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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

What to do in the Area?

From a young reader.


I'm 19 years old and live in Delmar. I attend SU, but am trying to find things to do in my free time, especially over the summer. I'm not old enough to go over to bars etc. in OC, so a huge amount of recreational/social opportunity is lost right there. As a local blogger, I thought that you might be able to suggest a few interesting things to do/see locally. I've lived here long enough that I'm familiar with the centre and the shorebirds etc., but I'm trying to find smaller venues that are interesting, as well as ways of getting more personally and socially involved in the community here If you have any ideas or suggestions (crazy is good!), that would be wonderful.

Thanks, Michael


Unfortunately you are in that quasi I'm too old for a lot of stuff and not old enough for the rest of being a legal adult. Live music is hard to come by unless you are 21. Seacrets and The Bottle and Cork are 21 and over shows. The Wicomico Youth and Civic Center is hosting Willie Nelson July 30 and WWE August 10th. Slim pickings. Night life is going to be a little tough for you.

A few suggestions. Go camping and night fishing at Assateague. It's fun, relaxing, and not crowded. Roast some smores. BBQ'n during the day playing horseshoes, bocce, whiffle ball, and what ever sport all day is how I spent a lot of my free weekends off from running when it was nice. It kept us active all day; we literally spent an hr and a half playing knock-out in the New Zoo at my place non stop and it was a blast!

Get involved with the clubs at school. Many kids stay around and you can go out and do activities with the members. Some groups, like Greek Life, have convocations and leadership workshops which you can go to if you become a member of a Greek Organization.

Community wise you can offer your services up to charities and volunteer services. Go to local festivals and events like Pork in the Park or the Tawes Crab Feast in July in Crisfield. Look for local organizations such as Jaycees or political clubs.

If you have any sign ups, volunteer services, charity events, suggestions, or any events that Michael or any of our youth could participate in please do not hesitate to post a response or email us at for us to post.


Anonymous said...

Here's a crazy one and I'm not joking. Attend a twelve step A.A. meeting before you may need to. There's always interesting people with some serious life lessions to share. The local government may drive you to drink!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting and informational post Nick. You forgot the other things Michael would be able to do if he took trips to O.C. like H2O for the younger kids, the beach playing volleyball,swimming,just playing sports on the sand. Also the rides, mini golf and other sports and entertainment in the area. Over all you hit the good points. Again very good post.

Anonymous said...

Move to New Jersey.

Anonymous said...


and when there are not any waves - which is most of the time in OC - go play disc golf at the awesome course at schumaker pond!!!

Of course, the atlantic ocean is already a wonderful 77 degrees down here...probably won't reach that all summer up there. Sorry...


Bob said...

Here's a novel idea......W.O.R.K.

I'm not kidding. An older lady from right here in the Salisbury area who taught me everything I know about business said it best. She said "Son there are two ways to spend your time. You can spend it spending money or you can spend it making money."
Even if you don't go anywhere....if you sit and read a book, your bills continue to accumulate so in essence you're spending money. Work, work, work while your young and can do it, so when your older you won't have to - provided you make good business choices.

Nick Loffer said...

H20 is a bar on training wheels for spring breakers. I never had inclination to go there when I was a young buck. H20 is also the reason I do not want a daughter (no offense ladies), but I've seen how these girls dress on the boardwalk and going into the club and its kinda trashy and lacking all class. He still would have to deal with young high school teens there; not what college kids want to deal with.

You can only do so much stuff, like mini golf before it gets too repetive and the rides, minus the ferris wheel,is too oriented for younger kids.

but the beach, v-ball, and sports on the sand you are def on point. I was on the beach with 2 of my friends today and we had a great time just, here it is, relaxing, OMG. I even went on a 5 mi run.

Nick Loffer said...

Grand-Dad, on point again.

Still everyone needs some R&R.

Completely forgot about the Frolf Course. It's really has come along way and I'm pretty sure it's the SU's Ultimate teams who have worked on it.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps vist the salvation army and donate some free time

Anonymous said...

Into art? SASS...The Secret Art Society of Salisbury (although not much of a secret)...They have monthly gatherings...local artists...and decent bands...You can find them on MySpace

Anonymous said...

It amazes me how much effort, including mine, is but forth to amuse a 19 yr old. Cause you will never convince me that if there is in fact a real 19 yr old behind this he is pulling our collective, leg. What any age person going to SU cannot find something to do. Isn't that the party college of the Easter Shore?
Nick, why don't you suggest he go to the public library and read a book on the "Greatest Generation" they had a lot of spare time on their hands.

Anonymous said...

Shorebirds baseball. It's inexpensive and very entertaining.

Grand have your entire life to work. Have some fun and live a little!

Travis Fisher said...

As a Salisbury Jaycee, I'd like to personally invite Michael to come help us BBQ chicken at the Chicken Festival next weekend. We need help setting up Wed & Thurs night, and could use a few hours of help at any time Fri or Sat. There are a ton of different shifts to suit any schedule.

It's quite an experience to build a BBQ pit and run a system to cook more than a thousand chicken dinners. Definitely something that you can look back on and be proud for doing a great job for something of this scale.

While you technically have to be 21 - 40 to be an official member of the Jaycees, younger friends and family of members come to help for our large projects. We treat each one of them with respect and offer many thanks for helping us to improve the community.

If Michael (or anybody else with a desire to help us support our community projects) would like to participate, email and we can talk about it in more detail.

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of things to do in Salisbury other than drink, I think? How about mens slow pitch softball or playing soccer or flag football at Crown Center and Fora's Fitness in Fruitland? Here is another idea, join a gym, work out? Go fishing at many of the local streams or ponds. Take up golf, we have some of the best courses on the eastern shore within 30 minutes. There are plenty of things to do, tennis courts at the park? You are taking the easy route and complaining about nothing to do behind your computer. Stand up, walk away from your keyboard and do something recreational. This article demonstrates what is wrong with the kids today. Does anybody remember leaving the house at sunrise and playing until our moms called us home at sunset???

Anonymous said...

Get over to the zoo near SSU. You can get drunk every day and you just may get lucky!

Anonymous said...

Your suggestions, BORING, he said he is already familiar with, BORING OC...
Anonymous said... 6:17 PM
you must be a Good Ole Boy with a boring life to suggest Move to New Jersey, CAN YOU SAY COUNTRY!
Grand Dad,
He is a student, probably already has a job, and I am pretty sure, Michael already has a job, but good advice for a young person that doesn’t have a job.
Anonymous said... BORING!!!
Brick Tamland, you must be a married or older person, and are in denial, you even stated "I Think" well your thinking your age, BORING!!
Michael is 19, he wants fun, Flora's good, and Nick’s suggestions are good I Agree with you on the H2O...
Salisbury is or should I say a retirement community, there is nothing to really do for young adults as yourself, that’s how the locals would love to keep it; however it won’t be long before big changes happen people entrupanuers from everywhere are moving in the area. Half of the parents I know are in denial, there children come to me with there problems, because they trust me, I know who is doing what and give them advice. My suggestion is to everyone! Someone needs to buy land, and build some kind of fun spot, like an Adventure Landing perhaps, open all year round, fun for all ages, Laser tag, virtual rides, Birthday parties, indoor events, and then the pools for the summer. FUN all Year Round for all ages. Not saying that it has to be an Adventure Landing, but something like it!

Anonymous said...

How about joining a church and meeting some people about your age. You may well be surprised at how much fun you can have WITHOUT drugs and booze. I used to say the teens of this area had nothing to do but thats just not true. Like grand dad said start off with a job and you will find plenty to do with your time. I am not saying you need to spend all of your time working because you do need a little r&r but I agree with grand dad start on your future now. Some advice I wish I had followed 25 years ago when I was your age.

Anonymous said...

Why does this generation feel that it is up to society to entertain them?! I agree with granddad on this one-WORK! Get a friggen job! I've had a job of one sort or another since I was 15. When I was in college, I worked part time, probably helped keep me out of trouble! So put the weed down, cut your hair and start working on a resume.

Anonymous said...

You can also join us and many more for a game of volleyball on Wednesday nights in Snow hill at the rec center. If you haven't been its awsome or Thursdays at winter place there is a drop in on the sand courts. It starts at 6:30 and goes till done. All are welcome and the more the merrier?

Anonymous said...

and build some kind of fun spot, like an Adventure Landing perhaps, open all year round, fun for all ages, Laser tag, virtual rides, Birthday parties, indoor events, and then the pools for the summer. FUN all Year Round for all ages.

Hey Anonymous 9:15, laser tag,virtual rides, birthday parties, fun all year round? I sat here and thought about what can be more boring and unathletic and i can't think of anything. I am surprised you took the time away from your xbox 360 or wii, where i am sure you have the blisters to prove that you infact have the high score on guitar hero to actually write something on here. You are the guy that brags that you bowled a 300 on wii bowling. How about hide and go seek, flashlight tag, and even better yet campfires where we can tell ghost stories, year round even? how about we buy a piece of land and bring a deck of cards and play war or go fish? YOU SUCK. Since you are oblivious to pools in salisbury, should i inform you of the elks, ymca, or green hill, where i bet you would dominate in sports such as marco polo or red rover or something? Do you still hold your nose as you jump off the diving board? Get real, organized sports is what you need, exercise and team building, which is obvious you have never done. Going to a gym vs. H2O??? Are you serious? Hey Gigabyte, don't act like you can read my comments and instantly know who i am.

Anonymous said...

my comments were for anonymous 9:01, sorry 9:15.

Anonymous said...

t.v. and video games always worked for me......

Anonymous said...

annonn 9:10

about 10 years ago we had a facility just like what you are describing and it tanked. For those whose do not know there is an indoor pool at the Hampton Inn that is open all year and anyone can use for a fee.

Michael. There is also paintball in west oc. I recommend take up some fishing. Enroll for boaters safety courses ans get a boat. It's hard to give you advice because somethings that are fun for some people are not fun for others. Everysone is hollering "goplaygolf" well i for one, while a very skilled golfer, cannot stand to play real golf. Mini golf is ok but standing around when its 85=90 degress chasing a little ball that is just pissing me off, is not my idea of fun. I will pull some Happy gilmore crap out there. Anyway, good luck kid you are asking an age old question.

Anonymous said...

Tilted Horizon Cafe
Youth Coffee House
Bethesda United Methodist Church - North Division St., Salisbury!!!
Saturday, June 7th - 6 - 10 pm
7 bands!
Mosh pit
Milkshakes, Coffee, Soda, snacks at Coffee bar.


Anonymous said...

Why not appreciated the Shore for what it has....Go to Smith Island for the day..very reasonable to ride the boat over from Crisfield & eat the best Seafood in the world & see how people live on the island (then you will appreciate SBY). Go to Blackwater Wildlife Center or the birth place of Harriet Tubman Cambridge), St. Michaels (just below Easton), Trap Pond State Park boat (can rent them there), fish, swim (Laurel, DE), Assateague fish, swim. Research the area and you will find alot of things to do here people take the beauty of the shore for granted.

Anonymous said...

Spend a weekend camping at Shad Landing, hiking trails, boat rentals, awesome pool, campfires,nature center,friendly people YOU make of it what you will!
Oh and don't forget to stop by the store for a hand dipped ice cream cone!

Nick Loffer said...

Thanks for the input everyone. Though this topic has been brought up before I wanted to post it to showcase some events that might not be readily known or advertised.

And my favorite suggestion is road trip! See somewhere you never have been, learn it's history, and take pictures. Gettysburg is a great area to that!

And a point of clarification the name of our amazing University is Salisbury University, SSU has been dropped. Please be in compliance.

Anonymous said...

I'm the author of the original email. I appreciate all those suggestions that were made in a helpful spirit. There are too many of you to thank individually, but I intend to follow up on them.

For the record, by the way: I do work, I do attend school, I have started going to a church, and I've made a calendar of different events to go to.

I'd like to say that certain comments are frankly rude. I use the internet as a source of information that's hard to find otherwise. Sure, I could pick the brains of my friends in conversation to find out about DIFFERENT things to do. I could also search the internet and ask people online, casting my net over a wider group of people and getting some imput that I never could have forseen. As an example, it never occurred to me to go to Smith Island. I've never heard of SASS. These are options, once unavailable to me because of ignorance, that I can now pursue. I don't appreciate being accused of laziness because I use the internet to ask about things like this.

Nick Loffer said...

Nick, Thanks for your post. I went through it, and the comments, and came upwith a list of a number of new things to try. I'm surprised by thecatty responses of some, though. Thanks,Michael

Anonymous said...

Never heard a kid use the word catty.. sounds like a set up question to me but I did laern about volleyball.

Anonymous said...

Wow a lot of people on here really are rude toward the younger generation. I am nineteen and also attend SU. My friends and I do not drink, smoke, or vandalize in our free time. But there is nothing to do in Salisbury without spending a wad of cash. Going to Assateague, golfing, and camping can only be done so many times. I agree with the adventure landing idea. Teenagers need something to do here during day AND NIGHT. Maybe if Salisbury had stuff to do the Students would not be so obsessed with their drinking, drugs, and promiscuous sex. I have lived here all my life and I really do not see the point in not partying all the time. Do nothing and be bored or Drink and be with other drunk people. The city of Salisbury needs to give the younger generation something to do.

Nick Loffer said...

Let me assure you that Michael is a student as his e-mail address is a student account. Some students do use SAT words and words we learnat school.

Anonymous said...

Visit the nursing homes and talk with the patients. They so much like company. If you sing or play an instrument,please entertain them weekly. Pick up a girl and enjoy the sights or maybe some recreational sex. Get a trash bag and walk along the highway picking up trash to make our county beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2:50 AM, Thanks for agreeing with me, A TEEN AGREES, an adult wouldn’t because it would take away the retirement town image away from Salisbury. Salisburians need to stop protecting this Good Ole Boy town, eventually it will become Little New York, Oh but wait a minute. I already know at least 5 families that have moved here from NY, and they have more family members moving here. HAHAHAHA as for TO Brick Tamland, ADVANTURE LANDING, IS JUST A SUGGESTION, at least someone agrees, I am an parent, and I know that when our 22 year old was between 15-18 and still at 22 goes to Adventure Landing, it's a water park amongst other activities, you obviously do not remember what being a teen was like, oh wait a minute, teen age kids in this area find deer hunting to be the FUNNEST thing to do! HMMMM, not everyone is a Good Ole Boy Brick Tamland.