abominatiom.

I do not lie about Obama. I read his words, combine them with his actions and associations. I am free, as you are, to interpret those words and actions. I just do it with supreme accuracy:)

I'm not sure I ever said Barak Hussein Obama, Jr. is a Muslim.
I don't know if he is or not. I am absolutely certain that his father and step dad were. His earliest childhood training was Islamic.
I think this well known axiom may be true about Barak Hussein Obama, Sr. & Barak Hussein Obama, Jr. "The apple does not fall far from the tree!"

I sincerely believe that, considering the nature of our mortal enemies, Radical Islam, Obama's Muslim heritage, is potentially too dangerous for anyone who would be president our nation. Combine this with his long association with, "God Damn America," Wright and friendship with terrorist, William Ayers, and I sincerely belive, that while I do NOT hate Obama, he is not fit to be our president. Along with Mrs. Clinton, I laugh at and mock his messianic rhetoric. I, also, agree with Mrs. Clinton that, in the general election, "he can't win."


thomas augustus littleton said...

anon 8:34
Understanding, Grasshopper,understanding!
There was no Country that attacked us! 9/11 was supported by all of radical Islam. Thanks to President Clinton's weak responses to terrorism, President Bush had to prove to these dogs that we would pay any price and make any sacrifice to destroy them if they attacked us again. We could have spent all our resources in Afghanistan, but that wouldn't have worried many of their neighbors. Since it wasn't any one country that attacked, but the ideology and violence of the whole region, we were free to pick a hostile nation that would send the biggest message to all of radical, terrorist Islam! Iraq was a perfectly legitimate target!

Sending a message to Radical Islam:
Now instead of concentrating on Afghanistan, attacking a country with a more concentrated population & leveling the ancient city of Babylon, that's the way to send a message to our enemies in the region!

I would have preferred to crush or vaporize Iran. They have had it coming since 1979! They have only gotten worse and much more dangerous since then. Perhaps, they can be next if we are attaced by Muslims again:)

Yes, it is always sad when our patrtiots have to die defending our country. But why did you not admit that it was the weaknes of President Clinton's respone to 8 years of Muslim attacks that gave our enemies the AUDACITY of hope to perpetrate 9/11. So the blame for making the war and deaths of our soldiers necessary to falls on Clinton's weakness, not Bush's strength. TAL

Anonymous said...

Where were you on that September morning when we were being attacked? Once it was known who was behind the attack what was your first thought? Certainly you weren't thinking the US Government should go and sit down to have a chat with Osama Bin Laden. I am willing to bet it was the same thought millions of Americans had running through their minds. KILL THE BASTARDS!. How many of you were wondering what was taking Bush so long to blow them off the globe? How many of you sat in front of your TV's watching the Shock and Awe event? How many of you were cheering as the bombs bursted on Iraqi soil?

Cut the crybaby blues, this is war. Bin Laden bit off more than he could chew and he knows it. This country is doing exactly what it should be doing, fighting a war to keep our country and it's citizens safe.

More bull you all need to cut. McCain is not the first to cut VA benefits. The services at the VA have dwindled annually since the 70's and more than likely before that. Benefits to dependents of retired military have been cut dramatically. Don't blame McCain for something that has been done by Dems and Repubs alike, it's been going on for years. There was a time when veterans and retired military were taken care of for their service to their country. Now all we take care of are those with their hands out and those with deep pockets.

Anonymous said...

Iraq was many bad things before 9/11, but one thing it most assuredly was not was a haven of Islamic extremism! See, that is where a little more knowledge would have helped out Mr Bush and everyone else. Saddam Hussein was a very, very bad man and he needed to be taken out. But he did not allow Islamic extremism to breed in his country (it would have been a natural check to his power). The Islamic extremists in Iraq by and large came AFTER Saddam was toppled. Even the Bush administration acknowledges this! They arose in the vacuum of power that emerged as the US badly mishandled the first year of the war. If the US really wanted to punish Islamic extremists, they would have hammered Afghanistan the hardest, Iran second, and then maybe Iraq third (although the Sudan seems like a pretty good place to go if you want to nail burgeoning terrorism). The facts are clear for Iraq--Islamic extremists migrated to Iraq in droves after the US arrived, not before.

Anonymous said...


Are you a total moron? How many Iraqis were on those planes? Is Bin Laden an Iraqi? Do you even know? here's the answer: NO IRAQIS were involved in 9/11. NONE! I was all for nailing these guys in Afghanistan, and we still to this day have done almost nothing to Saudi Arabia--the birthplace of the majority of those involved in 9/11 and Osama bin Laden. geez, I thought everyone knew that by now. you want revenge for 9/11? Bomb the snot out of Saudi Arabia. But Saudi Arabia "didn't try to kill my dad," as GWB noted. That's the real reason the US invaded--a son trying to out-do his father. What a waste.

thomas augustus littleton said...

Anon 1:03,

11:58 is pretty much right on target. He seems to have a much firmer grasp on reality than you.

Try to elevate your mind to a higher level than knowledge, strive for understanding of that knowledge.

Mecca is in Saudi Arabia, 95% of Saudi Arabians are our mortal enemies, and war with them is inevitable, but not now! Their leadership is playing ball with us and our energy needs. The terrorists were Islamic fundamentalist, Saudi Arabians who would also kill their own leaders.
If the populace ever gets control of Saudia Arabia, WWIII begins the next day!

So, it would be cutting our own throat to attack Saudia Arabia under the current conditions.

Someone had to be made an example of what would happen if Muslim terrorists from anywhere in that region attacked us again. Our history with Iran and Iraq in the last 30 years made one of them the perfect, long standing enemy of America to attack! Personally, I would have crushed or vaporized Iran, but I'm fine with Iraq.

Any questions about understanding vs. just knowledge, Grasshopper?

Anonymous said...

What a lame answer--Saudi Arabia is full of really bad guys that we will get to eventually, but even though Iraq did not have radical Muslims in large numbers, they deserved to be attacked anyway. Here's where you are wrong--you should have knowledge to get to understanding. GWB has very little knowledge, and you are arguing that knowledge doesn't really matter, as long as understanding is there. Huh?

Anonymous said...

Bill Clinton tried several times to take out Bin Laden. I can remember Rush Limbaugh, at the time, accusing Clinton of making a "Boogeyman" out of Bin Laden in an attempt to distract Americans from the more important matter of Monica Lewinsky.

Responses welcome.

thomas augustus littleton said...

Lesser men need knowledge to try achieve understanding. But true understanding has little to do with the illusury events we accept as knowledge. True understanding can only be obtained though revelation to the intellect, independent of what the senses tell us.....are Einstein, the Apostle Paul, and Plato not understood even today?
Go in peace, Grasshoppers:)

Anonymous said...

Barack Obama is not a Muslim. His comment about "standing with the Muslims" referenced terror and religious bigotry going insane in our country, like the mosques of Muslims in this country being vandalized and Muslims (not extremists any more than you or I) being beaten and harassed.

That was NOT one of our nation's proudest moments. In fact, it reminded me of the early German actions against the Jews.

Don't get me wrong. I still love America, but let's face it, it doesn't always do the right thing by its citizens, like when Japanese-Americans were put in concentration camps.

The hatred that comes out of the comments on this blog against other Americans is truly frightening.

Joe, I'm REALLY disappointed that you are feeding this. You work so hard to shine light on doings in Salisbury, but you let the stupidest lies (Palin got more votes as Mayor than Biden did for president -- c'mon, you know that isn't true) and just downright horrible things through (on both sides, but this "hate all Muslims, all blacks are lazy welfare suckers, etc., etc." stuff)...

I'm just REALLY bummed that you have let this blog go to that.

Anonymous said...


The Obama apple did fall far from the tree -- Jr., unlike Sr., stayed by his wife and is raising his children.

If you will smear Obama with Rev. Wright, who invoked God on the country for its injustices, then by golly, smear Sarah Palin with HER pastor's that God will damn the country for its sins (not injustices, sins). Or with her church's welcoming of the Anti-Semite Jews for Jesus leader who said all of Israel's woes were due to those Jews not accepting Jesus as their savior.

"He who judges but will not apply the same standards to his own is all that he condemns." -- Unknown

Anonymous said...


comprehend much?
"Imagine if a wildfire had been..."
Key, here IMAGINE IF.

Anonymous said...

ummm . . . how do you know about Plato without knowledge of Plato's arguments? That is just like GWB's infamous look deep into Putin's eyes to "understand" that he was a good guy. Maybe if GWB used a little "knowledge," which you disparage, he would have known that once a KGB man, always a KGB man. The dumbing down of America is certainly evident here, where facts seem to be treated as illusory. Remember, Plato said the philosopher king was supposed to come back and tell people that the shadows were not real!

thomas augustus littleton said...

anon 10:59,
Grashopper, Grasshopper:)
"Anti Semite Jews for Jesus?" Now there's a contradiction in terms:)
Messianic Jews, like Christians,
believe that Jesus is the Messiah.
That certainly doesn't make them anti-semitic! They love fellow Jews and Israel; they very fundamentally disagree about Jesus being the Messiah! You should note that JESUS, himself, wasn't a christian! Jesus was a Jew!
He lived his life as a Jew and died proclaiming that he was the fulfillmen of the JEWISH religion.
Most Jews didn't and don't believe that; Messianic Jews do.

I previously wrote that Obama was a smart man and a good family man.
BUT I think he is a living branch of his father when it comes to religion. His incorrect "quess" at how many states are in the United States, was not an stupid, innocent, wrong "guess" at all! It reflects Muslim teaching about the U.S.!

I've heard many preachers lament that God would punish a sinful nation. I've never, EVER, before Wright, seen one act as an insane cheer leader, screaming engouragement for God to, well, "God DAMN America," I spit in Wright's face and call him and any one who sat in his racist church for 20 years a TRAITOR!

There is a huge difference between preaching that God will punish the wicked, And screaming, God Damn America!" while slapping hands with cheering demons behind him on the platform! If you would read Wright's church's written code of standards, you would see that it is very racist. A white candidate could never have been a long standing member of a church with the the same standards being applied to whites!

As for your quote: I have a question.

How is it that America and the Democratic party judged for the last few decades that Senator Byrd wasn't a viable candidate for president or vice president because of past racist associations, but did not pass the same fair judgement on Obama?

thomas augustus littleton said...


I have read Plato's arguments for the last 40 years. I never tire of them. I admit that I am only a simple plebian who needed to be taught how to look beyond the shadows of perception, seek enlightenment & revelation, and see things in their true form.

Anonymous said...


I’ve been to the church’s website. There is no need for you to do what you normally do and pull out sections (or make them up) and claim that the church is full of racist. No part of anything on the church’s website is anti-white. The church is however, unapologetically pro-black though. That doesn’t make it racist; it just makes you scared. Black people actually supporting black causes, the black community and even black candidates. I’m sure that makes your knees shake a little. This country still needs to shake off the remaining entrenched vestiges of racism. Just because a large number of black congregate together and they don’t think like you do, doesn’t mean they are EVIL.

Are you nervous when your local Jewish synagogue supports the Jewish community or “Jewish” causes or Israel? And how do you feel about your local Korean church. No? Gee I wonder why.

As for the so-called "Muslim" training, you continue to preach that line time and time again. It is old and easily debunked. Just because you type it every time you post on this blog does not make it true. It is not. You don’t have to look it up for me I have done that myself. He is Christian.

As for Senator Obama misspeaking on the number of states. Please! You can do better than that with you conspiracy theories. There are a million of YouTube videos showing a million people flubbing lines and saying something incredibly dumb. So what does that prove? It proves they misspoke. Everyone makes these mistakes; no matter what the subject. Unless you think you are perfect?

As for the whole world wide view of a possible Obama administration, I’ve heard interesting things on both sides of the issues. Many are saying that now they will see if America will finally practice what it preaches.

I may be a moron sir, but I can tell a LYING RASCIST each and every time. Fear will do that to you. Keep trying though; I am quite sure someone is going to believe you. Although it looks like you are annoying more and more.


Anonymous said...

7:37 Just to set something straight this did NOT start with Clinton. It started with CARTER in 1979. Everything since can be linked back there.

Anonymous said...

it all started with the ottamon empire. if it is americas job to protect people of the world from tyranny, why have we not helped the blacks in africa? because they are black and have no oil. because they do not control the media or the banks.(who controls the news and the money?). the worlds been here before.

Mardela said...

Have any of the commentors here ever been in the recent wars? Have you ever been to the area you try to speak about? I have.
The reason we invaded Iraq was not in response to the attacks of 9/11. It was because Iraq failed to follow UN resolutions. Intelligence reports suggested that Saddam was trying to aquire wmd's and or nuclear weapons. We were flying constantly over Iraq ever since the first Gulf War. The US was very concerned that we were open for attack from anywhere and Iraq, not following the UN resolutions, not allowing UN inspectors, looked and acted like it was hiding weapons and was ready to attack us in some way. That's why we invaded. That's why we removed Saddam. In the past when countries were freed, they welcomed Americans with open arms. These people were too scared because they're neighbors were very bad people and had infiltrated the country. To think they were not there before us is to be ingnorant. That's like saying there aren't any people in America ready to attack from within. Of course they are here. Just waiting for their oppertunity. So it was in Iraq.
What we expected from Iraq, is the same thing we got from Germany, Japan and other countries before. We thought that after the big celebration, we would help rebuild them and them keep some bases there to which keep security and launch further operations into Afganistan and other places. It is a great place to be strategically. Turkey was giving us a hard time with flying over them from Italy to launch missions. Saudi Arabia wasn't secure enough to launch operations from there either. Iraq was perfect.
Now, after the topple of Saddam, the country did nothing that was expected. I ran, Syria and other countries knew that giving America a stronghold there was going to jeapordize the hold they had on that regeion. They were and are litteraly fighting for their way of life. So now we had to fight them in Iraq. Yes AlQuaida was there. Yes Iran and Syria was there. But with the continued will and support of our country, we are winning and will secure the freedom and security of the Iraqi people. It's a win, win for all, execpt the bad guys.
But what do I know, I was only there. Were you?

Anonymous said...

You know, it gets a bit tiring watching people fire the "where were YOU on 9/11?" argument back and forth. You know what, I was actually at the Pentagon that morning, and I still say Iraq should have never happened. Wrong target.

Anonymous said...

Guess what? The sanctions in Iraq WERE working. Evidence? Where are the WMD's? Answer: he got rid of them in part because of the sanctions. And Palin seems to think we invaded Iraq because of 9/11, since that is what she said yesterday. Bin Laden and the vast majority of the 9/11 idiots were Saudi Arabians. So why didn't we attack Saudi Arabia, which continues to host some of the most virulent anti-American psychopaths to this very day? The answer rhymes with boil.

thomas augustus littleton said...

"God Damn America!" (Rev. Wright), while slapping hands with cheering traitors to America behind him on the platform! This racist joke was Obama's pastor of 20 years:)

"always support the black candidate in any political race" That's not racist? Well if it's good for the goose, I guess Rev. Racist Wright's message is also for whites to always vote for the white candidate in elections, if so...bye, bye obimination of the Obamanation:)

Anonymous said...

Yes Iraq should have happened. Hussein was killing children & women. That's enough right there to fight regardless of WMD or not. The best thing out of the War was the death of Hussein.

thomas augustus littleton said...

To those who e-mail me and ask these questions:
Why do you keep talking about Grasshoppers?
Are you high?

No, I do not use drugs:)
Do you not remember, at the Shaolin Temple, when the blind Master PO asked young Kwai Chang Cain about the grasshopper at his feet. Qwai Chang was astonished as he hadn't noticed the grasshopper. "How is it, Master PO, that you know the grasshopper is at my feet?) Master Po smiled and patiently replied, "How is it that you do not? Do you not have EYES and ears?"
From then on, Shaolin Master PO always fondly called Kwai Chang Cain "Grasshopper."
I, patiently & fondly, use the name, Grasshopper, for those I encounter who aren't stupid but don't yet have ears:) Those who are just stupid, I cannot accept as, my Grasshopper:)
Don't use drugs, and go in peace, Grasshoppers:)

Anonymous said...

12:17 PM, Where else should we go, then? Darfur? The Congo? Georgia? We don't like Hugo Chavez either.

Iraq was hand picked for regime change and 9/11 was the red herring.

thomas augustus littleton said...

Anon 12:25,

No, Grasshopper, IRAN:)

Anonymous said...

We get it, moved this up from before for repeat visibility.

McCain has repeatedly voted against support for our troops, over there and upon their return. Look it up. Obama has voted to support them.

With McCain and Palin, our military is going to be stretched even thinner than the are now, placing their lives at even greater risk.

My military family will be voting Obama/Biden. Service should never mean needless risk for our brave men and women.

Anonymous said...

Palin seems to think we should go to Georgia to fight the Russians. If McCain wins the election, I will be sending vitamins to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Anonymous said...

Anon 149 It might please you to know I do not keep moving anything up. I posted it once, period. Not that it matters, I think everyone should see it at least twice.