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Friday, February 22, 2008

Update on my questions to the BOE

Today I spoke to Mrs. Robin Holloway, President of the WCBOE, in reference to the questions I posed to her publicly on this blog on Wednesday 2/20. Mrs. Holloway expressed to me that she wanted nothing more than to answer my questions and go into great detail but felt as though she should not. She advised that "Board members are in a position to answer strategic decisions by the board but not day to day operations issues which fall under the management of the school superintendent. " At first I thought I was getting the old runaround, but after speaking to Mrs. Holloway for a while I knew that she was being sincere. She stated that she felt the questions I had were valid and were worthy of answers at which time she set about explaining to me how to get those answers and whom to ask. Mrs. Holloway was a pleasure to talk to and was genuinely interested in what I had to say. Monday I will be making the necessary phone calls to get answers to my questions.

I think it's important to say that the questions posed on the blogs has caused the BOE and upper level school administration to review the way they communicate with the public. The way it was relayed to me (that one was for you shooter ;) lol ) the BOE will be integrating a new question and answer segment on thier web site in about two weeks. The purpose of this section is to have members of the public submit questions they have about anything relating to the Wicomico County Schools, at which time the appropriate person can supply an answer. That should help remove some barriers if it works the way it's supposed to.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the positive remarks of Robin H. She is an amazing person who I trust is leading our school system in a positive direction in the troubled financial times as well as the problems in school that are caused by societal changes. I am certainly happy I work for her.

Anonymous said...

I thought that was the reason why they hired Tracy Sahler?

Anonymous said...

As far as you being told the different people you need to talk to is a joke. Thats what they do at the BOE. PASS THE BUCK!!!! I lived that nightmare for 3 years and unfortunately it's still not over.
My son along with another student from Parkside were chased by the Vice Principal, Mr. Bievenhour, into early morning traffic onto Beaglin Park Drive and into the path of a car. They were both inches from being struck. The car slammed on brakes and left a 6 foot skid mark on the road.
The boys were going to cross the street PRIOR to the beginning of school (7:40 am)and then return. When Mr. Bievenhour saw them he began chasing them.
My son called me before 8:00 am frantic that his friend Had been hit by a car. He didn't know which way the other student had gone. I immediately went to pick him up. By this time he had found his friend and he hadn't been hit. I picked up both boys and went to talk with an advocate (Lori Thompson) for the school. She contacted Steve Brewer at the BOE and he told her to contact the other students' grandmother to get permission for me to transport the kids and then meet at Parkside. I picked up the grandmother and went to Parkside. My son and I met with Mr. Grudis (Principal) and Mr. Bievenhour.
Keep in mind we NEVER received a phone call from the school about any of this and I ASSURE you Mr. Bievenhour knew both boys on a first name basis!!!
My son and I were told that it didn't happen! They both sat there and lied.
We went to the next office and met with Gwen Spencer (Dean of Students) and told her what had happened. She said yes it did happen and she saw the whole thing. Mr. Bievenhour chased both boys into the street and they were almost hit by a car!!
The grandmother met with Mr. Grudis and Mr. Bievenhour and was told that he didn't realize it was this particular student. He KNOWS this kid. She was told that from now on if her grandson was not in school she would be called.
Guess what...he missed many more days and she was never called!
We left the school , but I returned that afternoon to the apartments across the street. I saw the 6 foot skid mark just as the boys had said. There had been men putting in a new side walk there so I asked several of them if they saw the incident. They had and when I asked one guy how many feet the boys were from being hit, he said no mam they were only a couple of inches and he thought the boy did get hit. He descibed to me exactly what the boys had said, that Mr. Bievenhour chased the boys into the street and even showed me how far towards the street Mr. Bievenhour had come. He said Mr. Bievenhour called both boys by name. Hmmm.
I reported this to several people at the BOE, not to mention Lori Thompson had called Steve Brewer. I was told by each and everyone of them they would check it out. Several weeks later, I would contact that person and was told, O no you have to contact so and so. They did this to me for a year. Finally I just gave up.
They smile and shake your hand, make you ALL kinds of promises and then LIE, LIE, LIE!!!

Anonymous said...

My son had an IEP from the beginning of school and the school didn't even know it until it was brought to their attention in December of that school year from an outside agency.
Parkside I might add.
There was also another student that entered Parkside in January and until I told them they weren't aware that this student had an IEP either. Which was a month or two after enrolling.

Anonymous said...

I was told that the BOE spent 15,000 dollars to have a bus transport my son home from Parkside at 9:00. He had an IEP and only attended one class. This was from January until the end of the year.
I thought I had better run out and get a fleet of buses when I heard that, so I asked the driver and she said absolutely not.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie Walston who is the head of special ed at the BOE for Wicomico County is really good at looking you right in the face and telling you a bold face lie!
She seems to be so sweet and friendly, you would think she is the nicest person in the world.
But watch out people...she's not!

Anonymous said...

It's really scary to think that these kids are OUR future and the school system could care less if they get an education or not!

Anonymous said...

If anyone doesn't know, an IEP is an Individualized Education Program details of which can be had by clicking the link.

Anonymous said...

Grand Dad, it's sad that Ms. Holloway has resorted to this tactic. Accountability is sadly lacking in many areas of government administration these days.

I would request that you document all attempts at passing the buck and any runarounds that you encounter while trying to get straight answers to legitimate questions.

This should be prove to be more interesting if what others are saying about the whole thing are true.

Bob said...

This is the only contact I've ever had with Mrs. Holloway and I personally have no reason to doubt what she says. But if things don't pan out and I can't get the answers, I'll tell it all. I've maintained for years that the Wicomico County Board of Education should be comprised of elected members. That helps maintain accountability. But like I said - Mrs. Holloway seemed quite sincere.

Anonymous said...

Elected board members can be a double edged sword throwing politics into the process. Maybe I should say more politics?

Somerset county has had an elected school board for over 30 years now. What kind of difference has that made for them? Can we expect the same if we moved to an elected board?

Anonymous said...

I think a question of having many asst. supts. we're going to have when the new supt. is appointed is hardly a day to day operations issue. Also, she brought up the idea that Worcester and Wicomico each have only two because Mr. Field's former position as asst. supt. of instruction has never been filled. The "never" is somewhat strong if we go back to three asst. supts. in July. Also, do people who took ENP money and didn't retire have to pay it back should have been part of the paperwork signed by those taking the money. They signed months ago. Again, not an operations question.

Anonymous said...

8:03 - They ALL do!!

Anonymous said...

They make it all sound really good, but in reality it's a JOKE!!
If the parents of Parkside students actually knew how many of their kids skipped school and how many times...they would be AMAZED!!!

Anonymous said...

I truly respect Robin Holloway and know that she does an outstanding job as leader of the Board. She is too honest herself to doubt information given to the seven Board members by staff at the central office. She believes what they say and thinks they do not have personal agendas, do not cover up information, do not "shade the truth" when discussing issues with the Board. How wonderful it would be if that were the case. The reality is that the Board does not get the truth much of the time, and they make good decisions based on poor information.

Anonymous said...

Don't put any comfort in the idea that once your kid is on the bus and gets off at Parkside that they are safely in that school!!!
Chances are, they are not.
And don't expect a phone call telling you your child wasn't there. Thats hit and miss with them.
One other thing, even if you receive a call, your child may have actually been in school that day.
They can't keep up.
I was told many, many times that there are over 1,100 students in this school and we can't keep track of all of them.
WHAT THE ______!!!

Anonymous said...

I know this is off topic, but I didn't know schools had a student advocate. When did taxpayers start funding that position? Also, taxpayers funding a bus to take a single student home at 9:00 every school day? I think a taxi would have been cheaper and certainly more fuel efficient. If this is the kind of customized service we are providing to special ed. students, the system will go bankrupt since the number of special ed. kids is soaring in our county.

Anonymous said...

8:15 -

I understand the board is close to announcing the hire of a new superintendent for July 1 and is working on an updated organizational chart. Mrs. H is probably not in a position to respond yet.

Anonymous said...

To possibly clear the issue about the 2 or 3 asst. superintendents being in place when Mr. Field leaves his position.

I was told that Mr. Brown is retiring and that his asst. superintendent position will probably not be filled. That would leave 2.

His position was created by Dr. Knowledge during her reign to probably make things racially balanced. Previously, this position was handled by someone else.

I was told that his duties would be distributed between the head Pupil Personnel Worker and the Director or Student Services or Coordinator of Safe Schools.

That is the story I was told but others may have more info.

Anonymous said...

Great post Granddad...Mrs. Holloway is probably the best president this BOE has ever seen. She truly looks at all sides of issues and is honest in her comments. She is not trying to cover anything. The questions you asked should be answered by specific individuals.

Just a comment on the Parkside mom...sounds like you have some serious issues that need resolved. My question to you is, WHY WAS YOU BOY GOING AWAY FROM THE SCHOOL IN THE FIRST PLACE? I'll tell you...he was skipping school. Sounds to me that you boy can't be trusted and that you need to personally walk is poor little ass into school because he is not responsible.

I am sure you are the same whinny person who is writing all of these posts against the BOE and Mrs. Walston too. Spec. Ed. has done more for my son in this county that you can imagine. I don't demand everything but go into meetings with a level head about expectations. I do not make unreasonable demands and come across as a jerk.

My advice to you...home school...Parkside will be better off. They have a great school and great staff and administration!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your child's trauma and glad he was not hit by a car. The vice principal was probably trying to enforce the rule that, once on school grounds in the morning, students may not leave and return. This is because some kids smoke, drink, or drug (or sell drugs to each other) and then return to school grounds. If kids just want to talk and hang out with their buddies, they can do that on school grounds. The purpose of leaving and then returning is to do something that is not allowed on school grounds. It seems as if the two boys saw him coming, still wanted to leave school grounds for whatever reason and decided to run from him instead of staying on school grounds. That's what you should have been told. Just an honest report that your child wanted to break a school rule, continued leaving when called by the vice principal, ran into a busy street to get away from him and was almost hit by a car. Though all of us would run if pursued by a stranger, the kids knew the vice principal and knew he was not going to mug them or attack them or shoot them or such. They very much wanted to get off school grounds and running was the way to do it. You should have been called immediately and asked to come in to talk about the situation--what happened, learn from the kids why they chose to run instead of staying on school grounds, and how dangerous it is to flee from authority figures.

Anonymous said...

It's almost March and the BOE should be finishing the budget for next year. How many assistant superintendents is a simple question that you don't need an entire new organizational chart to answer to. My neighbor said the two assistant superintendents they have now could get ENP for this one year only and they both took it so they're retiring so what's the big deal?

Anonymous said...

Robin Holloway IS a good, sincere, intelligent person. Like any government entity, the BOE and Administration will have conflicts or failures to communicate, etc. That's why there IS a Board of Ed.

They are kind of like the city council of education, and the superintendent is like the mayor.

I'm comparing functions and conflicts, not actual persons here. I don't know Tom Field well enough to know if he has anything in common with Barrie Tilghman.

Robin Holloway is certainly NO Louise Smith! Holloway is honest and kind, gives a listening ear and tries to be fair.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Brown is not the only asst. supt. who is leaving. Mr. Brown and Mr. Bounds are both retiring. They were able to get the ENP money for this one year only due to their high number of years of service in the county. If they didn't take the 10% perk this year, they would not qualify for it again. They both took it so Mr. Brown is not the only one leaving.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Holman had one assistant superintendent, the outstanding Randolph Outen. She did not make Mr. Brown an assistant superintendent. That happened under Bill Middleton.

Anonymous said...

why would children run from school unless they don't want to be there. Mr. Bievenour is a great VP and does an great job

Anonymous said...

Could this ENP perk be mannipulated for personal gain by those who helped set it up in the first place? Naughty, naughty. And remember it was the central office and not the teachers who thought this up. Mrs. Holloway and the Board cannot allow that to happen to taxpayers money if they are to have any credability at all. If you take the money and don't retire, that's OK but you pay it back. The Board can't say well, you won't get ENP again because they wouldn't have gotten it again any way. The ones who know the system really well know how to work it better than the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Maybe in the new organizational list the curriculum supervisors will report to the director of elem. ed. or the director of second. ed. That might make some sense instead of one director of curriculum for all of the things kids study.

Anonymous said...

To clarify...both Mr. Brown and Mr. Bounds signed up for ENP but Mr. Bounds was asked to remain for another year. This is a great decision because of the upcoming JMB project. He has been there from the beginning of the process and we need his leadership.

As for Mr. Brown, I was told that he is leaving for sure. Actually, I thought he was hired by Dr. Holman not Dr. Knowledge.

Anonymous said...

10:33...great comment...this is true. You should sit outside of any of the 3 city schools and watch what happens after kids get off the bus. You would think there is something being given away free across the street. Many basically run so they don't have to stay. What a waste!

My kids go to Parkside and I have to say, Mr. Bievenour has been the best VP that school has seen in a long time. He listens to all sides of issues and is fair.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Harris needs to ask if Mr. Bounds is going to have to pay back the $12,000 extra he made this year because of ENP?If so fine and that is fair.Just like Mr. Brown and many others, he qualified for ENP for this one year only, not for just any one year period in the future.By not retiring he should not get ENP money, just like the rest of us with lots of years in the system who did not sign up because we are not retiring at the end of this year.If it does not have to be paid back I think it is obvious the Board and Mr. Bounds knew they would want him to work on the JMB project for another year before they paid him $12,000 for retiring which he is not going to do.Big surprise that the Bennett projects are not done.What a setup.How really convenient ENP has that nice part about being asked to stay.Wonder how that became part of it.Guess we're supposed to think that is just a lucky coincidence.Did it say if you're asked to stay we won't make you retire or did it add that you can keep the money as our gift too?This is a total racket at taxpayers expense.Don't tell me this isn't what it looks like.Mrs. Holloway it's up to you to do the fair thing.

Anonymous said...

If it wasn't for Joe and G.A., do you think the public would know about the 10% bonus that ENP people at the Bd. got? You weren't supposed to be able to question the big bonuses and you weren't supposed to know who got what money but didn't retire because you weren't supposed to know the program existed.

Anonymous said...

The Bd. probably stopped paying the 10% for ENP if the person isn't going to retire so maybe it won't be quite as much to pay back. Surely, they don't keep paying a bonus for retiring to someone who is staying.

Anonymous said...

You are not thinking like the Bd. will. Yes, ENP money was given based on the condition of retirement at the end of this year. Yes, that condition is now voided so paying the bonus makes no sense. Yet, I bet they will continue to pay it and it will not be paid back. Did all of them know the Bennett project was going to continue past this year? Of course and they knew how this would turn out but you weren't supposed to.