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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wicomico County Council - Red Herrings on Parade

You should make a point of tuning into today's Wicomico County Council meeting. Key vote - a resolution to petition the legislature for a referendum to abolish the county dispensary.

Expect a barrel of red herrings to be dumped in the council chambers - especially if County Executive Rick Pollitt makes an appearance. Regardless, Councilman Bill McCain will enhance the stink quotient:
  • What are we going to do about the dispensary employees who would lose their jobs? Since when was government employment a right?
  • We have to look at the social aspects. We can't have a liquor store on every corner. The ultimate red herring. Do you honestly think we can sell that much retail liquor in Wicomico County?
  • We can't rush into these things (Rick Pollitt's favorite line). Who's rushing in? Councilwoman Stevie Prettyman has been advocating against the current corrupt and archaic system since 1999. The bottom line is that a certain political party can't grasp the concept of private enterprise being able to do a better job than government at most things.
I'm sure that it will be entertaining to say the least. 1930's ideas defending a 1930's institution.

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings


Anonymous said...

lly, this is a "double feature" day at the County Council.

The agenda has Maryland's "Director of Planning (Richard Hall) scheduled to tell us why prohibiting subdivisions in the ag zones won't reduce the price of the land.

Anonymous said...

wish i could go, either way it's going to smell like dead fish in there today

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the fat lady has sung. The republicans didn't get to raise our taxes.

Anonymous said...

The council never had any jurisiction. All Prettyman did was waste thousands of taxpayer dollars to stir up a hornets nest with no bees in it. She wanted it her way. Not what the law said. She didn't know the law, all she got was info. from her sources, which were wrong. So she'll have to wait awhile for that liquor store she so desires, or move.
Who was it, mike somebody? Guess he better put his blueprints for his store away for awhile also..

joe albero said...

anonymous 12:19, come on now. Your statement is completely out of line, seriously. Stevie Prettyman has absolutely NO interest in owning any Liquor Store. You challenge her source, I now challenge yours.

Be man enough to use your name, while Stevie Prfettyman has been open by using hers. What's the matter, can't man up to a woman?

Put your seatbelt on because the ride isn't over, IMO.