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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Structure Fire On Lake Street In Salisbury

Thursday April, 10 2014 @ 19:43:31 Nature:
Structure Fire Address: 233 Lake St Salisbury, MD 21801

Fire is at Dirty Harry's warehouse
Fire Departments from around the county are being called to standby and assist all Salisbury fire departments.



Anonymous said...

Break out the whirly bird

Anonymous said...

Get out the fire boat

Anonymous said...

They just called for the fire boat, 15 min. before someone gets to bridge to put it up

Anonymous said...

Turn your scanner on if you want to hear a bunch of bozos screaming in the radio. It is very embarrassing for the Salisbury Fire Department.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Get out the fire boat

April 10, 2014 at 7:58 PM

They did... it's first call 2 years later, but it's only being used to supply water from the river. Lake Street is going be polluted. Shucks, it already is.

Anonymous said...

Be a good spot for some section 8 waterfront homes to be built.

Anonymous said...

Bridge up boat on its way back.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

ut oh, zee copter is hovering.

Anonymous said...

still hovering......

Anonymous said...

EPA orders Fireboat to "stand down" River water is too polluted to use on the fire. LOL

Anonymous said...

River water too flammable to use on the fire, Call to stand down! Turds and methane adding fuel to fire...


Anonymous said...

Only bozo I heard screaming on the radio was hebrons drunk fire chief Bush.

Anonymous said...

All of that equipment for a run down abandoned building worth nothing. They watched it burn to the ground and turn into another parking lot. What a waste of valuable resources to watch an old burning build to the ground. They put firefighters in that building then had to blast the evac tones because of threat of collapse. That demonstrates poor leadership to put lives at that type of risk. They you have the fact that departments were called from all around the county just to watch it burn to the ground. You had volunteers responding in a fast response in the personal vehicles to the volunteer stations then they responded lights and sirens to the scene or the cover up stations. How many lives were put at stake because of this poor leadership. That Hoppes clown has a lot of liability to worry about in his choice of leadership. He is the one responsible for the personnel under him and he is the one that has the ultimate liability if someone is injured or killed. Stupid choices will eventually get someone killed.

Anonymous said...

this could be the start of another riot for entitlement issues.

Anonymous said...

let it burn

Anonymous said...

Foundation savers at there best !!!

Anonymous said...

What, they didn't call out the Fire Blimp?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Where are the group pics of the high fives after burning yet another building to the ground.

Vickie said...

Fortunately I have never read anything this blog before. This will be the only time I will ever read it. Most of the comments on here are by uninformed people. Those firemen put their safety at risk in order to try to save anything that they possibly could. That was not an abandoned building. That was my man and dog that they were trying to help. That was my man's life's work gone up in smoke. When it is a privately owned business it is devastating. You lose tools,vehicles, personal items to numerous to mention. You lose your job, your source of income and customers because you have nowhere to work on their trucks and equipment. So again to all the firemen thank you for all of your help.

Anonymous said...

Yep welcome to the eastern shore land of the ignorant know nothing s soon to be have nothings.....

Anonymous said...

Amen Vickie. I hope things turn out well for you.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Only bozo I heard screaming on the radio was hebrons drunk fire chief Bush.

April 11, 2014 at 12:16 AM

He always was a bozo, even in high school.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yep welcome to the eastern shore land of the ignorant know nothing s soon to be have nothings.....

April 11, 2014 at 9:49 PM

What makes you think you're welcome?

Anonymous said...

Vickie said...
Fortunately I have never read anything this blog before. This will be the only time I will ever read it. Most of the comments on here are by uninformed people. Those firemen put their safety at risk in order to try to save anything that they possibly could. That was not an abandoned building. That was my man and dog that they were trying to help. That was my man's life's work gone up in smoke. When it is a privately owned business it is devastating. You lose tools,vehicles, personal items to numerous to mention. You lose your job, your source of income and customers because you have nowhere to work on their trucks and equipment. So again to all the firemen thank you for all of your help.

April 11, 2014 at 4:31 PM

If you were so concerned about your man and your dog and his livelihood then maybe you should have put some insurance on that building and that "business." Now you have nothing because you were to lazy and cheap to invest in your man.

BTW your man was not in any danger and your man was not in the burning building needing to be rescued so tell your bull crap to someone else.

Anonymous said...

SFD has never lost a basement!

Anonymous said...

The comments here and on other posts on this blog show just how ignorant most of the people here truly are. They are in for a real shock as things continue to go bad on the shore. Then when born here's have nothing left and cant afford to live here remember this you won't be welcome anyplace else.....karma....

Anonymous said...

where the f were the fire extinguishers/smoke detectors.unbelieveable,with such valuable corvettes around?