The Grant Money that afforded the Former Zoo Director Jim Rapp his current position at DLITE is running out and sources tell me that if he doesn't raise the money for his salary himself, he could be out of a job just as soon as that Grant Money is over.
Man, that old phrase, "what goes around, comes around" is really starting to pan out. Now let's see just how many people back and support that guy. Are people actually willing to donate the man's yearly salary for another organization? Time will tell.
On other Zoo related stories, word has it the Zoo Curator Gary Muir will be retiring from the Zoo in the near future as well. One of the former Zookeepers left the Zoo and went to work at the Sewage Treatment Plant and since then we've seen multiple sewage spills. Hmmmmmm?
Joel Hamilton is now sporting around the Zoo in a new Gator to get from one end of the Zoo to the other. This vehicle is exclusively his. It must be one of the new perks for the job. Funny, even though the money had been there to purchase it almost 5 years ago, they finally got it. With the new age of computers, it is quite a challenge WALKING through the Zoo any more. In 20 more years they should have limos taking you from one end to the other and we'll all be going, yeah, that makes sense, NOT!
Hey, I've got an idea. Maybe they should take some of the taxpayers money and buy REAL Gators and not ones that run off of fuel? THE ZOO NEEDS ANIMALS FOLKS, NOT MORE TOYS!
no zoo reuired...
What goes around , comes around, right Jim? I can't see why the zoo needs this transport item when they have very few animals to work with. Better they buy some young replacements for the old animals they have there. Just don't know about that place, except that they use too much of our tax dollars fot what we get!
A. Goetz
Is Ron Alessi stepping down so Rapp can be appointed to the Zoo Commission? Not my idea of "new blood."
I don't wish the fella any ill, but I really wish he'd stay away from the zoo and the city government. Just doesn't strike me as very mature.
Now isn't this timely? Rapp loses job with Delite due to lack of funding. Rapp's name pops up as one of Barries appointed on the PAC 14 transition list. Is he going to transition himself right into a paid position with the newly acquired millions? Time will tell.
Zoo Commission? What's he going to do now, run PAC-14 into the ground?
Sound's like somebody was pissing down his leg and told him it was raining outside and he fell for it.
how bout this piece of shit along with the humane society clowns open there own freak show circus sideshow! just think what the exhibits could be named? stay on all these posers asses joe good job!
Grandkids up to visit again and went as usual tonight to Ben's Red Swings. It is a nice place for them to play. Didn't go to the zoo at all. As we drove around the park, I was wondering what all those weeds are along the water bank? Looks to me like weeds that needed to be weedwacked. Is that the case OR is it just park work that has NOT been done? Inquiring minds want to know.
I thought the zoo had gators at one time, but then again it has been a long time since I have been to the zoo, my last visit there was not what I had expected. I have lived here 48 yrs. and the zoo is not as pleasing as when I was a kid or even as a teenager in the '70s.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if some time in the near future they just open the Zoo up to traffic...one way of course...It worked so well Downtown didn't it????
Plants along the shoreline? That's the new living shorline that taxpayers coughed up, what a joke. Didn't that cost $1,000,000?
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