DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, July 27, 2014
A Letter To The Editor, "Homeless"
Dear Joe, were you aware that at the present time there is no where in this community to go if you are a homeless man for shelter? The Christian Shelter is where the men normally go. It has been under renovation since March. There was an article in the paper about the homeless Sunday and not to give them money but to donate to the shelters and to send them there. Which I totally agree with but my question is why doesn't the community know that there is not shelter at the moment and why is there a temporary place for them to go until the Christian shelter is complete? The homeless men could be actually helping to get it ready. Every time I call to see if it is open they say not yet maybe in two weeks the painters didn't come today or there are a few little things that need to be done. The reason this whole situation bothers me so much is I have come in contact with a young man who is disabled, not on drugs , doesn't suffer from mental illness but was taking advantage of by the system and has lost his ssi money. He gets Temporary Disability which is $185 a month . There is no place in this town that will take him. To Stay in a motel it's at least $219 a month. We have tried to get help through social services, health dept., Joseph House, Mac Independent living, shore up, Dors and some low income rentals. He just needs a room. The best we could find was $300 a month. We even tried some church's . They weren't aware of this situation. This young man so desperately wants to be a productive citizen. He has no criminal background and is volunteering at the hospital . There may not be many out there like this but be has certainly made e aware of how broken our system is. I'm all about missions and helping people but please start with your own community.
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think of this next time you vote...
While obama bin laden golfs and wants 4 billion for so called immigration, i am pretty damn sure we can and could be using this for our own people not illegals...
Maybe now you will see that what obama is doing is trying to slap you and every citizen in the face the best way he can as many times as he can... He is trying to beat you all down and its freaking working... because you let him do it...
Put the Obama's on a flight to Ukraine. He's not only an empty chair, he's also an empty suit!
I don't like Obama either but there were homeless people and no one helping America long before his presidency.
Thought the churches were supposed to step in and help with this? They sure have the money to build some mega structures around here.
11:40 you are correct and instead of trying to solve this problem we are creating more
Did you know the Christian Dhelter has contractors doing the renovation? Why not the homeless? In the bible it says work before you eat. Why enable them more. That is not helping the cause!!!
And not a single productive suggestion so far.
Build it and they will come... more so if it is free. How many indigents can we accommodate? Maybe this is not a truly Christian attitude to some people, but we can't support the whole world regardless of Ob's stupidity. When all we have is gone who will help us???
2:38-because there are no answers for people who refuse to help themselves.11:40-I have followed every presidential campaign and listened to every debate since Clinton's first term.During those 22 years I have YET to hear any mention of helping the homeless by either candidate.You are absolutely correct.This predates Obama by a long shot.
I would think this man qualifies for some type of rental assistance. There is also money available for emergency temporary housing.
What exactly is the disability? There are group home situations for those who are disabled and Medicaid picks up the cost.
The federal government alone spends billions "helping" the homeless but as 3:41 said there are no answers for people who refuse to help themselves.
Alcohol and/or drug abuse is the number one cause of chronic homelessness. The so called "mental" problems you hear these people suffer from are substance induced psychosis and not true mental illnesses.
11:48, perhaps you need to READ the Bible to understand God's plan to help those in need. The book of Acts most describes this, so have at it.
Yes; churches are to help the needy. It starts in their own congregation. When someone needs help it's usually temporary. Loss of a job, medical reasons, divorce, etc. The body of Christ comes together and helps the family of this church member or attendee.
This is what they did in the Bible as well. Jesus said "the poor will always be with us". The fields at harvest time were left with 10% so the poor could come in and "harvest the field" for themselves. They worked for their food.
The church shared their bounty with those In The Church; not those that refused to become part of the church and live sinful lives and expect to have everything given to them. I'm NOT saying ALL homeless fall in this category, but MANY do, so again the Church does MUCH good locally as well as gives to Christian Missions. DON'T blame the church for the homeless people.
This is a headline that I just got off the DrudgeReport:
Administration Weighs Giving Refugee Status to Youths Coming in illegally. This means they will get ALL the freebies and won't be sent back.
This is nothing short of amazing to me. We have 93 million UN-EMPLOYEED in this nation, we have under-employed and we have no money for our schools, hospitals, the V.A., our soldiers and on and on. This is what this idiotic administration is thinking of doing now. This is NOT acceptable.
This government should be working very hard to lower taxes and get rid of needless regulations and open everything up so jobs could be created and people were free to start their own businesses.
As long as the DEMS are in charge, this will NOT happen.
I could say much more but it won't matter until the masses "get it" and act on it.
You are correct 4:10.
Even when Jesus did good deeds he had strings attached "go and sin no more."
I'm not saying it is the case with the man who this is about, but when you give to someone who is living an immoral lifestyle you yourself are sinning because you are enabling them to continue living in sin.
Where is this young man's family? It is mentioned that he was taking advantage of the system and lost some type of benefit.
I don't disagree with most of the posts, but what many of you are missing is that a lot of the homeless people have children that, despite what their parent may or may not have done to cause the situation, don't deserve to be homeless. And, homeless families are split up b/c the shelters don't take men. Now there's no shelter for men. Don't all human beings deserve at least a dry, safe place to lay their heads at night? I am not a bleeding heart liberal in any way, but no one deserves to sleep on the street.
Every time a government program for the poor are cut they say the churches will fill in the need. Nothing about how the people have to tow the church line in order to get help.
Yet we have these huge church buildings and ministers driving around in Cadillacs.
Talk 2 Pastor Mike Rittenhouse of the Tabernackle in Delmar and the Promised Land in Delmar. I believe he can help you.
Hey guys how about trying to help if you are going to leave comments or just troll somewhere else. This isn't about Obama and it defiantly isn't about the church or Jesus. This is about a problem in our community. Could we get some more information on this guy so maybe we can help him help himself even if it is with government assistance and a part time job? Where has he applied for jobs? What is his disability? Where can he find a room for $219 or $300 a month? Did he graduate high school? Does he need some clothing? Is he signed up for food stamps so he can eat? How about we come together as a community and at least try to help someone in need! Please Joe respond back and let us know what we can do to get this man in a position to help himself.
Jesus fed the massive after his sermon. It didn't cost the people a dime. It is hard to be poor and homeless in this country when the country spends so much money on illegal immigration. Or big corporation greed make a way for illegals to come into this country to work for pennies due to their own greed. Or people are so much into themselves, they don't want help these people and place blame on the government. The Clinton presidential P&P caused most of these problems. However, everyone want to place blame on Obama
You can't save the world 4:58. 99.9% of those homeless wouldn't be had they made responsible choices in life. That's all there is to it-no more no less.
I would have loved to have partied away my younger years smoking and drinking, but I knew certain things came first in order to secure a comfortable life for myself later on.
This young man has cerebral palsy. When he was 19 his patents left him in a camper with a jar of peanut butter and a loaf bread. They left for Texas using his disability money. He did not understand the system and never saw any of his ssi money. He got a job but because of the economy he was let go. The system follows you closely. He didn't know that getting a job and not reporting it would affect his ssi. Ssi he never received his entire life. Because of this he lost his benefits . He then had nothing. Reaching out for services he was told he will have to appeal his case and start all over again to try and get his ssi back. He was born with cp so this is ridiculous. Unless you are receiving at least $300 a month ssi you don't qualify for a rental. The cheapest he could find was $300 a month. Yes, there is some housing here in town that would go according to his income but he may have to wait years because there is such a long waiting list. He needs shelter now so he can get his life together. He was to be a productive citizen . He is going through DORS now hoping to find employment. He is one who
Paying the price because he didn't understand the system as his family took advantage and now he is having to suffer the consequences.
Did you know that the Christian has contractors doing the renovation instead of the homeless. In the bible it says work if you want to eat! Dear Joe, please continue the Homeless article Gain tomorrow . Want to see if anyone has any ideas on sources of help that I haven't pursued
We don't have enough resources for the homeless, yet our government can come up with plenty for illegal immigrants. Local churches do a lot more than they are given credit for, but they too have limits. How about some of you criticizing good decent people by stepping up to the plate and helping your fellow man. How can you criticize Obama when you aren't willing to help your fellow Americans. Can you say Hippocrates.
Have you tried The Salvation Army? They help with rent assistance and utility assistance.
6:57-are you sure you aren't thinking about the Joe Dirt movie?His parents left him too.
Actually there is more money in our community since Obama than any other President before him.
More affordable housing is needed not shelters. The leaders in Salisbury sent $1.5 million back to the state and only approved the project on the river it it could be for artist. The $100,000 goes mostly for shelter maintenance.
Jesus Christ isn't here any more. He ascended into the heavens after he was murdered by the Sanhedrin.
It is up to the rest of us to take care of our Father's children.
Blessed are the lowly, the poor, and the meek, for they shall inherit the earth
2:20 PM I disagree he lives in each of us who profess him our savior and therefore is here on earth.
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