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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 5-12-14

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Jocori Marece Scarborough Released From Jail":

Aaliyah S., I'm going to apologize to you because I have commented some not so nice things about Jocori and I am sorry.
I just wish you kids would aspire to a life of more than drugs and violence.

Nothing good ever comes from using drugs and alcohol. Nothing good ever comes even from cussing and using bad language. I wish all kids would pay attention in school and do the absolute best they can and I wish you older kids would be role models to the younger children by your actions including what you all post on Facebook. 

I have a problem with rap music. I don't like drugs, violence and sex and disrespect to women to be glorified as what is the usual theme in rap music. I love the beat and the rhyming but vulgarity and violence themes shouldn't be tolerated. 

Aaliyah, you come across as not only a caring person but an intelligent one as well. Please please use these attributes to your advantage. Nothing would make me happier than to read your name in the paper for obtaining your nursing degree or some other degree.


Anonymous said...

This is one way to look at it , I'm so sorry we still have tree huggers and bleeding hearts feeling sorry for these idiots.

Anonymous said...

Forget that, raise your kids better and this won't happen...

Raise your kids, in a better setting and they will do better....



YOU SHOULD NEVER Apologize for truth on the sake that it may hurt their image or feelings... You people are too damn soft, every damned thing upsets you, gets on your nerves and offends you... (Cry me a damn river would ya)

quit catering to these low lifes who refuse to better themselves on the account they have a grudge and mentality they are owed something...

IF these people chose to act this way and the parents choose to let them, then they deserve every comment they get, good or bad PERIOD!!!

Anonymous said...

We are systematically being desensitized to this case.

Anonymous said...

@10:22 a RAPE VICTIM/SURVIVOR is NEVER DESENSITIZED to this! It makes our blood boil to know that there are still ANIMALS out there that do this to other human beings!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I made the comment. After thinking it over, I have to agree maybe I shouldn't have apologized because Scarborough did bring this all on himself, if for nothing else his offensive Facebook postings.
I am not by anyone's stretch of the imagination a bleeding heart and am probably one of the more extreme right wings to comment on here. I listen to Micro Effect online all day. Look it up.
I do not believe in "it takes a village" when raising children. I believe it takes a mother and a father who are regularly in a child's life. Parents who are positive role models, and who are the boss. I am also a firm believer that the greatest gift a parent can give a child is to instill in them a good work ethic, so while a child is in school that is their work and they should put their 100% into it, including having a good attitude toward school and the staff.
I could see that Aaliyah was upset. To me she didn't come over as being aggressive, just hurt and I don't like seeing any child hurt whether it be physically or mentally. I am the kind of person that if I were to see anyone hurt physically I would be the first one offering what help I could and even trying to comfort those involved. I lived in OC for over 20 years and have driven the family of a ped stuck (complete strangers) to Salisbury hospital. I also allowed another stranger teen ager in my home along with her friends, when she collapsed outside my house and we waited for the paramedics because it was during a heat wave.
Anyone can call me anything they wish to, but I know what I am and I also know that I won't sit back when someone is upset, especially when it's a young girl. I am also not so naïve that I don't know how things work. His family are at a point where they aren't going to believe he could be capable of rape. They may never, but usually there does come a point, where a defendant's family does get hit with something that makes them realize their family member isn't what they thought they were (or kind of knew but were ignoring the signs-some like to call it "denial" but it's really lying to yourself-I hate the word "denial") and are most likely guilty.
I personally feel Jocori's done. His family lost him to the streets a long time ago. I don't see that in Aaliyah.