As a resident on the east side of Salisbury and a frequent visitor to McDonalds, I have to inform you that the McDonalds located on the east side of Salisbury, next to the State Motor Vehicle Administration, has to be one of the worse run McDonalds in their entire chain.
A few days ago I visited the McDonalds at 8:00 a.m. and one of the front doors were locked. The door on the Drive-in side was unlocked, but their main entry door was inadvertently left locked. I thought no problem I'll just inform one of the employees to unlock it when I place my order. Well, when I informed the employee she just shrugged me off and said that because of other kitchen problems that she would tend to it latter.
Well guess what happened this morning. I walked-in placed my order and sat down and their laying on each table were dead flies. Then, I saw one of their employees spraying RAID on the exterior windows while customers were sitting in the booths trying to eat their breakfast.
And then again just a couple of days before that I entered the eatery and at prime time of 8:00 a.m. one of their employees was scrubbing and mopping the floors right in front of the cash registers and the entire floor was wet. You talk about a lot of disgruntled customers. . . you should have seen their faces.
Apparently, there is absolutely no management at this facility and I'll be taking my business elsewhere.
if you eat at McDonalds three days a week; i'm guessing personal health is not at the top of your list of things to be worried about.
Companies think their really getting a deal when they hire idiots? They may work for less money but you get what you pay for.When your in the restaurant business you need a professonal and courteous labor team, That is if you want to retain customers!
I am suprised at your experience with this Micky D's, because it is one of the nicer ones I have been to. Perhaps you should try their drive through... they are super fast and very friendly. I will continue bringing my business here.
"I will continue bringing my business here."
Obviously not an experienced Blogger. In other words, they work HERE or they own HERE.
Maybe if the Daily Disapointment had a drive thru they would deliver a better product.
Nah! McDonalds/Daily Times it all comes down to who's running the joint.
Maybe Mr & Mrs Bassett could take over a McDonalds when they are unemployed. Lets see how long it takes them to run that into the ground.
what do you expect for $6.50 an hour. You're lucky if you find someone working in fast food who speaks understandable english.
If the door is a fire exit door and locked or blocked call Larry Dodd at the Fire Dept 4105483120 and complain. No, never mind, he can go try to enforce the fire code rules but the department hasnt given him any real authority to do anything.
Block your doors and park in the fire lanes. The cops dont want to do anything either.
it may be new, but the "same 'ol" work there. I had a heck of a time getting change when i handed them additional money after they had rung it into the machine. no one had a clue what to give me. there must've been five people there, one a manager and neither could figure it out!!!
I hnmnjgaave been in twice since the rebuild and gotten horrible service and cold burgers both times. I will not go back. It was much better before the rebuild.
The locked door is a state fire marshall code enforcement call them. Police do not have anything to do with fire code enfement.
This is undoubtedly the slowest McDonald's in Maryland. My daughter stopped there to get a salad and when she finally got it she asked them if they had to chase down the chicken or wait for the lettuce to grow - it's horrible and it certainly was not built right anyway. The entrance to that place is awful - I sat there and watched 2-3 people enter on the exit side and they kept on going against traffic and cars got all jammed up. It might be a new building but they need to hire somebody to direct traffic; take orders; fill orders; and keep people moving along and someone that can speak fluent english would help a whole heck of a lot.
As a business owner in Salisbury, please give them a little time to get their act together. I know, no excuses, but give it some time and go back see if the service isn't better. I'm not trying to support this business, I never go there, but let them work out some of the new store kinks and see if the service doesn't improve. You might find they have been able to fix their problems.
Most McDs around here leave a lot to be desired. Mr. Kroc would turn in his grave.
My family also had been having terrible experiences at this McDonald's and we live within 2 miles of it. I was hoping that after the new "facelift" things would improve but NO change has been seen. Therefore, Wendy's is now our "fast food" fix. Also, while on the subject, before leaving last week for Atlanta we took the grandkids to Popeye's north of town. IF you think McDonald's is bad.... go to Popeyes. I would not want to be the owner of that franchise. We left without getting any food and another couple was right behind us. Wake up folks.... let's eat at home. BETTER FOR OUR HEART and my blood pressure will surely be lower after not having to deal with "stupid clerks". My two cents.. Spice
that stuff will kill you
I am 2 years clean of The Wonderful poisonoous crap they sell... I firmly believe MC Dougals foos carries something that causes cancer,,, Deletes a persons common sense and obesity etc,,, Add whatever bad thing that plagues us! Mc Dougals IS the degredation of our society..,. So STOP EATING IT!
Go to Wendys, ChikFila Hell I rather do a Taco Bell .. Better Yet,, Go To Giant after 9:30 p.m. and get the meat discounted and cook it yourself,, Then see how you feel,... You HAVE been WARNED!
Why did it surprise me that the Daily Times thread it's way into a fast food post? And since when does Greg Bassett run the paper? It HAS a Publisher and President.
Go www.mcdonalds.com and register a complaint. Every complaint I have made has been addressed by their coporate office (Baxter Industries). They get enough complaints about that particular location and something will be done.
I went through the drive thru recently, wanting to try their iced coffee. I gave them my order twice through the speaker and the girl mumbled something, so I gave her the order again. She hollered "SHUT UP!!" and I said "excuse me??" She said "oh, I wasn't talking to you!" Obviously she was yelling at a coworker and forgot to cover up the mic. Anyway, she didn't even apologize! I just drove away. I know they might be working out the kinks, but common courtesy never hurt anyone! :-)
maybe they are taking notes from pac 14 watching the city council meetings.next on the menu sewage spills .I am suprised that when you asked about the door being locked the did not say i will get back to you in two weeks.maybe they should change the name to Mcbarrie home of the golden lies.
Terrible McDonalds! I normally ask for the raid dipping sauce for my McFly's.
stick to LORA locally owned restraurant association member. These members give great service, have great food and the money stays local. There are plenty of quick service restaurants that surley are twenty steps above McD's.
This use to be one of the quickest and best McDonalds before they destroyed it and rebuilt it...shame
"the worst of all Macdonalds".Isn't that the same as saying " the worst smelling septic tank" ?
Yep, we went to East Side Deli and got a terrific salad today for lunch. They are great as is several other local owned and truly the cost is the same for the best food around. So I agree, LORA is what we all should be doing especially with the economy like it is. They need our support. Spice
I know when we get delivery's the back door is open a while. They do make "Air Doors" that blow a flow of air straight down from the top of the door and flies can't even pass thru the force of that air.
I do have to agree, dining out and flies just don't go well togther.
McD's tries to make chicken salad out of chicken $hit. It simply does not work.
We took our children there for just a sundae. Me and about 10 other people waited forever. I started timing my wait by the reciept. I waited 7 minutes for two sundaes. The manager just looked at me when I asked why it was taking so long. And the funny part was, when an employee there went to place his order the manager stated how'd you get to the front of the line so quickly, he said, well these people are waiting for their food. She said not all of them and then about ten of us said at one time. Yes all of us. It was unreal. We will never eat their again.
I stopped going there years ago because of the rudeness and uncleanliness of that place. I'll NEVER go back
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