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Friday, August 29, 2008

Democrats Meet At The Green Turtle Last Night

Although I arrived early, (around 8:00 PM) there was a crowd of around 30 people gathering at the Green Turtle to enjoy good fellowship and Obama's Speech. As I know most of the people there, they were very welcoming and I was honored to meet the rest of the people I had not been introduced to before.

Moving forward, I went home after about an hour and decided to watch the rest of the event on TV. Here's how "I" saw things.

There's no question that Obama is a nice guy. However, everyone has to remember that the speech given has got to be the absolute speech of his entire lifetime, unless you consider the proposal to his Wife?

Nevertheless, what was said in his speech was absolutely 100% impressive. When I sit back and think about it, I think, what if it were ME standing there with 100% of the many thousands of people in that Stadium rooting for just me? I'd be confident, humbled and I'd know that Americans are respecting the fact that I've come this far. I also thought of how Obama handles himself in debates and that's a whole different environment.

I don't want to take any credit away from a well delivered speech last night but I'd also like to add that when the comments come pouring in on this Post, (should they) I'm around the same age as this man running for President. To me, that's scary. I was overwhelmed by his past, how he was raised, the fact that he had a white Mother and a black Father and has LIVED the American Dream. I have also stated in the past that I would truly enjoy seeing a woman AND a Black Person in the White House. I personally believe our Country will GROW from such an achievement.

We have lived all our existence as a Country as a White Male dominated leadership. It's truly time for a change. However, is this the time? Is this the person? Does he have the experience? Certainly he has support but is that support mainly because he is in fact the democratic choice and the fact that he's black? Oh, don't come back with that half black, half white crap! Tiger Woods is half and half and there's no question he is the proven greatest Golf Professional on this earth.

Is Obama the best Professional Politician that can make or break this Country, at his age and with his experience? You see, the way I see it Ladies & Gentlemen, (and I'll make this VERY clear again) I don't believe McCain is the best Professional Politician we have out there either. However, I'll say this for Obama, he doesn't have the special OIL interests the Bush's have proven to screw us with!

There's so much to ponder about just how screwed up both Democrats and Republicans have left us with to elect as a President of the United States. For me personally, it's embarrassing that this is all we've got. Again, I'm not at all trying to take away the fact that these are two great men, that's a given. I'm simply saying, we need a strong leader. One who's going to AWE us EVERY time he speaks, not just at a Party Convention.

Making decisions in the moment is not my style and it shouldn't be yours either. This Country is in a Depression, I don't care what any of you say. Money is tight all around and a few hundred dollars relief from our Federal Government is NOT going to resolve our problems. We need to go back to the day when AMERICA says, we're not going to take your shit any more and put our foot down. A prime example is FUEL! We need to be respected as a Country once again where our leaders are the friends of most Countries and feared the most by any others that don't want to work towards world peace and fellowship.

Anyway, I'll get off my high horse. Yes, I know, I've missed many points and topics here and we'll get to them soon enough. It's just not going to be done in one Post. I congratulate Obama for a well delivered speech but like I said, it's the speech of his entire lifetime and career and we as a Country need to think long and hard about what the future will bring us. Listen carefully about who is willing to stand up and back up what will change for our economy. Like I said, small checks aren't going to cut it. It helps but I want to know where the future lies with BOTH Candidates.

It's a serious choice and YOU need to think long and hard about what's best for OUR Country.


Anonymous said...

Nothing personal, Joe, but I wasn't sure that the gathering as announced yesterday on sbynews was real. I had visions of the local Democrats who read the blog showing up to games and hot wings at the Turtle.
My apologies for doubting you.
It's just that, seeing something about Democrats which wasn't insulting, demeaning, or tasteless was uncharacteristic, Especially From You. Again, sorry for doubting you.

Anonymous said...

If Obama and Tiger are half black and half white why to they say that they are black Americans? Is it because that's the label put on them by their peers and the press. I don't know personally. I am a registered repulican but I have crossed parties and voted for several democrats including two presidents. I'm sorry but Obama
states all the problems but I have not heard him state any of his solutions.

Two Sentz said...

Wow! I was truly surprised to see your name at the bottom of that post Joe. Kudos!

Anonymous said...

Joe, you couldn't even imagine yourself in his place, because you're far from anything political. Your haughty attitude shows you couldn't cut it anywhere near holding office. Hell, you can't even spell correctly. How about you pack up and move to New Orleans real quick?

Anonymous said...

Well put and I'm right there with you!! We are between a rock and a hard place.

Anonymous said...

I was there--it was a great time! Obama's speech was masterful. I just want to add one point--everyone is freaking out about Obama's inexperience, but he has more experience in politics than George W. Bush did. He is older than Bill Clinton and John Kennedy were when they ran. He HAS experience in really important areas of diplomacy and negotiation. His years as a community activist are often dismissed, but those of you involved in the local political scene know that the rubber really hits the road at the neighborhood level. He has experience at all levels of government, and I will be proud to vote for him.

Anonymous said...

There are some good people there, but this Obama thing is scaring me. I hope Terry Cohen and Jim Ireton aren't really Obama supporters just because they are Democrats.

Anonymous said...

McCain just chose a 44 year old woman has his VP.

Anonymous said...


His speech last night was the same old, same old socialistic palaver we have heard from Democrats for years -- something for everyone and for free, because you are "entitled" to it, plus a tax cut except for the affluent. The scene on TV made me recall Mencken's comment about democracy being the adulation of jackals by jackasses.

Obama is great at making those promises, which explains his popularity and sudden rise within his party, but that "policy" has caused the situation that now exists in this country.

Those in other countries with an interest, economic and otherwise, in the demise of the United States must be smiling as they contemplate and plan their tactics and strategy for the next four years. If Obama is elected we can blame Bush, but that will be our fault, not his.

Anonymous said...

Joe, thanks for coming out last night. We really appreciate everything you're doing for the city, and keeping everyone's feet to the fire, when appropriate :) I know we disagree on national politics, but I also know that you aren't one of the ditto head robots that just regurgitate the right-wing propaganda and talking points.

You are a thoughtful and contemplative Conservative. You do your "side" justice, and I am always happy to debate the issues with you, because you don't drop into the gutter and make it personal.

Keep it up! America was built on good, honest debate. In fact, we have THRIVED because of it.

Chuck Cook
Wicomico County For Obama

chuck said...

10:10, Obama has stated nothing BUT solutions to the problems we face, and, if you don't think he has done so in his speeches, he has DEFINITELY done so on his website.. The guy has REAMS of policy papers linked with well laid plans for any issue you can think of.

Don't trot out that tired old tactic of saying he "doesn't offer solutions". He clearly does, and has reiterated them countless times in the months he's been running.

I'm afraid that your "critique" makes you look like you don't do your own research.

Chuck Cook
Wicomico County For Obama

Anonymous said...

If Obama and Tiger are half black and half white why to they say that they are black Americans? Is it because that's the label put on them by their peers and the press.

No, it is not because of a label put on them by peers or the press. It is because it is what is put on their birth certificates. In the commonwealth of VA until not so very long ago, any child born of mixed heritage was listed by their skin color. Many indians are listed as black because Virginia didn't want any indians in their commonwealth. Others born light skinned were white because that is how it was in VA. I'm sure Tiger Woods and Obama ran into the same thing at birth. Child is dark so it must be black.

Anonymous said...

democrats out drinking like their master Ted Kennedy..gee there's a shock

Anonymous said...

Yeah Chucky,

I guess Obama is so far above the fray that he would never delve into gutter politics.

You koolaid drinking misfit democrats need to be lined up and beaten with arugula.

Saying that McCain is too old doesn't involve "gutter" politics?

I thank God for two things every morning I get out of bed, 1. I thank God I'm alive, 2. I thank God I'm a conservative.

Democrats will never get my vote.

paz said...

2:04 wow your assumption that all the people there were democrats is falling short of the truth. But I guess since you can't seem to find a proper fault with Obama lets make one up elsewhere. ReallY?

P.S. Give the guy a break he is going through a bit of a hard stretch right now. I think anyone that is that ill deserves some slack.

chuck said...

2:04, good to see that you have so much to contribute. I wonder how you would fair in an actual debate where you had to rely on "facts" and "objective data", instead of cheap and petty smears.

Is this all the modern Republican Party has to offer?

Anonymous said...

Chuck, a reply from 10:10,
I agree with Obama's beliefs on
America and his ability to rally the people and make them feel good.
What concerns me personally is if his agenda can be effective. He gives me a sense of entitlement. In my opinion, Congress has been a complete failure to this country
and there needs to be term limits.

Anonymous said...

Actually 2:07, I had a nice glass of Sam Adams and some cheeseburger sliders. You very clearly show that you are racist. You also show that you don't give a crap about policies and America's image abroad. All you seem to be stuck on is the fact that Barack's skin color doesn't match your own.

It's rather disgusting really.

Anonymous said...

Thank-you for that information 1:59
I just never hear anyone say I'm
a white American, especially in the spotlight such as of Obama & Tiger. I just can't imagine Cal Ripken saying I'm the white American shortstop for the Baltimore Orioles.

Anonymous said...

10:40 a.m said:

"There are some good people there, but this Obama thing is scaring me. I hope Terry Cohen and Jim Ireton aren't really Obama supporters just because they are Democrats."

I couldn't give a rats a$$ who Terry and Jim support at the national level. They've done right by Salisbury.

On the other hand, you have the Great Republican Louise Smith as President of the City Council.

I wish we could kick her out of the party!

Terry, Jim I may disagree with you on who should be president, but I support you both for all you do for my city.

Anonymous said...

m.b. ....hmmm must mean massively brain dead

Anonymous said...

Chuck Cook
Retards For Obama

12:38 PM

Anonymous said...

6:36 said:

Chuck Cook
Retards For Obama

12:38 PM

6:36 PM

Way to elevate the discussion there, genius. Do you have anything worth saying, or did you just come here to show us how well you type for someone who dropped out of school in 5th grade?

Delmar said...


I read this post on a very brief break from a hectic day, and was impressed. However, I just read it again, and I have to say, I respect you tremendously. While I might not always agree with you, the tone of this post makes it abundantly clear that you truly are a man of conviction and honor. You stand by your beliefs, regardless of who you think you might alienate, and that is an admirable quality. I could never do what you do with this blog-- I like to stay under the radar. :)

I admire your conviction, Joe. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

Go to web-site - this site gives "facts" on both democrat and republican speeches, remarks, etc. and does not appear to show partially to either party. At this site you will find no politician tells the exact truth so I certainly appreciate their assessments.

polly girl

chuck said...

8:38 said:

Way to elevate the discussion there, genius. Do you have anything worth saying, or did you just come here to show us how well you type for someone who dropped out of school in 5th grade?

8:38 PM

I thank you for the defense, but don't bother responding to people like that. When I get ad hominem attacks, I ignore them. It is a screaming admission that the person throwing the insults doesn't have a point or argument. They are arguing from a position of irrational anger and frustration, and I don't have time for that. Adults act with civility and respect and debate on the issues.

Besides, any child with an Internet connection can insult people under the guise of "anonymous", so why bother giving them the satisfaction of a response? Poor behaved children should be ignored on the Internet.

Chuck Cook
Wicomico County For Obama

chuck said...

2:49 said:

Chuck, a reply from 10:10,
I agree with Obama's beliefs on
America and his ability to rally the people and make them feel good.
What concerns me personally is if his agenda can be effective. He gives me a sense of entitlement. In my opinion, Congress has been a complete failure to this country
and there needs to be term limits.

2:49 PM

I don't get that "sense" from Obama, at all (of course, I AM biased :) ). In fact, I would have you go to youtube and watch his acceptance speech from last thursday night. In it, you will see multiple calls for Americans to stand up and own their own decisions, to work hard (like the Obamas had to do) to get ahead, and to be responsible parents to their children.

The difference is: Unlike the Republicans on the national level, Obama understands that the government DOES have a role to play in making the lives of average Americans better. That the federal government CAN do good by the average American. Obama has said, on countless occasions, that "throwing money" at the problems won't make them go away... and that we will have to step up and fulfill our responsibilities, as well. But, at the end of the day, we can educated our children better, take care of the least of those among us, and provide universal health coverage to all.

That is an agenda that we have been sorely lacking in a town that has been owned by whomever bid the highest to the Bush Administration.

Chuck Cook
Wicomico County For Obama