WMDT, 47 News did a story on the unusual deer at the Salisbury Zoo. GO HERE to view their story.
"If controlling the goose population is worthy of council time, I don't understand why this wouldn't be as well," said Campbell.
"The zoo director says they can either put the deer down or keep it comfortable."
I sent an email to the Wicomico Humane Society this morning about this. I encourage everyone to do so. hswc@verizon.net
Sure, it looks real comfortable with that stuff growing into its eye.
Joe, I got a question for you -- where are all the people who rattled their sabres for the zoo at budget time last year?
Is it the animals they care about or their sacred institution?
Like Mrs. Cohen said last night, there are specialists for things like this. Why aren't they talking to one?
Did all those zoo supporters just care about getting money for trips or what? I don't recall one of them saying, "Don't cut funding for the zoo because we need to get this deer some help."
Do you?
someone should clue PETA in on this one.....
I would say that deer has some kind of disease or something!!!!
Put it down...along with half the council.
I find it upsetting to look at this poor deer and feel that it should not be on display.
They are such LIARS over there!! The will keep that deer comfortable just until it gets out of the news and off this website and that poor animal is going to suffer when the dust settles over this debate on what the right thing is to do about the well being of that animal...for gosh sakes put it to rest and I'm not one to put animals down but when they are suffering its a other story....and I can't imagine its not suffering looking like that.
i say wait till fall,feed him corn till plump and send the venison to the shelters/soup kitchens for the needy..
Let's find out what it would cost to operate on this poor creature, and then all of us can donate to cover the expense. This is cruelty of the highest order. I'm sure Joe and his wife will help us.
wwtp tilghman would look good with her red coat and this growing outta her head
I'm thankful that Joe took the time and effort to follow up and then report on the condition of this poor thing. If not for him this is another situation which would be handled (or more likely ignored) in secrecy. It would seem as though an animal on display in a zoo would warrant more medical care than this one is getting. What's up with the new zoo director, and where does he weigh in on this issue?
You all need to get real. This would not have been an issue if Joe didn't post anything about it. Terry Cohen would have taken it to council again as she did last year and it's quite possible they would have done something about it. BUTTTTTTT since Joe Albero has his hand in it the Witch and her Flying Monkeys won't do anything except let that deer remain in the state he is in. The deer will suffer for one reason only, ALBERO wants it taken care of. It's the same in all things in Salisbury. No matter how right it is, if Albero says anything the opposite will be done. History has proven this to be the way the city operates.
Terry your efforts are appreciated, sadly they are wasted on the group you serve with.
anon 657: AMEN. When will the two Cs learn?
If the deer isn't in pain or suffering, I don't have a problem with it, I'm sure there is someone who has enough land to just run his days out, free and happy.
However, I do not think it should be on exibit like some kind of freak show. What kind of a first or last impression of a Zoo do we have? May scare a kid enough to give them a fear of zoo's and never want to come back.
AMEN anonymous 8:08!
I mentioned to Joe about this last year. If the deer has been castrated the lack of testosterone would not help regulate the growth of the antlers. Antlers act like a cancerous growth, if you will, while in velvet. The hormone levels help determine size and when to stop growing.
I have seen some cases of castrated males receiving testosterone shots to minimize this condition, but can be a very difficult thing to get right.
Ideally they should have vasectomized the male. However, it is the testosterone that make the male aggressive and dangerous to keeper staff and other animals on exhibit. Ideally you should have a separate holding yard for the male during rut.
Castration works well for horned animals although some of the male characteristics reduce (muscle, coloration, etc.), but nothing like the antler growth problem.
When I interviewed for the director position, Gary, the curator, did not ask me a single question about myself, experiences or philosophies. Steve Sarro actually told me he did not take the position because he could let remove Gary from his position.
I do not believe this animal has to be put down with out first trying hormonal replacement first or if that is not the case determining what the actual cause is. Get a second opinion. I utilize multiple vets at my facility.
Is it not that errors and weird things happen in animal care. We are constantly learning new things and adjusting our husbandry tactics. Besides dealing with the new information about species, we should not forget the strange individuals that throw a wrench into things.
So the question here, has the new director and zoo team have the methodology to address these types of concerns, and how do they communicate that with the authorities and public?
The sadest most disturbing part of all this is WHY THE ***K DID THEY LET IT GET THIS BAD AND THIS FAR GROWING INTO HIS EYE???????????
I want to know if anyone even tried to consult a specialist other then a local vet?
Did they take his temperature?
Is he eating?
I mean my GOD where in heavens name is this considered humane. If I were a parent taking young kids in there to see that!!!
It is horrible, pityful and if the zoo handles other medical situations as such ....well need I say more? I'm sorry but I would rather have no zoo then a zoo that is hurting, hindering, or mistreating animals in any way!!
2:57 p.m. said:
"The deer will suffer for one reason only, ALBERO wants it taken care of."
A truer statement could not have been said. Even the poor animals suffer from Barrie's political retaliation.
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