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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Makes No Sense


Anonymous said...

It's not popular to say but this guy having access to a gun maybe saved lives. Extremists are going to kill and not having access to a gun is not going to stop them. If you think so you are a fool.
They will use planes as we saw on 9/11.
They will use car bombs. The Yazidi community bombing killed over 500 people. They will use fire. Over 400 were killed in a movie theater fire in Iran.

Anonymous said...

Amen, it's time for the Confederacy to rise again.

I am an important person in this area and I will quickly take up arms against our government.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The crescent moon represents the god of Islam, Allah, who was the pagan moon deity of Mohammed's tribe, the Quraysh of Arabia. When Mohammed conquered Mecca in Saudi Arabia by force in 630 A.D. he destroyed all of the 360 pagan tribal deities in the Kaaba and set up his tribal deity, the moon god, Allah, as the chief deity of Arabia. Later, when he tried to convince the Jews and Christians of Arabia to worship Allah, they refused, knowing the true identity of Allah, and Mohammed then began his bloody conquest of the Arabian peninsula, slaughtering thousands by the sword.

Rebel Without a Clue said...

Ban the Muslim symbol just like they banned the Virginia Battle Flag as a symbol of the Confederacy.

Anonymous said...

STUPID cannot be fixed!!

Anonymous said...

This is from a female white person, I don't care what sex you are, what race you are, what religion you are, what matters to most Americans is justice for all. This man pictured needs the full extent of the law, don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Lets rid this country of the vermin killing American citizens. If there were more being executed it would be a deterrant, but they are being pardoned, paroled and getting off with murder, and number one crimes.

Anonymous said...

Florida is a concealed carry state, and well over 100 patrons willfully disarmed themselves and entered a gun free zone as posted in the front door. Defenseless and helpless, they all became victims, half of them losing their lives. Had many of them been carrying, the casualty count would have been a fraction of what it was, or more likely, a mass shooter would probably choose not to enter such a place at all.