Here's what's interesting Folks. Everybody and their brother seems to be attempting to sell off tickets, including Mayor Tilghman. I have received phone calls from just about every Politician I know asking me if I'd like to be a guest of their and offered me free tickets. That was very kind of all of you, thank you. However, I got my own tickets and the Wife and I plan on going and enjoying the day away.
Anyhow, getting back to the point I was trying to make. One political group sent out an e-mail asking if everyone might be interested in DISCOUNTED ticket prices. This lead me to believe that this event just might be hurting this year.
With a price tag of $40.00 per person, the hottest day of the year, the event is held on a mainly blacktop area, increasing the heat. Gas prices at $4.00 a gallon, the event is being held on a Wednesday afternoon, can YOU afford to go? Are you planning on going? Do you even care? ;-)
Got offered two tickets last night, just got off for it this morning
I'm going and plan on having a wonderful time, yes i could work but choose to close for the day. All you can eat seafood, I'm in especially when you can find a tent that has runners and don't have to stand in line. Everyone is so generous and talkative. Going from tent to tent seeing people you know being introduced to new people you've never heard of. People tend to let their guard down when they are in C-town
I am planning on staying home and trimming my nose hairs....sorry.
Don't plan on going and being hot, can do that at home. Wouldn't go anyway if the Dictator of Salisbarrie is gonna be there. When I go somewhere to enjoy myself it sure wouldn't be around that horses a$$.
I went last year and watch some of Salisbury's "Finist" get drunk and make asses of themselves. I'll never go back.
I'll be there! I actually paid for the tickets, though! I'm hoping to see the mayor drunk.
I'd like to see a sobriety check point set up about 2 miles west of the Clam Bake. Then again the "Who's Who's" could have a public servant paid with taxpayer dollars to do the driving.
Free tix from work, lots to see there although the food sucks.
I would like to go but probably should stay and work in my office. Its hot, hate to waste the gas, and to be very truthful, really dont want to see our Mayor rubbing shoulders with everything. It would be fun I am sure, but would rather stay home and make some money working.
Joe, Just before u get to the Healrh Dept. turn in on 413 heading to Crisfield take a gander at the sign they posted on roadside. Only in Somerset county "If you have a colon let us test it".Outta sight=outta mind. Hardhead
the average working family doesnt have the extra money for this damn shit.
Discounted tickets to Tawes Clam & Crab Bake
Fellow ***** and Friends,
The ***** Central Committee for **** County has decided to discount
the tickets for the Tawes Clam & Crab Bake on Wednesday in Crisfield. We are
offering them at the bargain price of $25 ($15 off) for all the crabs, clams,
fish, fries, beer, etc. you can eat and drink. It begins at 12:30 p.m. and ends
at 4:00 p.m. at Somers Cove Marina. Please check with your friends and let me
know how many you want. You can pick them up at my office in **** (next to
the library) or arrange to pick up that day.
I was going to go, made plans to go and then I got a rather large order to be filled by weeks end. I'm weighing this out still. Do I want to go hang out, in the heat, and be completely embarrassed by the leadership of our city or do I want to stay and make a goodly amount of money? It's a no brainer.
anon 8:56 2 miles west of the clam bake your in the Puppy Hole in the middle of Tanger Sound.
Opps my bad yeah that was supposted to read east, good catch
Puppy hole isn't that out just past Jane's Island?
Your thinking of Ape Hole Road...Not going; Billy's gotta go to DC for a meeting with HUD on this banking crisis.
I got the $25 discount ticket email too.
Puppy hole is a fishing spot
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