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Friday, August 29, 2008

The Choice Is Really Pretty Simple

He may be cute, articulate, and charismatic but the ONE obviously isn't the one for President.

With all that is going on in the world today, do we really want someone in the White House who ADMITS that he needs on the job training?

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings


Anonymous said...

i am seriously perplexed and would love some feedback. I have been scared by this man (Obama.) Tonight I sat here with my husband and watched his acceptance speech and was speechless. At first I was annoyed. I did NOT like the comment that the government let community flood...they had plenty of warning and that is another discussion. BUT...once he got going I acutally believe the man has the heart and belief...unless he is a true BS artist. lol
Anyway. Now my concern is that he is just a pawn in the bigger picture and where I really think he belived everything he said tonight with heart, and would love to follow through...the sheep will vote him in and we will be still be screwed by those that really hold the power! Congress! Ugh! Our founding fathers would roll over! His charisma and grace was true, it least to me unfortunate that he is going to be a 'hero' or 'patsy' depending on how the cards fall. Oh well!

Anonymous said...

Indeed, the choice is simple - Barack Obama is the only candidate with the judgment and temperament to be POTUS.

I truly do not care what he has done...I care what he will do.

My children's future is at is yours.

Just One Republican Voting for Obama

Anonymous said...

I watched the Obama speech tonight and I am impressed. Knew I was going to vote for him but he does remind me of Kennedy and Reagan as well. Great speaker and seems to be serious about the cause. What we have now is not working. No manufacturing jobs ...gone overseas, no sewing jobs...gone overseas,.. talked to a customer service rep lately...overseas. We need to bring America home.

Anonymous said...

repubforoboma said: "I truly do not care what he has done...I care what he will do."

have you not studied the democrat agenda?

He WILL raise your taxes.
He WILL lower your wages.
He WILL increase unemployment.
He WILL vastly increase government spending.
He WILL lower the value of the dollar.
He WILL restrict your access to medical care.
He WILL cower to terrorists.
He WILL remove your right and ability to defend yourself.
He WILL limit your freedom of speech.

Should I continue?

I'm starting to think you deserve what you get when you fill the government with these same people who have severly damaged this country, the same ones who have been there for the past 30 or so years. Democrats and Republicans, they have both sold us out for their own power and prestige. Let's go back to the Carter days for four more years and get it over with. Maybe then we will learn, but I'm afraid that maybe we won't even then.

Anonymous said...

He can say all these wonderful things. I get that! But no one man can change anything, just like no one man got us where we are today. There is a checks and balances. Congress has to agree, those at the top have to agree and the man behind the curtain certainly has to see where he is getting paid in order to agree with Obama in order for any of his promises to be fulfilled. Red tape!

Anonymous said...

Either vote for him or vote for McCain, but stop all the lying about them.

This not junior high.

Anonymous said...

8:05, AMEN!

In McCain, it's the same old, same old, same old, same old.

No more Bush, eight years WAS MORE than enough. McCain is more of that and possibly worse. Biden said it well, great soldier, great friend, not right to be POTUS.

Anonymous said...

Joe, have you seen the video on you tube or heard of this man named Larry Sinclair. He says that in 1999 he was a limo driver and he and Obama were in the limo together . He said they had oral sex and that Obama bought him some powder cocaine and that Obama bought himself some crack cocaine. Its amazing that I had never heard of this. Just google Larry Sinclair and watch it.

Two Sentz said...

"If you don't have any fresh ideas, then you use stale tactics to scare the voters. If you don't have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone people should run from."

-Barack Obama

Obviously 7:34 has never listened to a word Obama has said.

Anonymous said...

7:34 doesn't have to. They know the agenda of the democrats and the republicans. It's as clear as day. Just because you are a sheep don't expect the rest of us to be.

Anonymous said...

Obama's speech was awesome. He really does believe what he says, and while it is true that one man cannot change everything, I would much rather take a chance on a guy who is willing to try. Don't believe the lie about raising taxes--he has bbeen clear that 95% of Americans will not see a tax raise. The last president to look the American people directly in the eye and lie about their tax plan was George Herbert Walker Bush. With Obama we have at least a chance at change, with McCain we are guaranteed 4 more years just like the last 8 years.

Anonymous said...

10:46 said: "he has bbeen clear that 95% of Americans will not see a tax raise."

Do you really believe this? Do you have a retirement plan? if so, you will see a tax hit. Do the research, he said 95% won't see an INCOME tax hike. He's gonna nail you on capital gains from your savings and retirement.

Anonymous said...


And from the sale of a home, IF you can sell it before foreclosure.