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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Just Remember


Anonymous said...

That's a pretty powerful statement. So true.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how many people have been fooled by our incompetent president. He should be directly responsable for the death of these men because of his refusal to send help. He was more interested in his own agenda than doing his job,

Anonymous said...

How anyone could sit back and watch live video of this attack--lasting 7 hours--and do nothing is inconceivable. The specualtion that this was a pre-arranged kidnapping of the Ambassador to enable Obama to stage a rescue to cinch the election is the most plausible explanation for the inaction. All of you leftists who vote for this monster have the blood of brave soldiers on your hands, forever. This is the most hideous act any President has ever committed.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

he sent no help because if he had he would be attacking his own people and that is not Americans! This moron could care less about American servicemen let alone the American people!

Anonymous said...

I don't know how anyone could ever support Obama anymore. He counts on stupidity to get elected. Between the assinine "spontaneous reaction to a video" lie and all his other campaign lies (like Planned Parenthood does mammomgrams when he knows full well they don't) it's amazing we are still seeing a few of his signs up.

Anonymous said...

If this was a republican administration, this story would be 24 hours news on every channel.

Watergate was a burglary and the President resigned.

Here, four Americans, who were denied help three times, died.

And the current President's accountability?

Either it's a cover-up, or just gross negligence.

Either way, it's very bad.

Anonymous said...

11:00 You could not have said it better!