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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

John Wade's Election Fraud

Ladies & Gentlemen, never in all my years have I seen something so blatant and obvious. I'm told there were close to 90 some odd absentee ballots for John Wade, all but 8 votes for him were actually legal.

As you can CLEARLY see from the two photos above, the same person signed these absentee ballots as they all came in like this. This man needs to be arrested and throw into jail.

This Country was created to give us the freedom to get out and vote for the person we believe is the best person to represent us. John Wade is a liar, a scam artist and IMO a criminal. This scumbag can use any excuse he'd like to come after me but I have clearly seen first hand just how desperate this man is and when he was a "No Show" at all yesterday, I knew for sure the guy was a piece of sh!t. I also knew everything I had picked up about the guy was accurate because any good human being would have stood up to what I have been saying and defend himself.

John Wade refused to talk to the Press after numerous phone calls and he refused to show up at the polls. I am calling out for Governor O'Malley to terminate this lying sack of sh!t immediately from the Maryland State Liquor Board and I expect to hear something today in reference to that decision.

I am confident that when the Lt. Governor comes to Town next week and views these ballots they will feel comfortable their decision to terminate him was the right one.

Shame on you Mr. Wade, for trying to cheat the American Voting System. You don't even belong in the Unites States of America, let alone Princess Anne! You Sir are responsible for each and every one of those ballots and I certainly hope there's a price to pay for breaking the law.

My final hope is that the proper authorities in Princess Anne move forward to have this man prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Time will tell?


Anonymous said...

No way Joe that is going to happen.Hes [Black] and given the scenario of the Town of Princess Anne color line nothings going to happen.Lawsuits of discrimination and so forth in this society we live in today is disturbing.Same thing occuring in Pocomoke.

Anonymous said...

I just have to ask:
Did this joker send all of the bogus write-in ballots in a single envelope to save on postage?

Anonymous said...

I think you meant to say that all but 8 votes were illegal.

BossHogg said...

Like I said before:

John Wade is a graduate of the Honiss Cane School of Dirty Politics.

I have seen X-Councilman Cane drive people to the polls, take out the voter registration list and "remind them" of their name & address.

I have heard of people being paid to vote and then voting multiple times using different names...

We triggered a Grand Jury Investigation into Pocomoke election practices, but nobody would testify against these crooks because of very *REAL* threats.

SO what will happen to this man?


It's how things work on the Eastern Shore.

Anonymous said...

Election fraud is one thing, a very bad thing. There is an added dimension of criminality when those ballots were put in the mail. Now mail fraud is involved so maybe the feds can do something.

Anonymous said...

He should be removed IMMEDIATELY from the Somerset County Liquor Licensing Board. Joe, do us all a favor and stay vigilent on this sack of crap. He needs to go!

Anonymous said...

Ah, who cares?

Anonymous said...

Now that youv nocked a brother down why dont you kick him

Anonymous said...

BossHogg said...
Like I said before:

It's how things work on the Eastern Shore.

12:46 PM

No, this is typical of the Democrat Party. Remember vote early, vote often? Residents of the local cemetary always vote.

Anonymous said...

He will be punished ! He can run ,
as he has chose to do , but we will
get you!

Anonymous said...

This could very well happen in Salisbury. Watch those absentee ballots in the mayoral election. Watch out fot the residents of Parsons Wicomico Cemetaries

Anonymous said...

Honiss? that name is an oxymoron like the beholder of said name