I was told, however, that Matt Maciarelly has assigned a special out of town prosecutor to handle this for me personally. Of course Maciarello has REFUSED to take ANY of my phone calls and continues to have Wayne Lowe call me back to play middle man between Joe Albero and Matt Maciarello ever since Matt was elected.
Nevertheless, WHY didn't Ireton contact me AT ALL? WHY didn't Ireton invite me to this Press Conference, since, (as far as they claim) I am the actual victim of an alleged prank?
Ladies & Gentlemen, this makes me sick to my stomach that Jim Ireton and the Daily Times are controlling this entire situation. Ireton could have called me weeks ago to straighten this matter out, he has not.
IF Joe Albero had pulled a stunt like this off I would be sitting in Federal Prison right now and each and every one of you know that to be true. Instead, I have been harassed by Mike Lewis, Matt Maciarello, Barbara Duncan, the Daily Times and even the Comptrollers Office, which seems to be tied into ALL of the ongoing problems ever since I announced my intent to run for Mayor.
This is the same Comptrollers Office that came after me years ago for bogus documents, connect the dots. An political attorney from Baltimore has contacted me offering to represent me pro bono, (as I've stated before) as the harassment never seems to end. What is Mike Lewis trying to pull and what is he so afraid of. Oh, that's right, he'll be up for reelection and he too wants to defame my name just as bad as the Daily Times.
I have thick skin but when the Mayor of a city I pay taxes in refuses to invite me to a Press Conference that references me, he's obviously deeply tied in with the Daily Times. It's time for all of you to start opening your eyes and see clearly what is going on. It disgusts me the way these good old boys work and the lengths they'll go to in order to stop an honest man from being in Office.
Well, it just adds fuel to my fire and creates an even stronger desire to win. Expect me at your Press Conference Ireton and be very prepared to answer some questions.
Press conferences are not by invitation. You know that, right?
Ireton and Lake have been busy getting their stories straight for Jimmy's aliby.
Too bad the press conference isn't his resignation.
He's a public official in a public building. A Judge stated that since I work FULL TIME at publishing news and information I am considered Main Stream Media. It is my full time job. Ireton cannot deny me access and if by the end of the day I have to file a lawsuit against the City to demand rights and access, ESPECIALLY after this scandal with the Daily Times, they will lose. How is it the Daily Times has been invited but Joe Albero has not? YOU people should be just as hot about this as I am while they only share one side of the story. Not one local press outlet has called to ask my side of this story. You are getting scammed by the Mayor and the local Press.
Sour grapes...move on man!
Joe, what else did you expect from JI and the DT. Will any news source show the entire rant from JI? Don't think so! Hopefully when you are elected mayor you will be open to all news sources in regard to news for the City.
Has anyone confirmed Sarah Lake was fired? I have yet to see real proof on this.
If she was fired I would not put it past Jim to offer her a job to keep her quiet.
I am curious to see if WBOC or WMDT will air it on the news tonight.
where is it being held and when??
Sarah Lake was indeed fired (gussied up as a resignation).
Go get 'em Joe. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help!
Hey Chuck Cook, sorry brown nose but your comments won't fly on this Blog.
I believe its open to everyone that has concerns. I hope all 5 of them show up.
Any idea when the conference is?
Joe:On occasion,people like your readers can see your success more clearly than you.None of us could do what you do.You don't seem to fear diving into the middle of anything,regardless of how controversial it may be.In this case we can clearly see that you have prevailed.The actions taken by the mayor tell the tale.Please don't let being pissed off cause you to offset the good you've done.
Poor Ireton..The feller has not enough vision to know that if he had addressed conflicts or concerns immediately instead of talking to everyone EXCEPT you about it, then it either won't be an issue or will probably be resolved without hard feelings. Ok Mayor..what is the "next RIGHT thing to do?" I wonder if he has a conscience sometimes. This could have been over and water under the bridge..instead it has turned into an unnecessary nightmare with people losing their jobs, etc...insanity.
Just glad to see that we have no REAL men or women that are running the city, only cowards who will hide behind decit.
Once you are done at the press conference will you please create another post on what you asked and learned?
anonymous 3:04, I will be attending this Press Conference with my attorney. I will certainly report back to all.
Joe go get EM! They have no morals and deserve whatever you can roll their way.The rag will print some cockeyed stoty with half truths unless the new business manager attends and reports a finding.The local TV,WBOC and wmdt will not report on that part of the meeting. Jim Iretoony screwed up and is try to backpetal from his being drunk.
WBOC and WMDT are not reporting on it because they have more important things to cover -- actual news.
There is an unsolved murder in Whaleyville/Millsboro.
Don't worry about it Joe. These people you mentioned are nothings as far as most people are concerned.
On another note---Why do you think this phone call was suddenly thrust into the limelight again? It seemed to me that for the most part us Sby News viewers, had all but forgotten. Then all of a sudden the DT's makes a case out of it again. Why???
Press conference is at 4:30 - don't miss it, Joe!
There is no press conferece. You people are sheep, blindly following. Bleating about how much of a savior Albero is. Pathetic.
Brilliant lawyer and spokesman for the Clinton scandals, Lanny Davis wrote an excellent book titled:
Truth To Tell: Tell It Early, Tell It All, Tell It Yourself: Notes from My White House Education
Ireton needs to take the advice of Lanny Davis an expert, and stop following the nonsense advice some fool is giving him.
Why are you always causing problems in this city? I really would like to understand. If your that miserable, suck on the end of a .357 !
Stirring the pot just makes it stink more. You know you are right, why waste your time with them? They will bury themselves in the end and the truth will win out. As a wise man said be quiet and be right.
Don't you think the police have better things to do in 10th most violent city in America then waste limited resources on a stupid prank phone call?
I don't think it's fair to associate Chief Duncan with this other cast of characters. She has nothing to gain or lose, she's not up for election and has been doing a great job. I think she's a highly qualified professional who showed her commitment to Salisbury when she & her family bought a house in the City. Of course she has to obey orders but as long as the police department don't take sides and conducts an honest investigation, we should have no complaint. What I do know is that crime is down.
Joe I was always told to never get in a pissing contest with people like this or to refuse to do verbal battle with an unarmed person. You have the info out now let people make up their own minds and leave it alone. Again, just my 2 cents. Think people are going to tire from these aforementioned pissing contest. Your readers are not stupid, let them decide
Go get 'em, Joe! Looking forward to your report on the press conference!
JoeAlbero said...
anonymous 3:04, I will be attending this Press Conference with my attorney. I will certainly report back to all.
June 21, 2012 3:05 PM
Good idea.
Wayne Lowe tries to give you that fuzzy feel good feeling but he never does anything. I'm still waiting for a phone call from years ago. They just let the criminals walk all over the law abiding citizens.
Anonymous 3:22. Why don't you go suck on the end of a .357 and rid us of SCUM like you? Comments like that are only made by cowards. Obviously, you are one of JI's close friends. HAHA
David Gaudette
Who is David Gaudette?
He lives in Baltimore and he drives a school bus.
I heard he used to be a canadian mountie, but got asked to resign for some reason. So he moved to glen burnie and now he drives a school bus. What a tool.
"Anonymous said...
He lives in Baltimore and he drives a school bus."
Are you sure he lives in Baltimore as he still owns a home in Salisbury?
Good ole boy network is part of a worldwide system of control over local politics. It is a secret organization who meet at the PNC building downtown. The mayor is a chosen one. He has sucked up to a very powerful clique if locals who prefer to remain in the shadows.
Are you sure he lives in Baltimore as he still owns a home in Salisbury?
June 21, 2012 9:03 PM
People can own multiple homes in different areas and still live elsewhere. Whether or not that is the case here I do not know.
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