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Thursday, January 05, 2017

President of American College of Pediatricians Speaks Out Against National Geographic for Exploiting Children to Advance Sick Agenda

By now you have probably seen this ham-fisted attempt at social engineering by National Geographic:

The January cover features a 9-year-old pawn named Avery, whose parents have seen fit to present him to the world as a trophy transsexual.

Finally, someone is more concerned with the welfare of children and society in general than they are afraid of being called out as thought criminals by depraved liberal elitists:

Michelle Cretella, MD, president of the American College of Pediatricians, told LifeSiteNews that National Geographic is “promoting a political agenda over science and the wellbeing of innocent children” by featuring a young transgender child.

“‘Affirming’ so called transgender children means sterilizing them as young as 11years old,” said Dr. Cretella. “Puberty blockers plus cross-sex hormones causes permanent sterility. And biological girls who ‘transition’ to male by taking testosterone may have a double mastectomy at age 16. The life time use of cross-sex hormones also puts these children at risk for stroke, heart disease, diabetes, cancers and more.” …

Cretella believes it is both unethical and harmful for parents to make such decisions regarding their children’s gender because they will most likely grow out of their gender dysphoria. “When a child under the age of 12 thinks they are the opposite sex and is allowed to naturally pass through puberty, 75%-95% of the time that child will accept his or her biological sex by the late teen years.” …

Cretella argues that public support of “transgenderism” in children is tantamount to “child abuse.” “When academic, medical and other public institutions propagate the lifetime use of toxic hormones and the surgical removal of healthy body parts as healthcare for children they are engaged in institutionalized child abuse,” she said.



Anonymous said...

Instead of sterilizing minors, let's start sterilizing liberals. ;) This is one more example of the far-reaching power the MSM, Hollywood, etc. has on our society. NatGeo is a popular teaching source in many schools. No wonder so many kids are confused.
Liberals are trying to pass homosexuality as normal. It's not. Not in a Darwin way or Creationism way. If it were 'normal', the human race would not procreate. I know some children are born that way and need help dealing with the chemical imbalance, but stop pushing that being gay is normal. We can accept LGBTQ individuals but will not accept it being sold as 'normal'. And don't change our bathrooms/locker rooms for the minority that are transsexual. Learn to live with it, as it would be for any birth defect. Kids know who's destined to be trans- they get it. and they know who's a boy or a girl.

Anonymous said...

Maybe theyre proud of their kid and support his decisions?

Anonymous said...

Maybe those parents should have the little candy-$$$ put where he can get some therapy, and charged with child abuse.

Anonymous said...

I quit reading that man made global warming propaganda rag years ago.

Anonymous said...

shame on National Geographic. period

Anonymous said...

National Geographic once was an esteemed publication. They've lost their bearings.

The doctor's advice to allow a normal puberty to occur, and for the child to mature mentally to some degree makes a great deal of sense.

Would the parents of the poster kid accede to his wishes if he decided at the ripe old age of 9 to start drinking, smoking and getting a sleeve of tattoos because he'd feel more in tune with his inner self?

Geographic is just providing free advertising for the confused.

Anonymous said...

It should try this in a muslim country.

Steve said...

During puberty, hormones of all kinds go off in all directions, very imbalanced in many kids, and everyone is different and has different timing.

Nothing is settled out until about 21 or 22 in many people, girls seem to mature a bit faster.

Let Nature take its course, then let the resulting adult decide.

Anonymous said...

Let Jerry Sandusky take that kid for a few weeks, bet he straightens right out about thinking he is a girl!

Anonymous said...

I am sure they don't have transgender issues in Syria

Anonymous said...

Imagine how much money the magazine paid parents to do this story. Probably all just "made up" for the $$$$. Greedy, stupid parents.

Anonymous said...

just cancelled