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Monday, July 14, 2008

City Council Meeting Tonight

Ladies & Gentlemen, a little zoo creature told me there's going to be some kind of fireworks tonight at the Salisbury City Council Meeting. Bring popcorn because I hear it's going to be well worth watching. 6:00 PM in the GOB.


Anonymous said...

will it be on pac 14?

Anonymous said...

Barrie goin' to stay around or make one of her swift exits out the door in the wall? She's so good at quickly disappearing through that wall. I hope somebody stands up and tells her she's gotta stay to the end.

When she stands up to leave tonight (just after some certificate she awards) everyone should object.

Anonymous said...

Wish I could be there, but Mondays are tough days for us dialysis patients, after two days off from the machines. I too think someone should stop the mayor from walking out after doing some fool hearty certificate, to make herself look good on TV. She is such an egoist!

A. Goetz

Anonymous said...

Perhaps they should applaud when she stands up to make her disappearing act.

Anonymous said...

What kind of little zoo creature?

Anonymous said...

anaon 3:29 if its a little zoo creature from salisbury zoo..its probably sick

Anonymous said...

maybe she should just be booed.

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone will pour some water on the Weasel and she will proceed to dissappear in a cloud of smoke!

Toto, we ain't in Kansas anymore.

Anonymous said...

Look people...even my toddler will tell you that drama always carries the day over that which is expected. If this lame troll leaves early; because everyone is now sworn on the record-EVERY SUBSEQUENT COMMENTER should note her level of disdain and time of departure-on the record. If she leaves; pretend you are living in the UK and it is the House of Commons...remind her that if not re-elected she has to live in the fetid sewer with the rest of us lesioned poorlings....and we will not likely share our rat meat with her because although hungry, our memories are very strong.

Anonymous said...

Shanie couldn't even keep her opening worthless drivel under 5 minutes, how could she expect to have an intelligent discussion in less time. Then again when has she ever had an intelligent discussion?

Anonymous said...

I wish you were doing a live blog! Debbie just asked Louise if she knew what 2/3 of 5 was--it was hilarious! Louise obviously didn't know, and said "I think we all know that." Too funny! Louise, count this as an anonymous letter against your reign of terror!

Anonymous said...

memo; at 7:20 p.m. the citizens of salisbury lost part of their democracy. the city council president, shields, comeges sold you out, they successfuly robbed the citizen of the freedom of expression and the freedom of speech. cohen and cambell stood up for you, but they were brushed aside by this ridiculous city goverment and her flunkies. remember this when its time to vote again. this is truely a sad day for the salisbury citizens.

Anonymous said...

I bet that the 2/3 question really rung Bubba's bell. Wha? da, hey dare da nebba teached me dat in da bubba skool-o-matmatics.

It's not a sad day, if I feel like rambling on over my allotted time they will have to take me out physically, it won't be quietly and will take far more time than just answering the damn originial question. I pay part of your salary to sit there on your fat ass and listen damn-it.

Think about it, if enough of us sit there and refuse to shut up and leave there only option may be to close the meeting or taking everyone to jail. It's going to cost them either way.

Anonymous said...

6/15 the answer to that question not? I took remedial math and could figger that without taking off my shoes or a calculator. What a bunch of stupid F's

Anonymous said...

Is anyone surprised at this? Debbie and Terry will find a way to show these slimebuckets and the mare that "the classy ladies" will win in the end; this fight isn't over.

Anonymous said...

If Shanie were any dumber she'd be falling out of the anus of a camel. wish you were doing live tonight LoL

Anonymous said...

Now we know where Shanie comes up with all of her revelations, from that Crystal Ball that they must have at McDonalds. Go head Shanie, keep eating that garbage you wear it well. Beware, that food is not good for your health, the decsions you make personally reflect on you over all. If you don't care about your own health why should the citizens? Can I Super-Size that for you?

Anonymous said...

I say that either Debbie or Terry should simply become "ill" if Louise tries to invoke the 4/5 rule. Then, as Debbie tried to point out to President Clueless, they could not meet the 4 of 5 council memebr requirement for anything! duh! That was one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time. "I think we all know the answer to tha." Hilarious! I want my vote back! Oh, I forgot to mention the other hilarious thing, when Debbie and terry both pointed out that Louise used anonymous phone messages to justify her support for a rule eliminating anonymous letters! too funny! I guess phone calls are acceptable if they are anonymous, but not letters! Double duh!

Anonymous said...

Comegys isn't retarded; just learning disabled. With a patient resource aide, Little Gary could master this advanced math by costing the taxpayer a mere 5 chocolate doughnuts. However, once we improve his counting skills we may have to address "gluttony" type sin issues if he can't stop the exercise, promptly, after devouring 3.33 doughnuts...

Anonymous said...

Its a sad day in Salisbury that we allowed them to shut Debbie and Terry up. In essence, they have shut every single one of us up. We already had to struggle to get information, what we could get we got via Debbie and Terry questioning everything at the meetings and explaining why they say and do the things they do. Now we get 5 minutes. This city and it's citizens are so screwed. Just wait until you see the damage done between now and April. You ain't seen nothing yet. Barrie will paint her masterpiece of destruction over the next 9 months.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:17, I thought Debbie and Terry were great tonight.

But I feel like we all let them down.

I know they will keep up the good fight.

They want anonymous phone calls? How about printing the blog comments about them out, send them to Louise, and tell her to log them!

Anonymous said...

I think that Debbie & Terry will give them a run for their money. Louise can't even do simple math for her own rules. The good side is that all of this stuff is that more citizens are starting to attend in person. The tide is turning and there is hope for Salisbury. Tonight's meeting is a perfect example. After the passage of Louise's new rule the meeting went for 4 hours. I learned plenty from it. I wonder if Louise multiplied all of the agenda items by 10 minutes per council person and came up with the total possible length for the meeting. Think of the possibilities if we had 5 bright people like Debbie & Terry who read their materials and debated with the best interest of the public at heart. Something to look forward to in the next election!

Anonymous said...

Just got home. What happened, what happened??? What were the fireworks?

Hate having missed it.

Let me guess...3 to 2 to shut up the two with brains.

3 to 2 to spend all our money.

3 to 2 to bless the landlords and screw the neighborhoods.

Can't wait to get up and read here what happened!

Anonymous said...

I don't know why Cohen and Campbell didn't bring up all the phone calls at home, cell phone, and e-mails they must receive---applauding the fact they take the time to be thorough, ask questions to no avail, and attempt to serve their constituents in a fiscally responsible manner only to be constantly thwarted by the soviet bloc. Truly a sad night.
I am embarrassed by the 3 dimwits.

Mr. Ireton(?) and Mr. Harrison spoke passionately and eloquently regarding this travesty tonight. But as always--it doesn't matter what the public input is. It is always superceded by the narcisistic tendencies of Madam President. Also, very cowardly of the 3 musketeers to discuss this change in the rules of order when neither of the ladies (C&C) were able to attend.
Yes, sometimes the 2 educated ladies can be repetitive, but this too could be avoided if the others would quit PLAYING at politics, and renounce their seats to 3 people who will also take their role seriously. Lousie, Shanie and Comegys--- If you don't want to put in the time, then resign!

Trivia Question:
Has there ever been a 3-2 vote on this council that consisted of any other combination than comegys,shields, and smith---vs--Cohen and Campbell? OMG- I just got a sick idea---city council trivia game!!


Anonymous said...

What an embarassing spectacle. There must be some way to remind these people that SBY is part of the free country called America.
There seems to be an agreement between the three to agree on all things...can it be that Louise, Gary and Shanie REALLY agree on all those points? It appears that they don't agree as much as they vote against Terry and Debbie. What a sad bunch of folks.
BTW, that Debbie and Terry haven't gone into a rage and slapped the crap out of those buffoons is a testament to either how much patience or class these two ladies have. Keep up the good work as long as you can stand it, Terry and Debbie. Your superhuman efforts are appreciated and applauded by the intellegent ones among us.

Anonymous said...

How about a new drinking game? Each time the vote is 3-2, you have to take a drink! I'll host the first one as a fundraiser for Tilghman's mayoral opponent (help is on the way, Salisbury!).

Anonymous said...

Both Teryy and Debbie would be able to tell you who it was that called their house, they happen to reply to all citizens!

Anonymous said...

How many of the commentors are city voters?

I see the council meetings are cheap entertainment for a few.

Anonymous said...

2 city voters in this household.

Anonymous said...

Yup council meetings are entertaining, the "All You Can Eat BS," is even better