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Saturday, May 16, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Pittsville Library

What in the world is going on with the plans for a facility in Pittsville to house a library and community outreach center? I attended a meeting at the Parsonsburg Firehouse, along with about 72 other locals, to discuss plans for this much needed facility. County Executive Bob Culver was there gathering input and ideas from the community. The library Director, Ashley Teagle, attended to help in putting out ideas.

A number of options were put forward ranging from a new facility to a renovated building to fit the Library and community needs. This facility would meet the needs of a large area of East Wicomico County that include Parsonsburg, Pittsville, Willards, Whaleyville and Powellville. At the conclusion of the meeting the County Executive agreed to help in finding a location for the building.
After that meeting I didn't hear much information about the project except that a number of locations had been looked at and they were considering in which direction to go.

At the last County Council work session, (and I encourage everyone to go back and watch the May 12th work session) I was truly amazed at what I observed. This section starts after the Board of Education presentation and the County Administrator, Mr. Strausburg, comes in to answer some council questions. At the end of his statements someone on the Council asked about the Library Project and they noticed that no funding was allotted in this budget. Mr. Strausburg said that the county had been asking for a simple drawing as to what the insides would look like so that planning could go ahead. He then stated that the Library Director had changed her mind and wanted a new building. I was stunned.

Knowing a little about the government construction programs I can tell you a new Library would be years in the making. If there was even funding for a new Library it would still be years away. Here the County had a 6600 square foot building (as stated at the council meeting) that can be renovated into everything that the Library could use and it would be great for the citizens in those areas mentioned area. I suggest the Library Director contact the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce and see if they could get an architect firm to do a little pro-bono design work and get it to the County Executive as soon as possible. Perhaps this project can be salvaged.

What does the Library Board of Trustees have to say about this? Do they let the Director do whatever she wants or do they step in and offer guidance when it's needed. Perhaps now is the time for a little guidance and get this Pittsville Library on track.

I'm looking for any information that can be offered by your readers that could let people know what's going on. Perhaps the County Executive could chime in to bring the citizens up to speed on this project. John Palmer, Delmar, Md.


Anonymous said...

That is a they need is more money funneled to Pittsville. I guess it will allow old man Whited a new car and more food. He does good embezzling and funneling money to his friends

Anonymous said...

Just give it all time. There is not going to be any money. People are being shut down from working. People that give back to the community and pay a boat load of taxes don't have income right now. The crap is going to hit the fan. Such waste of tax payers money. It's so disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Renovating an existing building is the most economically as a new library will have price of several million dollars.

Anonymous said...

What does the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce have to do with a Library in Pittsville?

Anonymous said...

Pittsville has more major issues than a library. Just start following the Trent Molnar and Bob Harris dots. #1 Trent has several slums in Pittsville. #2 Bob Harris Triple Dipper[constable,code enforcement and rental inspector] #3 Harris and Trent are best buds.Long time rentals being so called code non compliant per the constable and owners having to sell and here comes Trent the religious predator to sweep them up.Trent even bailed Harris out of SLUMCLOSURE with his failed rentals. So its business and usual in the town. And by the way can town taxpayers see the canceled check paid by the Moore family for the stolen town funds a few years back.

Anonymous said...

We have always been treated like orphans on this side of the county. Just look at the crap they smear on the roads for example.

Anonymous said...

The Salisbury Chamber has access to dozens of business who would be able to help the Library personnel come up with drawings needed to move the project forward.

Anonymous said...

Why would the taxpayers of Wicomico County want to fund a building for 10 years that has alcohol in the same building? Ms Teagle knows what she is talking about. The building is sub par and is going to cost more tax money to make it some what suitable.She is in the process of getting grant money to cover over 2/3 of this project.She has spoken to professionals in her field and they all tell her she has one chance to get it right.Leasing this building was just a easy way to throw this request to the side for 10 years so the next administration could deal with it and in the meantime the owner becomes more wealthier at the taxpayers expense. Who knows! When the beer and wine store lease expires maybe a massage parlor will fill there spot as long as the moneys good.