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Thursday, July 03, 2008

Major Breaking News

Sgt. Jason Chance of the Wicomico County Sheriff's Department was involved in a hit & run accident and has been charged with a DUI last night, early this morning. The information is just coming in on this but he was Off Duty and he is being charged and processed by the Maryland State Police as the investigation has in fact been turned over to the MSP.

There were no injuries and the accident occurred on Northumberland Drive. The Wicomico County Sheriff's Department has a policy, (like all Police Departments) of a no tolerance rule in which Sgt. Chance has allegedly been removed from duty. I can assure you, Mr. Chance will be terminated.

"That is where I live and we heard a crash last night, and our neighbor across the streets truck was all mangled up this morning."


Anonymous said...

OMG. This is a shame, he was the school deputy and this certainly is not leading by example. Joe please give us some more details. I think he should be terminated, but we know of several local politicians, states attorneys, and officers, deputies,and troopers who have had dui on their record or gotten them since being hired. Just makes you go HMMMMMM

Bob said...

I know this will likely stir the poop but I have to what way is this any different than Davis Ruark? Each is charged with 2 crimes:

Davis - DWI and Possession of a firearm under the influence.

Chance - DWI and Leaving the scene of a Prop. Damage Accident.

Davis got a first offender deal and retains his job in the law enforcement community.

Chance - Will he get the same first offender deal? (If I was his atty I would ask for the Davis Deal. I have no problem with the deal but it has to be available to every first offender, right?) Will Chance get to retain his job? NO! Nor should he. He should be fired - no ifs ands or buts.

My question is.....who will prosecute this case?

Some will say that this case is different because Chance hit a car and Davis didn't. Well he hasn't been convicted in much the same way Davis hadn't been convicted when all the poop started. My point is what's good for one is good for another. Yes - I feel that Chance should be fired in order to preserve the integrity of the Sheriff's office. I also think Davis should have resigned in order to preserve the integrity of the S/A's Office.

In my opinion, Mike has taken the initiative to do what's necessary to preserve this integrity. Davis hasn't, because he put his personal needs and ambitions above the integrity of his office and those who work for him.

Anonymous said...

Joe, that is totally unfair to say and untrue. He will not lose his job over this. He cant. There is this thing called FOP and labor standards. He has to be tried and as a police officer they have L.E.O.B.R.

Now, that being said, what he did was totally wrong and not good for anyone. I dont know the backs to the story, but i do know Jason and from what i know, he doesnt seem like the type of person to do this. Such a shame. Glad no one was injured and hurt.


Anonymous said...

You have got to be pretty drunk to hit a parked car! I agree that he should be fired and I hate to say that because like someone else refers to the Davis Ruark incident. Both of these people in a way enforce the law either by arresting or prosecuting it, but one will be jobless and the other is still working?? If Davis Ruark was the man that everyone thinks/thought he was, he would have resigned and upheld the integrity of that office, instead now everytime some is tried for DUI/DWI they get to think about the man heading that office and he did the same damn thing. Jason Chance knew better than this, I bet if he had called Mike Lewis he would have went and picked him up. But then he prob would have held it against like he does anyone that says or does anything he doesn't like.

Anonymous said...

Didn't his brother get charged and fired from WCSO for same thing?

Anonymous said...

This certainly is a shame. Jason is a fine officer and an all around nice guy. There certainly is no excuse for his actions, but he has been dealing with a fairly serious personal issue lately. It just goes to show that our officers are human after all. Unfortunately, this will cost him his career.

Anonymous said...

No excuse for it.

Anonymous said...

"the decisions we make, dictate the lives we live. that goes for all of us!!!

Anonymous said...

Jason Chance is a great guy and yes police officers are not robots. He is going through a very hard time now and we could be a little more supportive. He has been there for our kids by making Wicomico County Public Schools a safe learning environment. I think it is bull crap that you all want to kick him while he is down!!!

Anonymous said...

WCSO has a Zero Tolerance policy in place. The officers know that in advance. Does the SA office have this policy? If not, in light of the last fiasco, they should.

I feel for the young man. He made a mistake he'll pay for the rest of his life. Sorry son, this is what it is in the real world. We play, we pay.

Anonymous said...

My parents live on that street. Does anyone know where about it happened on the street?

Anonymous said...

It happened just as you turn onto Northumberland Dr. from Downing Rd. It happened around 11.30 pm Thursday night.

Anonymous said...

Wicomico Co. Sheriff's Office
Date: 7/3/2008
Dispatch Incident Report
Page 4
CC # Date Time
Address (Hundred Block)
8-22365 7/2/2008 23:19 Hit & Run 8400 NORTHUMBERLAND DR

This is from the Sheriff's Office website.

Anonymous said...

What happened to the two State Troopers that were with him when the accident occurred?

Anonymous said...

Just because you work in law enforcement does not mean you are not human...this goes for most of law enforcement I might add. Think about it!! Have you ever made a bad decision? I sure as hell have. The only difference is I didn't get
caught. In both of these cases nobody was hurt. Let them face the judge like anyone else would. I don't think Davis Ruark or Mr. Chance should lose their job period. I would hate to think I would lose my job over one bad decision...

Anonymous said...

they were thinking how lucky they were not to be the one driving plus watching their careers flash infront of their eyes

Anonymous said...

law enforcement officers are human but they are held at higher standards because of their occupation. they know what is right from wrong. they took an oath to uphold the law not break it.

Anonymous said...

3:22pm What? Are you crazy or drunk?

Anonymous said...

Sgt. Chance is a great guy! I am sorry that he made a really bad decision. At least he and his wife were intelligent enough to call it in rather than try to run from it. He will regret his decision to drink and drive the rest of his life. Maybe he can become a real mentor to the kids and tell them from his own experience what can happen to you when you break the law. Jason you are in my thoughts and prayers!!!

Anonymous said...

125 you must be one of those a$$ kissers from WCSO quit sucking up he cant help you now

Anonymous said...

3:43 NO I am not crazy or drunk! Have you ever made a mistake or are you PERFECT?

Anonymous said...

251 sounds like they conspired to hide it also they should be hung by the balls

Anonymous said...


What is the definition of hit an run? If someone had not got his tag would he have told? Took two hours to report it? Wow I'm sure a he was plotting to cover it with a certain admin friend.

Anonymous said...

No not perfect just dont drive drunk and run from accidents. Not about me. About a Sgt. from WCSO drving drunk.

Anonymous said...

417 i wish i had a admim friend

Anonymous said...

what a shame-not a clue as usual-1000 rumors and only 1 truth-check wboc

Anonymous said...

4:27 your are wrong this site has the real details they dont want you know.

Anonymous said...

go over to deers head hospital and see what one mistake can, your one mistake could affect someone for the rest of their lives, none of us were ever given that type of power. drinking and driving kills, next time could be your daughter, mother, wife or mine. one time is all it takes.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

just like a trooper geting a deputy in trouble the trooper ordered him to drive

Anonymous said...

My point is......HE DIDN"T HURT anyone but himself. He lost his job...that is enough!! AND I can assure you they have alot worse than Sgt. Chance at the WCSO. they just didn't get caught AND some of them who have are still employed by the WCSO. A FACT trust me.

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that just after Joe posted this on the blog, within 30 mins WBOC showed up to interview the person who's truck was hit. Amazing, even the local "news" station has to follow this blog to get "news" for them to sad that is for WBOC.

Anonymous said...

4:57-You want to let us all know what you know? He's not the worst????

Anonymous said...

"I feel for the young man. He made a mistake he'll pay for the rest of his life. Sorry son, this is what it is in the real world. We play, we pay.'

Now he will have get a real job.

Anonymous said...

5:29 What do you mean..."real job". When you start fighting criminals and dealing with the scum of the earth day in and day out then maybe you'll have a "real" job.

Anonymous said...

Hey CB... the MSP sent out a press release to ALL media this morning. Just FYI. You should know what you're talking about BEFORE you post a comment.

Anonymous said...

4:56 you are a dumba*s ! Where do you get such info ? Are you trying to stir up some trouble between the MSP and the WCSO or did a trooper catch you drinking and driving. These guys put their lives on the line everyday,you ball-less jerkoff.

Anonymous said...

Some of you people are absolutely amazing. Who the hell died and left you all to be judges, juries and executioners. Be careful what you put out in the world, it comes back to you tenfold.

It's bad enough the man got drunk, he made a bad decision to drive, resulting in an accident. Another bad decision made was to leave the scene. These are the facts as we were given them from MSP.

Aren't the facts bad enough? Not for some of you sick minded people, nope, you've got to add fuel to the fire in the form of out and out lies. If you know for a fact there were others with him, say so and sign your name to it. Otherwise shut the f**k up. You're nothing but gutless wonders hiding behind anonymous.

Anonymous said...

I see a big difference between this and Davis Ruark's situation. Chance left after hitting something and hid, Davis stood up and didn't lie, that is whay they should be treated differently.

Anonymous said...

I'm just glad he didn't try to lie his way out of it. Like many would do. He's honest and should still be treated as such. Most men in his situation would have tried to say he drank afterward when he got home. I would bet everything Jason would never do that, he has good character.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

These guys put their lives on the line everyday,you ball-less jerkoff.

8:18 PM

Every roofer (with or without teeth) has a better chance of getting hurt or killed on the job than any Barney Fife want-a-be we have working as cop.

Anonymous said...

Oh Dear we go again with the "Police Officers put their lives at risk for us" We put our lives on the line every time we walk out the door with all of the crime and gangs in Salisbury just like you do. We are out in public with the criminals just like you are, so get over yourself and find another job if you don't like yours.The only difference have a little protection on your side and we don't. Many of you are a disgrace to law enforcement anyway.

Anonymous said...

12:47 When's the last time you arrested one, having to fight for your life? Or being bit or had feces thrown on you? Or had your life, wife & kids threatened and targeted because of your job? When's the last time you stayed at work for 24-38 hours straight having to deal with a homicide of a child? When's the last time you had to deal with a family of a deceased child because of a drunk driver and break the news to them? Yes, day in and day out, this is our job, take it or leave it. Go back to your job raking leaves or cutting grass...

Anonymous said...

He is a great guy, but this isn't about how great he is, it's about drinking and driving, and as a police officer he is expected to uphold and abide by the laws that he inforces.
We all have rough times in our life, no excuse. We all have pressure in our work, no excuse.
It's a horrible mistake that he's made, and the loss of a good police officer.

Anonymous said...

12:47....You have never worked 38 hours straight in your life...pleeeeze, and like I said stop complaining and find another job if you don't like it. I make a damn good living and don't want shit thrown on meso that is why I did not choose your proffession. GET over yourself and do your are paid way more than you are worth.

Anonymous said...

To the person that obviously does not respect police officers. I don’t know what you do but it is clear you have no idea about police work. I suggest you stop talking. You have taken this way out of context. I’m guessing you have had a run in with the law at some point. So now you feel this is your opportunity to get back at them. OR maybe you tried out for a police academy and they said you were not strong enough to be a police officer. Whatever the case maybe, you should remember that karma has away of coming back around. You know what about to say…remember all that you are saying now because the next time you need a police officer or any type of medic, they’re still going to be there for you. I hope when that day comes you think back to this and feel like an a$$!!! Then again, you are making yourself look like an a$$ now. You are the epitome of a trouble maker. Police officers protect people like me from people like you. My heart goes out to all police officers that has to deal with such scum.

Anonymous said...

I thrive and love the risk and the challenge. Some of us have been given the privilege and ability to do this job. I am in love with not only my duty but what it entails. Hell, I even get paid for it. It's not much, but it's so much more than what I grew up with. The day I complain that I don't get paid enough is the day I quit. That day will never come. Unfortunately, I will always have job security. Even if I were rich I would do it voluntarily.
I understand what you are trying to say 12:47.
I locked up a dealer last week. He told a fellow narc officer in an interview that he sells dope for the challenge, or the excitement sort of speak. He liked the risk of ditching police and fellow dealers. I understand this. I guess I enjoy the same thing, except I'm his egotistical counterpart. The only difference is we have the chance of saying that we may have done something good for someone at the end of my day.
If god forbid I were to die on this job, so what, I got to leave this world doing what I love. Don't waste the taxpayers money on a fancy funeral and some stupid medal. My opinion that's all, not worth much.


Anonymous said...

That is strong talk TM-Kudos

Anonymous said...

"privilege" I like that. Very respectable.

Anonymous said...

Good TM. Keep up the good work. Definitely not talk. Fact.

from a Deputy, Friend

Anonymous said...


Is going home after you hit a parked car, telling your wife about it and having her report it 3 or so hours later being honest and not lieing about it? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

5:36. Thanks.