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Friday, September 12, 2008

Local Gas Price Gouging


Have you looked at the price gouging going on in SBY today with gas prices? In Hebron, gas went from $3.35 to $3.51 between 10:00 and 11:00. I know there is IKE in the Gulf but you can't tell me that the gas in their tanks is any more money now than when it was this morning.

Isn't there a law against this?

What a shame.


Anonymous said...

The gas in Nanticoke is $3.75!
Now , that's is GOUGING.

Anonymous said...

Yes and today, oil dropped below $100.00 a barrel for the first time in over 5 months. Go figure. It is the same crap every year, gas goes up during the spring and summer, then drops in the fall and winter. However it has to drop in the winter so they can raise our heating oil, propane, etc products.

Anonymous said...

yeah gas at the 83rd st royal farms in oc went up 10 cents over night hmmmm lets gouge the bikers what a freaking crock of sh!t...

Anonymous said...

boycott the ones taking advantage of us all, dont buy anything from them and pass the word. Gas is way cheaper in other staes like PA, we have a port right here in sby where fuel tankers come and go daily....stop buy'n from stores that abuse their customers....if all or most of their customers stop purchasing anything from them for a month....they'd think twice next time there is a crisis!!

Anonymous said...

you people are like an abused woman, you keep takin it on the chin and scream rape....put you keep goin back.....idiots!

Anonymous said...

You may want to check the rack prices and their movement over the last 24 hours at Cato Oil Company.

Anonymous said...

The station in Nanticoke didn't
raise their price , they have been
at $3.75 for a while. That is Bull

Anonymous said...

"Gouging" does not mean paying more than you'd like to pay. If gas isn't worth that amount of money to you, don't buy it. Station owners set their prices based on supply and demand. If they think that they are going to have to pay a lot more for future gallons of gas, they are going to raise their prices. If demand drops, they will lower their prices. It's simple economics.

Anonymous said...

Live in Northern VA... then you'll see how good your "high" prices are.

Anonymous said...

ride a bicycle and quit might help with that beer gut you are probably sportin'

joe albero said...

Hey, I resemble that remark! LOL

Anonymous said...

My brother called me in Alabama and his father in law owns a gas station and said that gas is about to go up to 5.00 a gallon!
He is ordering more gas for his stations in AL and his paying $4.00 a gallon.

Daddio said...

I noticed that many of the local Valero stations raised their prices by almost 20 cents per gallon today.

I seem to remember that their main terminals and refinery operations were based on the Gulf coast right in the path of IKE.

While the storm has not yet made landfall (as of this writing), those operations have been shut down out of necessity, due to mandatory evacuations.

With a good percentage of the supply disrupted, with all other factors being equal, the market will see increases in prices.

Whether those price increases will hold is up to the market.

IF folks refuse to patronize stations that implement price hikes such as this, those stations will have to lower their prices in order to entice folks to buy their product again.

Simple laws of economics.

I am not saying I like this, only that I understand the market forces that drive such price spikes.

I dare say that some greed has to be factored in on the part of either the wholesalers or retailers as they seem to look for any excuse to jack the prices up, and this seems to be it. As someone else stated, the gas already in the tanks in the ground have not seen any disruption in the supply lines.

I did fill up my tank at a local Shell station for $3.35 a gallon today, much lower than the higher prices posted at places like Valero or Citgo.

Anonymous said...

Hey 5:02 pm , didn't mean to hurt your feelings , your right it is simple economics . If your the only gas station in 17 miles
then you can screw the customer.
Welcome to Nanticoke.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet those price-gouging station owners will be supporting the McCain/Palin ticket.

Anonymous said...

How much gas can they sell down in Nanticoke? You should be thankful there is a gas staion down there at all. I used to live on Jesterville Rd. so I'm not knocking you for living down there it's nice. But really, do you actually think that the owner of that station is making a fortune?

Not much thru traffic down thar ya know, Waterview and Stump Point is the end of the road Jack!

Anonymous said...

Why would gas station owners want to support McCain-Palin? They want to drill so that prices will go down. Obama-Biden would be the pick if an oilman wanted us to stay depending on foriegn oil at higher prices.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy and Kim don't care what you think about the prices. They know people have no other choice but to pay down there. If you think gas is high, let him work on your car he'll not only screw up your car he'll charge you double or triple what it would cost in town. They haven't had a mechanic since Bobby Joseph and the business has gone to hell without him and Miss Jenny.

Anonymous said...

Small world, I used to bowl duckpins w/ Bobby Joe in the league at Wicomico Lanes. Good grief that was over 20 years ago!

Anonymous said...

5:41 & 8:04
You are more than welcome to make sure you have everything you need before you come home, including gas, you pass by several other stores before you get here. The Wade family are some of the best people I have ever know in my life and if you are from Nanticoke, you already know this, so quit crying.

Anonymous said...

906 you know what the Wade family wants you to know. I've lived down here all my life, I know them and know them well. I know how they treated Miss Jenny when they fired her and she is the sister to Charlotte Wade, Jims wife. I know they ran Bobby Joseph off when they fired his wife for no good reason other than young Jimmy and Kim didn't want her there. You can't tell me nothing about the Wades, I know them and their secrets.

Anonymous said...

cIt is just simple economics.

As far you guys saying members of the republican party are the ones who will raise the oil prices. Let me give a little piece of information. George W. Bush's approval rating is pretty much based on gas princes. Gas prices go up, his approval rating goes down. Gas prices go down, his approval goes up. That is a proven fact, GOOGLE IT! :)

Anonymous said...

I noticed while driving thru Harrington down to Salis. yesterday that is was only the Valero stations that went up .15 to .20 cents yesterday. Funny you can drive 1 mile and 3 other stations didnt touch their prices.