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Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, January 14, 2018
Mayor Day Calls For A Mandatory Meeting Tomorrow At 8 AM For Every Single Employee In The Entire City
It's a super duper secret and one can only guess what brought this chump of a kid to completely stop all functions of the City, but he's done it. I don't believe Banks will be open till 9 AM and junkies are always asleep at that time, so no worries there. Rapes and stabbings rarely occur at 8 AM, so your probably safe there as well.
My guess is this meeting will cost the taxpayers around $30,000.00 in expenses and since this will take place at SU, hopefully they've paved the parking lot and Lord only knows if they've shoveled the sidewalks there, so do be careful Staff.
Nevertheless, if you had any plans to visit the GOB tomorrow morning, DON'T. No one will be there and I'm being very serious. If you happen to know why this mandatory meeting is taking place, do let us know.
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He learned it in training. Probably will hand out awards for working under him.
I'll be there as demanded. I'll record it and send it to you.
Laying them off, no funds for payroll. Spent it on car logo's, bike paths, fire houses and top shelf boat. ETC.,ETC.,...
Announcing his resignation, you know, do anything to attract a camera.
This is about the third time he's done this.
This is not a proper use of the Salisbury University facilities -- time for a taxpayers lawsuit.
He's getting a sex change ?
Where & when??? I want to attend.
If Jim Perdue and Gov. Hogan are smart, they will resign immediately as the honorary chairmen of Day's Fulk Festival.
He did it last year too. It’s like an Amway pep rally.
Sending them out to enforce sidewalk snow clearing.
Ah yes, i foresaw this Event years ago. Liberalism will Instill "1984" mind control onto Them? I say No!! To liberals! Go away. Big Brother? No. Why MKULTRA? Why all the "Meetings?"
What happens to those city employees who refuse to participate in Jakey's BS.
He is such a egomaniac, it is probably to lay out his plans for the year and to try to get the employees to be his cheerleaders. He's going to need them (and hundreds more) to even attempt to pull off the festival. Do you think it is dawning on him he's made a huge mistake? Naw....too dumb! ROFLMAO
Probably a volunteer recruitment rally for the forked us failsival.
Probably something required by some government official. Social Services holds these kinds of meetings at least twice a year. Huge waste of time and the funny thing is the Director isn’t there half of the time. Useless underlings run the show.
He is going to be a man?
"hopefully they've paved the parking lot"
You must have meant "plowed" instead of paved because I believe we are talking about snow here, correct?
Giving out free Jake for a Day haircuts?
Hilarious post.
Thank you
You think it has anything to do with the lawsuit secret leaking out?
Needs the pay that company almost 500,000
Maybe Adam Roop will take his ACN Wolfpack to it with their silly hammers. Another joke in the Bury
Tuperware party.
Just another Goebel's con job in the making. Disinformation will be disseminated by the Day administration in an attempt to downplay the event. In the end, it will once again be Salisbury's taxpayers that will have to ante up doe.
Everybody gets a shovel.
Salisbury can only borrow so much money. The municipal revolving credit rating is based on its tax base. And I am quite sure that by now - it has maxed out it's line of credit and thus is going to have to make some dramatic adjustments. It's been known for years that Salisbury was operating on a shoestring.
7:58 PM ✦ Salisbury, Maryland
Vintage Beer and Wine
610 Snow Hill Road
Ok Nick. Enough.
So will all the police officers be required to attend? How about firemen and EMTs?
For real, I was out and about today, the roads are still terrible! Main roads are ok.. but 2 lanes are one. Back roads are still really dangerous. What is going on? Why aren’t we getting plowed/ salt?
Oh by the way it is a good thing that it is a known fact that car accidents, house fires and medical emergencies stop at 7:45 am and don't start back up until around 10 am. Don't worry Jake you picked the absolute best time to do this. He is so smart I guess that is why he is our mayor......SMFH JAKE DAY YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!!!!
More like a Mary Kay pep rally, it’s more fitting for Jake and Jim and Jake learned that in Obamas part time Army.
Don't forget the bowl
Jake day you and all your so called friends are nothing but a bunch of drlf absorbed back biting pus****!! You absolutely manipulate every governmental situation to make it all about out you and the classless way you appointed hogan and perdue as honorary sponsors or whatever you call it is a prime example of how devious and evil you truly are. If I were in Bob Culver's position I tell you this much you'd get punched in the mouth.
pajama party
They are passing out collection plate, like in church.
"Narcissists Unite and Back Each Other" meeting to make sure the underlings follow what is fed to them...all ducks in a row? Check!
any update?
free pizza and kool aid
Groundhog Day rehearsal?
What's meeting about
They are probably getting together to congratulate each other on their "do nothing and wait for it to melt" approach to digging Salisbury out from the blizzard. Sitting here looking at a road with still only one passable lane, haven't seen but one plow even pretend to clear it since Friday.
Jake Day is a going down. This boy mayor is in over his spoiled brat head. Now look out Wicomico county the city will be annexing whatever they can to get more tax monies. Bob Culver and John Cannon, DON' T you let this happen ! If you do your done. By the way Bob Culver , grow a pair and put that snot nosed little punk mayor in his place. This place has turned into a circus.
That's funny right there. His church is a joke as well. They feel "entitled" as well and deserve any and ALL gratuities coming their way because of people like Jake day as being members
Jake day is another bill cropper protégé. Don't know how in the world they fit these two guys ego's in the same church on Sunday morning
All This trash talk. Who on here is going to put up your money and run for office and make the change?
I can't help you, I'm not in Salisbury. But it's hilarious to see you all complain, but not a soul will put up or shut up!
Lets see some names of people that are going to run, like Albero did........
Someone better step up or Greater Salisbury Committee (I mean Jake or Heath) names don’t matter...just a front for GSC...will continue to be your Mayor.
It was an awards and recognition meeting. Introduces all new (last 6 month hires) employees, comment pw crews for snow removal &8 water main repairs during the storm. Employees has to write a word on a post it to describe leadership so they can 'be incorporated into the city's vision statement not sll employees attended and there still werent enough seats. Took a group picture on the steps after the meeting. Waste of my time.
There is no doubt the kid mayor read this crap written about him, how the hell does he even sleep at night much less even go out in public?
Jake was conspicuous by his absence during the snow emergency and its aftermath. Well, except for ordering residents to shovel the 'bury gulag. Rest assured if any pics existed of him lending a hand they'd have been plastered all over the internet! Leading from behind, like his hero Zero. Guess he'll tell us he read about the snow in the newspaper!
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