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Friday, August 29, 2008

Cohen & Ireton Are Such Fools!

If you sit back and read some of the commenters about Jim Ireton and Terry Cohen being at the Green Turtle drinking and supporting Obama, you'd think these two individuals were completely out of line.

However, the commenters forgets to mention that I too was there watching with great interest, as well as several others. Now, they talk about the alleged drinking that was going on. I stood there with Mrs. Cohen and she was drinking a Pepsi the entire time I was there, hence the large glass they don't serve alcohol in anyway.

Then how dare Terry & Jim actually go to an establishment and watch Obama speak. OMG! I couldn't care less who Terry & Jim vote for, THAT'S THEIR RIGHT AND THAT'S THEIR CHOICE!

It seems to be OK however for Carrie Sammis, (former Salisbury Zoo Education Curator) to be in the Daily Times TWICE advertising children's events, Green Beer (if you'll recall) and another time supporting environmentalists, all held at Seacrets. Where were you then? Heck, she was so proud, she had no problem holding those beers out for everyone to see, knowing the picture was going into the Daily Times.

Learn to pick your battles more carefully Folks. Perhaps I should show up at the Republican get together and show everyone drinking and oh, wait a minute, watching TV where McCain is on there asking for your vote too?


Anonymous said...

People in glass houses are usually the first ones to throw stones and from the looks of it, they're tossing them in the direction of Jimmy and Terry.

Anonymous said...

Too many bitter, fat hens in the henhouse!! Squawk-squawk-OMG he has a beer.Squawk-squawk-OMG the VP candidate is actually smiling and pretty. Squawk-Squawk somebody get me another Twinkie.Squawk-Squawk.

Anonymous said...

Spiro Agnew, what does the VP pick have to do with this post? You're on the wrong post, man.

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Joe! As I said on the post about the Green Turtle:

10:40 a.m said:

"There are some good people there, but this Obama thing is scaring me. I hope Terry Cohen and Jim Ireton aren't really Obama supporters just because they are Democrats."

I couldn't give a rats a$$ who Terry and Jim support at the national level. They've done right by Salisbury.

On the other hand, you have the Great Republican Louise Smith as President of the City Council.

I wish we could kick her out of the party!

Terry, Jim I may disagree with you on who should be president, but I support you both for all you do for my city.

3:15 PM

Anonymous said...

See, look a little closer.The fact is despite the best intentions of others to educate you on what might be refreshing for our city/county/state/country; the bitter, old hens around HERE are threatened by any new ideas and the fact their uneducated, dogmatic BS will now be discounted in the face of true initiative(i.e. possible progress). The same fat, aged-lined hens here that squawk every time someone suggests a pro-active solution to their gripes (i.e. Ireton and Cohen as pragmatic solutions for the horrible current occupiers you currently have, as with Palin on a national level)are the ones that leave you with open air prostitution/drug dealing and cracked sidewalks. Squawk-Squawk. Get It?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a hint of jealousy that a couple of people could actually have a good time and freindly conversation without getting shit faced drunk.

Go Terry and Jim, have some fun now we have a long road approaching. I know both of you will be ready, you people help give me the energy I need to keep up.

If they think they are grooming the Ewalt boy to fill Gary's seat, either the kid's going to be disappointed or even better Bubba should just resign after he loses as mayor. Mr. Ewalt can take the seat and learn plenty from all of Bubba's F'up's.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Spiro Agnew, wtf and whotf are you talking to? If me (3:37 p.m.), all I said was your comment was on the wrong post.

I can't even tell from your 4:17 post what you're talking about. Are you taking a shot at people bashing the VP of Palin or at people bashing Ireton and Cohen, or are you bashing Ireton and Cohen?

Anonymous said...

What Salisbury needs are more fools like these two! Forget party lines; look at what they want for Salisbury and the fact that they put their words into actions. Otherwise, go ahead and make Bubba your mayor and Shanie can be Vice-president of the Council. And God help you all.

Anonymous said...

Imagine that, Terry Cohen out, in public, drinking a Coke/Pepsi. Shame on her for not getting half tanked like the mayor and then driving home.

If you people got nothing better to do than bash two of the hardest fighting people we have in this city. Shame on all of you. You deserve Barrie Tilghman and her puppets.

Spiro Agnew, I got what you were saying the first time and I agree with you.

Anonymous said...

8:06 p.m., agreed. I've known Cohen a long time, and she has always attracted people of all walks of life and beliefs to her. I don't know Ireton, but I've heard him on PAC14 numerous times and he is once sincere, smart person. If either of them run for mayor, she or he will have my support!

What a breath of fresh air they both are.

Anonymous said...

Terry and Jim both have more intelligence in one finger than Gary does with that whole single cell redneck brain of his.