While we have many very talented skate boarders here on the Shore, pulling off stunts like this on municipal property is just out of line.
There has to be at least a six foot drop off over this wall to the lower level. Click on the picture and let it enlarge. This guy would ride down the sidewalk until he came up to the wall and attempt to jump over the wall with his skate board and land six feet below.
You can't tell me these guys don't know they shouldn't be doing this, right?
Looks like his board stayed on the sidewalk.
It's all over Salisbury especially the city streets, holding up traffic around Vine & Washington Sts. With all the schools around during the summer looks like they would use school drive ways and surfaced areas, it would be safe for them and pedestrians, but this is what they would rather do.
They are young they heal fast. :(
They are young they don't think. Like the rest of us when we were young. Street racing, pot, and all the crazy things we used to do. Some of us made it and others mangled.
My son was a skateboarder. He didnt break anything but he had his share of bruises, lumps and abrasions.
Give them room.
They are young they heal fast. :(
They are young they don't think. Like the rest of us when we were young. Street racing, pot, and all the crazy things we used to do. Some of us made it and others mangled.
My son was a skateboarder. He didnt break anything but he had his share of bruises, lumps and abrasions.
Give them room.
Daddy & Mama have not done their job in raising a responsible child to adulthood
Let thinning of the herd take its natural course.
Skateboards damage and destroy property. If you allow your kid to skateboard then buy them an area to use it in also.
@9:45 - having a child that skateboards doesn't mean you are a bad parent.
i'm sure kids who like to skate get bored rolling on a flat surface all the time. this is EXACTLY why we need a skatepark! a place where they are allowed to do these things. there is NOTHING for kids to do in this town.
and 9:50 - i like your comment because honestly, that's exactly what i thought when i saw the picture. these kids know doing stuff like that could get them hurt or worse. survival of the fittest.
"Anonymous said...
Daddy & Mama have not done their job in raising a responsible child to adulthood
August 29, 2012 9:45 AM"
No they have not done their job. First and foremost is respect whether it involves people or property that does not belong to you. Property that does not belong to you should be taught is off limits unless the owner gives expressed permission to use it otherwise these kids are trespassing and quite possibly breaking the law.
Is that woman in the picture the one that stands at Rt. 13 and Main Street and preaches to everyone?
We inherited this paved and concrete world and are just making the best of it. If you value a clean parking block over youth you are a miserable old grump
Not a miserale old grump at all. Just someone who was taught properly. Skateboarding is not allowed there-PERIOD. And I have no use for "youth" who don't obey laws and regulations-PERIOD. And I have no use for parents who condone youth not respecting something that does not belong to them. It's bad terrible parenting no matter how you try and spin it.
10:27 agree 100%.. Kids sit in the house watching tv or playing games we bi+ch about that..they skateboard and you have a problem with that. People have a problem with anything and everything. You complain about the noise and safety of motorcycles.
Complain about loud cars and the music coming from them. At lease they are not out robbing people/stores.
They are just SKATEBOARDING. The sidewalks down town hae been bought and paid for by taxpayers. I guess we dont need to walk on them either. might wear them out.
Get a life!!
Any skate parks around in Salisbury oh wait......@10:44 please save it, this kid could be doing much worse which your children could be doing as well.
@9:50 ever seen professional skateboarding? They will make more in one year then you will make on your life probably.
Hope your kids aren't doing worse things...I'm sure they are.
Ask your friends on the City Council why they haven't sold this vacant and derelict building and why they let kids do things like this -- guess you will be sued if they are injured!
a relative of mine was attacked by a 15 year old and 17 year old that were skateboarding.
trespassing on city property.
they were arrested and charged with trespassing and attempted assult. one swung his skateboard and luckily missed. it was all on camera..
this element does not deserve a skateboard park. they deserve a jail cell.
letr them braek their fool necks. i've no patience with them. every run in has been a confrontation. they are nothing but trouble.
if this is "exactly why we need a skatepark" then YOU build it. if there is "nothing for these kdis to do" make them do their homework. make them do chores. make them help an elderly neighbor with some yardwork. there is PLENTY they COULD be doing.
people like you are why kids feel (and grow up feeling) entitled!
Are there posted signs saying no skateboarding or loitering? Is there a municipal code against skateboarding?
If not, then I don't see what these guys are doing wrong.
I would like to know what kind of parent expects the government and tax payers to provide entertainment for their children?
Why are some so dependant on the government for something so simple as providing "something to do" for their kids?
10:44 You are miserable and pompous.
It is not up to me or anyone else to provide a venue for these kids.Let them build a half-pipe in their backyard,maybe it will teach them a skill or two.
I have no problem with skateboarders but I do have an issue with trespassers.
When I am not working, in school or volunteering at one of the three places I give of my own time I SKATEBOARD! What do I have to SKATEBOARD on that's legal in the city/county where I live? NOTHING and I use my gas allotment each month to do all the work and civic minded things I do so travel to other places is not in my budget. I wasn't raised by my absentee parents they were to busy providing myself and my siblings with a roof over our heads and food. I pay taxes as do many of my friends and WE WANT A SKATEPARK WE CAN CALL OURS IN THIS COUNTY! Take care and the youth of your city are a product of people just like yourselves who spend all their time complaining!
Since when is expecting children to obey laws considered miserable and pompous? No wonder the children of today have so many problems with "role models" such as 12:25 who thinks it perfectly okay for kids to break the law!
Looks like fun.
obama has made some of the people living here feel perfectly entitled to everything including recreation.
1:04 I never said it was ok to break the law. I said that 10:44 was miserable and pompous. That is my opinion based on his tone. Same goes for you.
I say with all the vacant lots out here and unused land ....... It would cost less to build these kids a park and let them enjoy .. I tell you what.. They are goping to do it anyway why not have it in a controlled area? There is NOTHING for these kids to do out here besides smoke pot, drink and make babies... Maybe "IF" the youth weren't overlooked and were give these avenues crime would be down as well as teenage pregnency!
I rather see them skate boarding than runing down the streets shooting at one another
2:57 I agree 100%
Since when did it become the responsibility of the town/city/county/state to provide entertainment for your child? That is a parents job. It is also a parents job to know where their children are at every moment, what they are doing and who they are with. It's called parenting.
While I am totally against skateboards on public city owned property I do think a skatepark would not be a bad idea. I went to the site and for awhile it appeared as though the kids were doing some fundraising for this park. While we all know the majority of the money spent will have to come from the city, I do give the kids and their parents credit for attempting to offset the costs somewhat.
They need to keep at fundraising and show the public that you all are serious about this and no it's not an entitlement attitude at all and that you are willing to work to provide the entainment you will get from the skatepark.
The kids need to promise to "police" the skatepark and let someone of authority know if something is going on there that is dangerous or illegal or just not right.
It's up to you all to turn around the public's perception and if that happens you will find that the public will support you.
The concept is very simple. Start showing that you can obey rules and laws and show that you do not expect the park to come free without contributing something yourselves.
PlazaDeli, you are using an age old arguement that holds no water. There is no way by anyone's stretch of the imagination will building a skatepark reduce teen/illegitemate pregnancy, nor lower pot smoking and drinking in this age group. Nor will crime go down. If anything unattended youth being in places such as this increase all the mentioned problems.
This looks like a job for SuperRobinson! Where is his BS skatepark that was supposed to be open in June?
The kids know they aren't supposed to do this. They'll tell you a cop will tell them to move on when they see them. They are counting on a cop not being around. If there is, the only real penalty they have is having to stop until the coast is clear.
Nothing wrong with a skatepark, but guess what? If that parking lot is closer, guess where they will still go?
Can everyone please quit griping and just let the kids be kids. What harm is really being done by them skateboarding. If they hurt themselves, okay, life's lesson #.... There was a point and time when kids used to learn by trial and error, and not always using threats of handcuffs. At some point and time, kids have jumped on trampolines without nets, rode bikes without helmets, played on four wheelers without safety gear, skated without kneepads, and if you're really going to look back, jumped out of a moving tire swing. Guess what, most are still living.
I personally would much rather see kids skateboarding on stairs and coners than selling drugs on them ! I rather see them carry a skate boark that a ak47... And I would LOVE to see people stop bitching about stuff like this and find a way to help rather than rant !
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