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Friday, September 12, 2008

Just What Is the "Bush Doctrine"

Gov. Palin was on the mark when she asked that smug TV anchor, Gibson, to specify what he was asking about in his question about the "Bush Doctrine". Here's a discussion of that term from an independent source, and it was written prior to the interview:

President Bush decided soon after the 9/11 attacks that the proper response was not just military attacks against Al Qaeda bases, but deposing the Taliban altogether and installing in their place a U.S.-friendly government. This presented a foreign-policy challenge, since it was not the Taliban that had initiated the attacks, and there was no evidence that they had any foreknowledge of the attacks. In an address to the nation on the evening of September 11, Bush stated his resolution of the issue by declaring that "we will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them."

Later, two distinct schools of thought arose in the Bush Administration regarding the question of how to handle countries such as Iraq, Iran, and North Korea ("Axis of Evil" states). Secretary of State Colin Powell and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, as well as US Department of State specialists, argued for what was essentially the continuation of existing US foreign policy. These policies, developed after the Cold War, sought to establish a multilateral consensus for action (which would likely take the form of increasingly harsh sanctions against the problem states, summarized as the policy of containment). The opposing view, argued by Vice President Dick Cheney, then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and a number of influential Department of Defense policy makers such as Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle, held that direct and unilateral action was both possible and justified and that America should embrace the opportunities for democracy and security offered by its position as sole remaining superpower. President Bush ultimately sided with the Department of Defense camp, and their recommendations.

These principles are sometimes referred to as the Bush Doctrine although the term is often used to describe other elements of Bush policy and is not universally recognized as the single concept. Among the signers of PNAC's original Statement of Principles were a number of people who later gained high positions in the Bush administration, including Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Perle.

The Bush Doctrine covers a wide aspect of concepts - usually focused on various policies. They may include: champion aspirations for human dignity, strengthen alliances to defeat global terrorism and work to prevent attacks against the US and its friends, work with others to defuse regional conflicts, prevent the enemies of the US from threatening it, its allies and friends with weapons of mass destruction, ignite a new era of global economic growth through free markets and free trade, expand the circle of development by opening societies and building the infrastructure of democracy, and develop agendas for cooperative action with the other main centers of global power.

That term has no precise or generally understood meaning, Mr. Gibson. And if you have any sense you won't ask Joe Biden to define it, because he may never stop talking.


paz said...

Well imho she should have directly asked. She stumbled through saying something about how she thinks we all make mistakes and such. And Gibson then clarifys the Bush Doctrine. If shes going to be the vp she should understand the concept. I mean she is right next to Russia.

Anonymous said...

Nice try, G.A. I have no problem with Palin asking Gibson to be more specific. But it was obvious she really didn't know what he was talking about it.

You'd have to have had Republican blinders on not to see it.

Oh. That's right. You do.

Anonymous said...

She was clueless. Even you Palin supporters have to admit that she is in no way prepared to be president of the United States. I seriously think she doesn't understand what NATO is, and that is pretty scary.

Anonymous said...

there is no Bush Doctrine. That is a term made up by the media. If Palin didnt know its probably because she has better things to do than listen to the media whose primary function seems to be bash Bush at every oppurtunity and praise the community organizer. Palin has really gotten into you guys head hasnt she.

Kris said...

How is this woman at all capable of being the VP of this nation? Is everyone in Salisbury blind, or do you simply back a candidate because of what party they stand for? She can see Russia from the coast of Alaska, and that is the EXTENT of her dealings with ANY foreign power. Palin is simply ready and WILLING to push the red button and create war on all major super powers, with no grounds at all.

Anonymous said...

SMUG Charlie Gibson????

Please, he was a creme puff. Give me a break. She is simply not qualified. Period.

paz said...

If your gonna be the VP I'm sure you should be well versed in the topics that you are saying are a Mission from God. I'm not a governor but I think that the "Bush Doctrine" may fall under that category. Now granted it may not be an "Official" term. But...look up the "National Security Strategy of the United States" and you'll see what the "Bush Doctrine" has come to be. Its a collection of previous "doctrine" and Bush's ideas/doctrine (being the main point in his mission from god) that are the guidelines for disposing of threats to democracy and threats that may not be immediate to the US. Wait why am I talking about all this. Sarah should be teaching me.


Anonymous said...

Her blank look when Gibson asked her if she supported teh Bush doctrine was priceless. The she ways the classisc, "well, which aspect are you referring to?" because she had no idea what he was talking about. Then Gibson cut her huge slack by telling her what the Bush doctrine was. you could see the relief on her face as she finally figured out what to say. Look, this isn't a "gotcha" moment when they ask something dumb like "who is the prime minister of Tajikistan?" I would have nailed that question easily, and I am not a candidate for vp. In all seriousness, i want my president and my vp to be better informed than me. She is less informed. She is not ready to be a heartbeat away from the presidency, and somewhere deep inside you Republicans know it. Please, for once, set aside partisan politics and don't help us put another Dan Quayle in the vice presidency--this time there is a real chance the president will not be able to serve out the full 4 years, and we cannot have Palin be the president. We simply cannot.

thomas augustus littleton said...

Bush's foreign policy doctrine?
Stomp a Muslim country's ass after 9/11. Result: no more 9/11's for 7 years.
Pretty effective I'd say!
MCCain/Palin for a safer America:)

Anonymous said...

At age 35 was Jack Kennedy prepared to have a show down with the Soviet Union during the Cuban missle crisis? I doubt it. They backed off too.

National defense is why we have a Pentagon full of brass to make those kind of decisions. Bush still can't say nuclear and you want to take shots at Palin?

Anonymous said...

The "doctrine" of Bush is some label made up by the MSM. She had every expectation for Charlie to be more specific. The first words out of my mouth would have been, "...about what?"
You couldn't tell what he meant by what he said. AND, if he had spoken more softly, we would have to have our CC, SAP turned on. This was on purpose, so she'd have to Lean towards him to hear him. Then her "posture" could be analyzed.
And YES, I know ALL the tricks AND AM REALLY FED UP with the media!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would have looked Gibson in the eye & flat out lied!
You must give her credit for saying what's on her mind.
NOT to forget, EVERY question was "loaded" and NO ONE, especially BHO, can answer with ALL the RIGHT answers.
That's why they have hordes of advisors CONSTANTLY briefing and updating the elected ones.
Did you see BHO on O'Reily?
He was pathetic, this "great orator". All he could do was say "Wait a minute, Bill" and NEVER completed a thought to the finish...this "great orator".

Anonymous said...

Spin it all you want...she was fishing because she didn't have a clue was he was referring.

The average voter may not know what the Bush Doctrine is.

But someone wanting to be a heartbeat away from leader of the free world sure as hell ought to know!

Apparently, Karl Rove didn't help her cram for exams adequately. Or maybe he did and we're just seeing why Sarah Palin went through 5 colleges in 6 six years (or was it 6 college in 5 matter...McCain and Palin lie, so I can be forgiven if I got the numbers backward).

I was willing to give her a chance, Joe. I USED to respect McCain. I wanted him over Bush in 2000.

But now with more information, I know they are both just a couple of politically ambitious liars, short on brains, just like Dubya. And that moron has wrecked this country. He earned his horrible approval rating, every point of it.

Anonymous said...

and osama obama knows there are really fifty-seven states!

big difference in explaining a bush doctrine and even a third grader knows there are only fifty states