While coming home from the Western Shore, one SHA driver felt the need to get right on my bumper in the fast lane. As you can clearly see, I let him pass me on the right as there was no way I was getting out of the way. Your Maryland Tax Dollars Hard At Work!
Who took this picture?
I thought that was bubba driving, but the truck leaning in the mirror was an optical allusion.
Anonymous said...
Who took this picture?
12:19 PM
Why so you can attack Joe and call him an idiot driver?
Bubba stalking you now??
with a truck that color, flashing lights, AND traffic cones one just HAS to drive like they own the road!
You're the one at fault, get out of the fast lane, slowpoke.
So I guess your one of those asshole left lane cruisers. Left lane is for passing and preparing to make a left turn, NOT cruising. Douche bag.
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