But the Mayor and 3/5 of the Council REFUSE to do anything about it. Shanie, (once again) trusts the Department Heads and new Zoo Director. Here's a HINT for you Shanie, he designs exhibits for a living, not diagnoses and treats animals. You would have been better off calling a Veterinarian. That's OK though, I'll contact Dr. Tragle and got his opinion on this animal.
As for Gary Comegys, he says in some areas these animals are trophy mounts. Hey Gary, you're an a$$hole. That's all I got to say about that.
The Mayor sat there chewing the inside of her mouth and bowing her head while she ONCE AGAIN ignores the health and welfare of the animals at the Zoo, just like she did in the Jim Rapp days. She's worthless, useless and let's see, what did I say to her and she called a Press Conference? Then the Press challenged me asking me if I would take it back and I refused and stood my ground! Last night proved my case/statement.
You voted for that Idiot as well as Comegys, Smith and Shields, deal with it. Oh, they stated last night that they're a legislative body, therefore they don't need to get in the middle of all of this. Well, that means the Mayor should. She's the administrative body then. Demand she do so. Here's her e-mail address. Tell her what you think of this animal. Where's Alessi in this matter? Don't you see how they hide whenever anything tragic comes up. sbymayor@ci.salisbury.md.us
The Mayor didn't say a word last night. Like I said, she kept bowing her head and chewing the inside of her face. Oh, Gary & Shanie, IF they're going to cut off the circulation to this area, ("like they do a mole") why didn't they do that two years ago? Why didn't they do it last year and here's a really good one for you, why haven't they done it this year? Do you think we're all that stupid to believe your BS?
I sent the mayor an email about this poor animal. Thanks! Please speak up and be hear
Why would the zoo want to display an animal in this condition? There cannot be any good reason for the small children to see such a thing, even if the deer is not in misery.
I don't believe that the zoo is a good idea any more. We're struggling financially, and apparently the city government needs those funds allocated for the zoo to pay fines for WWTP accidents.
This mayor belongs in the zoo. She's a horse's ass.
They don't care about tha health
and welfare of the people , what makes you think they would care about the animals?
Shanie is the poorest excuse for
a human that I have ever seen.
She said the people at McDonalds
asked her why she didn't use a fly swatter on the 2 ladies. She didn't give her response. What a lard a$$! I have know idea what she rambled on about last night.
She should lay off the MD 20/20!!
Where does Comegy get his information? Looks like the city
is heading for dictatorship gov..
I am a deer hunter. If I saw this deer in the woods I would shoot it to put it out of the misery it looks to be in. I do not trophy hunt but if I did I would not consider this to be a tropy at all.
My husband and I watched the meeting last night on PAC14. We don't even live in Maryland, but fine the meetings absolutely incredible. I can not believe that the people of your city don't do something about the council. The city residence have got to put Smith, Comegy's and Shanie out. There is no way I would wait until the election. What is wrong with you residence. You are letting these three destroy your city. I don't feel a bit sorry for any of the residence. They are sitting back letting this happen. I would continue, but I think my 5 minutes is up!!! What a Joke!!
this is ridiculous, we have better things to spend our time on then worrying about this deer. put the animal down and be done with it and concentrate on serious issues that face our country today.
Wonder what kind of trophies bubba has on his wall? Must be like the Haunted House.
Cruelty to animals is ILLEGAL. And, neglect is considered cruelty. Obviously, this poor animal is being denied necessary veternary care. Perhaps if someone pursued criminal charges, the city would finally act. They are so stupid! If budget contraints (or whatever) prohibits his proper care, at least get him out of the zoo! Until then, Salisbury's ignorance and lack of compassion are on public display!
To Cruggly: These are the things the 2 Cs get hung up on. Should never been mentioned at a council meeting. What did Cohen want, the council to go get it.
This comment will not be posted, but the important person will see it. That's what counts.
Signed: Can't be brainwashed.
Anonymous said...
To Cruggly: These are the things the 2 Cs get hung up on. Should never been mentioned at a council meeting. What did Cohen want, the council to go get it.
This comment will not be posted, but the important person will see it. That's what counts.
Signed: Can't be brainwashed.
I think the point was to show the neglect that the zoo is being shown, and by extension the city. If the AZA fines the zoo for animal cruelty or neglect, who pays the fines? When the WWTP overflows and gets fined, who pays? This mayor is costing us money everyday she is in office. Yes, we can't help the fact that we were decieved by Louweasel, Comegys and Shields, and the powers that be have blocked every attempt at a recall. We will just have to suffer, but since this blog is bigger than the paper, at least people will be better informed before they step into the voting booth.
By the way, YOU pay for the fines, idiot.
10:41 you have already been brainwashed, you idiot. C&C get hung up on injustices, wrong doings, padding the books, all sorts of things that protect the citizens of Salisbury. You on the other hand must be one of those scheme team supporters. You know, the ones that schemed to give the city away to developers, schemed to build a 10 million dollar fire house on a cranberry bog, schemed to buy new fire equipment, schemed to allow the landlords to control this city.
If you can't be brainwashed, then please tell us what the almighty threesome get hung up on other than bar stools.
The answer to that (Fines) is "oh well" it's the mayors and majority council's fault the city is in the condition that it is in, and yes we taxpayers are paying for it.
If you ask me I think it's a good thing, now maybe people will get off their can's and vote the bunch out knowing they are costing us taxpayers extra money. If it's money that it takes to get the rest the residents riled up and go vote so-be-it! If this doesn't work then I will give up on this F'ng city entirely.
A trophy mount?In what parallel universe would that be a desirable trophy head?Chernobyl?
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