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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Pretty Soon You'll Need To Give A Deposit On Shopping Carts!

While I see shopping carts being used all over the City of Salisbury, they had to come from some local store, right? I mean, it's not like there's a local Distributor selling Grocery Carts like there are used Golf Carts!

Maybe they're returned at the end of the day, right?


Anonymous said...

Recycling nat its finest..the carts are merely borrowed.

Anonymous said...

joe, those shopping carts cost from 3 to 5 hundred dollars apiece. the food store lease them. the ones that areBORROWED never find their way back. look what this does to the price of your food.
thanks sjd

Anonymous said...

at least their trying to work.

Anonymous said...

Last week on my way behind walmart they had a TON of the old shopping carts just sitting out back. Seems they have gotten all new carts at the Salisbury Walmart so maybe they are giving away the old ones for free....... YEAH RIGHT!

Anonymous said...

I think that might be Von Siggers with the white hat on. LOL! Now we know where she has been hiding.

co3153 said...

I found a cart at the edge of my property and called the store which owned the cart. The person I spoke with had no desire to come and get the cart. The store was 200 yards away. I then called back and spoke with the manager saying that I was holding his cart for ransom. He called the police and tried to charge me with extortion. The police came and told me I had to return the cart. By this time I was throughly pissed. I tried to do the right thing and the store did not have enough gumption to have one of their pimple faced kids to walk over and get the cart. By the way the cart was removed by a lady who was walking to the store. She told me that when she was in the store, one of the clerks accussed her of stealing the cart. Not even a thank you for returning the cart.

Wymzie said...

When we lived in Los Angeles we would see shopping carts all over the place. Homeless people using them, in alley ways where someone had walked their groceries home and just left it outside.
There were also people who collected the shopping carts in the back of their pickup trucks and returned them to the appropriate stores, as most have the stores name on the handle. The stores in LA would offer a $20. bounty for each cart.
This was a great business for someone willing to hustle. Additionally it was seemingly unregulated and it was more than likely all cash.
If this becomes a problem in Salisbury, the grocers might want to consider offering a couple of bucks for the return of their carts.
I'm sure they aren't cheap to replace.

Anonymous said...

At least they ar doing what Barrie can't get her employees to do! They should be getting paid for their services!! (HAHA)