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Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain Chooses Woman As Running Mate

McCain picks Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska as running mate. More to come.


Anonymous said...

She was a runner-up in the Miss Alaska competition... McCain should have no problem urging her to compete in next years Miss Buffalo Chip Pageant at Sturgis.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

It's McCain, not Macane

Anonymous said...

Good choice and easy on the eyes.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

11:04 AM

Hey anonymous BOZO what's your point? Is this supposed to be dirt on our first female VP.

Get a clue you liberal asshole, this is a desperate attempt at character assassination.

Anonymous said...


I think he's playing off McCain's old age...

Anonymous said...

BOZO? After all of the racist, untrue, anti-Obama smears that I've seen clowns on this blog post I thought that I'd simply point out the fact that this lady is currently under investigation in her own state.

Just making a point. Lighten up.

Anonymous said...

Is this supposed to be dirt on our first female VP.

BTW- She's not VP yet. She's certainly not the first female VP candidate either.

Anonymous said...

I think McBUSH just burried himself...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
BOZO? After all of the racist, untrue, anti-Obama smears that I've seen clowns on this blog post I thought that I'd simply point out the fact that this lady is currently under investigation in her own state.

Just making a point. Lighten up.

11:40 AM

Look Bozo I agree with 11:25 your smear attempt is petty, very petty and will never compare to the dirt that is out on your racist, muslim terrorist Obama. Yes he is a racist and hates white people and denounces the white race. How can he claim to be a black American or and African American when he is biracial.

Your support for someone of Obama's character is proof that you are extremely gullible and misguided. Are you ready to drink your Kool Aid.

Anonymous said...

I think mcCain just shot himself in the foot!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Is this supposed to be dirt on our first female VP.

BTW- She's not VP yet. She's certainly not the first female VP candidate either.

11:42 AM

ooooh.... look who is running scared now. Does a female in power intimidate you? ROTFLMAO

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I think McBUSH just burried himself...

11:45 AM

Anonymous said...
I think mcCain just shot himself in the foot!!!

11:50 AM

Male Chauvinist Pig

Anonymous said...

he just put obama in the white house, what a dumbass.

Anonymous said...

Do you people have jobs?
Between listening to Rush Limbaugh and reading this blog, you must be exhausted.
McCain is dead.
If you don't like Obama, go live somewhere else.
(God, how I love throwing this stuff back!)

Anonymous said...

haha... whata joke pick.

Honestly, does it seem that McCain is "following the leader" and goes the other direction by picking a female?

MSNBC just makes positive spins about her having 5 kids... like that means SO much.

McCain is finished. She has zero foreign policy experience.

Anonymous said...

McCain and Hillary are actually friends. she sold McCain on the idea so that Obama wont win and Hillary can run 4 years from now.

xploded said...

Why did this pick just put Obama in the White House?
Other than Mitt Romney this is the best choice he could make. Are you comparing this young, exciting,honest,tough governor to ....Joe Biden ?? or even Obama??
I believe Obama is an undercover muslim lib who picked an old white guy that is an idiot.
Hey that is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Yup. Exactly where I thought that was going. She is simply a follow up to Hilary not getting the nomination.

She has 5 kids, and the oldest son will be going overseas. Also her newborn has downs syndrome which should go over well with the pro choice group.

Overall, I can see why McCain picked her. She has a feel good story... but it doesn't NOTHING for the country!!!

Anonymous said...

Xploded -

All he did was pick someone to get on the "change bandwagon". McCain had to prove it by making this selection.

He gave up a lot of valuable experience for her as VP.

Anonymous said...

Listen folks...

I think it's fantastic that McCain has chosen a woman to be his pick for VP. It should be a big day for women all around the country. I just can't believe that he overlooked over so many highly qualified women in his party and selected this untested rookie.

She's been governor of Alaska for about 18 months, and before that she was mayor of a town much smaller than Salisbury. JThere's just not a lot there to hang your hat on.

I look forward to seeing Joe Biden take her take her to school during the debates.

So much for McCain's experience argument.



p.s.- If you don't have any intelligent arguments in support of your candidate you can always feel free to hurl more obscenities my way.

Anonymous said...

This is the person one heartbeat away from being Commander-in-Chief? With a 72 year old candidate? Ha!

Anonymous said...

makes me want to bend over and beg for butter-milk.

Anonymous said...

It was the only route for McCain to go. He has to try to change the dynamic of the vote. The only way was to select a female.

Obama is the odds on favorite, and if McCain selected the best guy available, it would do nothing for him. He is better off selecting a female with not much experience (zero foreign policy).

Anonymous said...

BTW- She's not VP yet. She's certainly not the first female VP candidate either.

No, there was Geraldine Ferrare, Miss Mafia.

When will we ever be given good solid candidates. Why is it always about the Dems and Repubs? They both suck and suck at what they do. The Dems give the country away and the Repubs take it back. Is there no middle of the road compromise in this country or are we stuck with any asshole with big money behind them? Sure looks that way to me.

Anonymous said...

I personally think it's great. It's not always easy to be a woman Republican and this just shows it's not only a party of old grumpy men. It's the best way I think he could have gone.

Anonymous said...

Why does your heading have to say McCain Chooses Woman As Running Mate? Why can't it just say McCain Chooses A Running Mate?

What a bunch of backward sexist pigs there are on this blog. Remember it was a woman that nurtured you not a man. Yet you hold us in such low regard. Disgusting.

joe albero said...



Now you've pissed me off. For the many that know me personally and my upbringing, you're WAY out of line.

Now go make me a samich. LOL, just kidding.

Anonymous said...

Its 2008 people!! Why can't Palin be an effective Vice President. Its sad that the only issue the Obama camp can site is her lack of experience on foreign policy. Truth be known she has more executive experience than Obama. Those of you who support Obama, take a look at the response the Obama camp and the rest of the dems issue.

I guess if you are from a small town in America, you are not qualified to be Vice President or President, a lot of small towns around here. I guess we are not good enough either. Palin is the change that America needs, not Obama.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, less than 2 years of experience as governor of Alaska qualifies her to be 1 heartbeat away from Commander in Chief. Give me a break. I bet some of you who are all for this pick were criticizing Obama for a lack of experience. This is a total joke.

thomas augustus littleton said...

A lot of you guys need to accept the fact that a woman need not be unattractive to be intelligent. Beauty and brains are not mutually exclusive! Of course the Governor’s intelligence, integrity and ability are the only things that should matter as a political nominee. It’s quintessentially inane to use her good looks against her, just like it would be to bring up homeliness if that were the case!

Oh, and, of course, Obama’s Muslim genetic background and childhood Islamic training doesn’t constitutionally disqualify him from the American Presidency.
Our founding father’s had confidence that the majority of an informed, right thinking electorate would never be deceived into putting such a candidate at the head of our nation.

I certainly won’t risk my vote on someone who may or may not be sympathetic to our Islamic enemies. Nor can I believe that a presidential candidate wouldn’t know something about America and American History…like how many states are represented on our flag. Oh, that’ right, presidential candidate, Obama, has no use for the American Flag. If you are a Muslim or hate America, by all means vote Obama!

If you are of any other religion or non-religion and love America, even with all our problems, vote McCain/Palin:)

joe albero said...

Thomas, she's HOT! LOL

Anonymous said...

Obama/Biden ticket is officially now known as the "Backwards Ticket" Palin has more experience than Obama.

thomas augustus littleton said...

Yes, Joe, I have no argument with that assessment. The Governor has great physical beauty. If you must, she is "hot":). My argument is with those who will use that circumstance against her. Looks good or bad, sex, male or female; race, black, white or any shade in between shouldn’t matter at all.
The only things that should matter are the person’s intelligence, ability, beliefs and most of all, love of America and desire to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
It probably will surprise many to know that I think the person who best meets all these requirements is a black woman. I believe Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice would be a GREAT president. Unfortunately, her ties with the low approval rating of the current administration precluded her running for president or being a viable running mate.

Anonymous said...

i want mustard on mine.

Anonymous said...

whos madder? hillary or bill,(ha,ha,ha).

Anonymous said...

i agree with T.L., CONDY would of been a great choice. shes mentally brillant, she seems to be able to deal with all the heads of state, and she has killer outfits.

Anonymous said...

Shaking my head.

WHY does it ALWAYS come back to what a woman looks like? If she's not model material, the comments knock her looks.

If she's pretty, the guys are going "num num" and "if you don't like her, you must be an ugly woman."

As for the "experience" issue, the Republicans made an issue of it with Obama. Palin, for all her laudable accomplishments, is not experienced at a federal level. So why get upset when Democrats call her lack of experience into play?

I don't know how women stand what we say about them sometimes. The discussion always seems to get lowered to our sounding like hormonal teenage boys. Maybe I'm just getting old and overhear what gets said about my teen daughter and her friends.

Anonymous said...

Condi is Lore Chambers idol. When she grows up she wants to be her secretary.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:19 -

Why would Bill be upset? He's already figured out about a dozen ways in his head to get a hummer from her. LOL

Anonymous said...

I still think she was a good choice for VP. How about we give them a chance and hear what they have to say next week. I think we've heard enough about and from the Democrats.

A. Goetyz

Anonymous said...

If you check into story, she is the one who called the investigation on herself. Not something that one would do if it??????

thomas augustus littleton said...

If Palin can kill and eat a moose & have the courage of her convictions to bring a child that she knew would be disabled into the world. I doubt that an over the hill commie like Putin will be much of a match for her!

Delmar said...

...very petty and will never compare to the dirt that is out on your racist, muslim terrorist Obama. Yes he is a racist and hates white people and denounces the white race.

NONE OF THAT IS TRUE. Back up ANY SINGLE ONE of those ignorant statements with COLD, HARD FACT. DO IT.

I'm sorry, folks, but I've just about had it up to here with this kind of bigotry. Between the lines of every single "he's a racist!", "he's a Muslim!", "HE'S A TERRORIST!" comments is one, pure, simple subtext: YOU CAN'T BRING YOURSELF TO VOTE FOR THAT BLACK GUY. Facts, policy issues, and the future of this great nation are the basis for the kind of intelligent debate I would HOPE to see from my fellow citizens. Most of what I read on this God forsaken internet is a bunch of idiotic nonsense, propagated to scare people. When are we going to say, "enough is enough", and start educating ourselves? Are we really content to form our opinions based off of some racist chain e-mail forwarded from our Aunt Susie, which is laden with lies meant to frighten us into thinking an accomplished senator in an historic election is lurking outside our bedrooms at night with Muqtada Al-Sadr, waiting to murder our families? It's IGNORANCE.

I am a proud patriot from a long line of US Marines, and I can assure you, I don't take my vote lightly. For that very reason, I do my research, and try to cast the most informed vote I can. I just wish more of us would do the same.

Anonymous said...

Here is some non-hysterical (either way) info about her:

thomas augustus littleton said...

Champs1 said,
"accomplished senator" there are two fo those in this campaign. Mccain & Biden. Are you kidding me? Obama has done almost nothing as a senator! You're so big on research; Check the senate record!

As for Obama being a racist and sympathetic to terrorists.
"You CAN know someone by the friends they choose!"

Obama's decades long friendship with Rev. Wright and LONG membership in his racist church, and his avowed friendship with American murderer and terrorist Ayers, clearly evinces to any clear thinking American that this man, regardless of race, is NOT FIT to be dog catcher, much less president.

And don't even start your racist bullsh** about me not wanting to vote for a semi-black man! I would vote for Condolezza Rice as my first choice for president! And would have gladly voted for former Gen. Powell who was and is a great American.

It is not Obama's being semi-black, but his beliefs and long, close association with black racists and friendship with an admitted American terrorist that disqualify him from receiving my vote.

Perhap's you should follow your own advice and do some HONEST, NON BIASED, assessmet of Obama's associations and "accomplishments" as Senator..what a joke!

Delmar said...

Sorry, Mr. Littleton, but if you would bother to do a little research yourself, you would have to see these lies for what they really are. I've read his Senate record, thank you. Have you? But you know what, I won't even get into it with you, because you're the very same person who derided "Dreams From My Father" as worthless, racist trash-- only to admit you hadn't even read one single word of it.

And I never accused you directly of racism, sir, though your emphatic reaction is a bit telling.

Sir, in a previous comment thread, you stated the following:

"We may not be the smartest in the world, but we can certainly count to 666, and are infinitely more intelligent than those who would vote for Obama!"

Seeing as how you think Barack Obama is the Antichrist, I guess we'll never see eye to eye here, so let's just leave it at that.

Anonymous said...

FYI, the antichrist refers to all those who do NOT believe Christ is the son of God. In other words, not a single person.

thomas augustus littleton said...

I don't know if I'm flattered or worried that you read & remember me so carefully:)
I really don't take myself as seriously as it may appear. I do have veiws which I like to present and have a little fun writing at the same time.
Yes, I just reviewed Obama's record in the senate, again. It's public record, available on the net, you know. Again, as a first term senator who has spent half his term on the presidential campaign trail, I see NOTHING that would justify calling him "an accomplished senator." McCain and Biden have long records on opposing sides that show both of them to be accomplished senators.

Actually, I don't know if Obama is the Anti Christ or not. (As a Christian who has read the Bible several times over, I do believe the Bible, that such a person will appear on the world scene just prior to Armagedon).

I heard Obama say these words with my own ears, and with no help from conservative analysts,(which I almost never watch,) was SHOCKED by the words he chose, calling himself "The One" and "the one who would save America & the world." Certainly sounds like an over blown ego with a messiah complex.
You don't even see a hint of that??? Hillary did...remember her mocking such talk from him during the primaries: "the heavens will open, celestial choirs will sing and the world will be perfect" (Hillary Clinton, 2008) She noticed & mocked the messianic tone of his words. So, the Anti- Christ thoughts that come to my mind were deliverd by Obama's own mouth!

Just a minor correction: I did try to read the senator's book. I found it not worth my time. It seems just like all books put out for self promoting public consumption, by a lot of candidatet for political office in the mode of PT109. These books aren't going to reflect much except what the author deems acceptable or forgivable by the public. Most autobiographies only give the "Positive Truth." We must look elsewhere for the whole truth! I'm sure you agree with that! The senator's book is not really trash; it's just not serious reading.

You failed to address some major flaws in your opinions:

First: Your asertion that we who criticize Obama would have a problem voting for a black man is offensive and is racist nonsensence. You no doubt read & remember my first two choices for president. It is Obama's views and associations that I wouldn't vote for in a candidate of any color.

Second: Your refusial to admit that Obama's long standing association with Rev. Wright & his racist church reflects on his own racial beliefs is inconsistant with your general tone of accepting facts. The fact is that if any white candidate had attended a church for 20 years where the pastor spouted such racist anti-American filth, he or she would have been laughed out of any national political race long ago.
As a Marine, are you not offended that Obama was friends with a piece of crap, (Wright) who screams "God Damn America?"
As a "patriotic American" are you not concerned and offended that Obama is friendly with an admitted, unrepentant terrorist and murderer?
You seem like a very bright, well read person, but one who turns a blind eye to the palpable truth, even if it comes from Obama's own mouth.

With your obvious intelligence, your lack of acceptence of palpable truth hints that you may beon the Democratic payroll or at least a die hard Democrat who would vote for anybody on their ticket...And before you assume the opposite about me, I voted for Bill Clinton both times and wish he could run again:)

Would you care to address the messianic talk and the associatian with people that would have doomed a white candidate? Or is it better to sweep such life choices in the corner and ignore them?

I do appreciate your intelligence and service to our country.I'm just mystified by your apparently blind support for Obama.
Respectfully, TAL

Delmar said...

Mr. Littleton,

First off, let me just say that I appreciate your measured, respectful response. I don't have time to respond in kind right now, so I ask that you please check back on this comment thread late tomorrow or sometime Monday for my point-for-point response.

I will offer one correction-- I apologize if I was unclear, but I, myself, am not a Marine. I do come from a long line of proud Marines, and while I was ready to go myself, health issues kept me out of the Corps. I am very proud of my family members' service in Iraq, Viet Nam, and the Pacific Theater, and wish that I could have added my name to that list of heroes and patriots. Again, sorry if my comment was misleading.

I can assure you that I am not on the dole for the Democratic party. I am a registered Democrat, who is pro-God, pro-guns, and anti-abortion, but I most definitely don't get paid for stating my opinions. Actually, I usually end up paying for it myself... :)

Again, I will offer a point-for-point response in the next day or two.

thomas augustus littleton said...

Have a safe, pleasant holiday!
I will eagerly look for your response.
Although we differ greatly in our opinions and conclusions, I consider you a very civil, intelligent person. I think spirited, even heated, debate by opposing sides is just about a American as it gets.

As for you not being a Marine: What you are doing right now, being involved in the political process, is a very patriotic service to our nation! American veterans are, in my opinion, our greatest heros and patriots. McCain's sacrifices and CHOICES as a POW certainly don't qualify him to be president. His long record as an elected official does that. But as a man and hero, McCain is so far above me and anyone I know that I would be honored just to shine his shoes, and I wouldn't even be worthy of doing that!

I can tell by what you write that you are a patriotic American! That's the reason I can't understand why you aren't offended and deeply concerned by Obama's chosen friends and associates.
If you would like to get deeper into political subjects without boring others on this blog, (which I fear we may be doing), feel free to write me at: