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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Police Face Criticism Over Reported Arrest Quota

Officers union: Miami Beach brass order 2,000 arrests over holiday weekend

- A reported arrest quota for Memorial Day weekend is causing anger and concern among community activists and union officers in Miami Beach.

Rumors of the quota, which allegedly calls for 2,000people to be arrested over the holiday weekend, first came to light in an email complaint from the officers' union. In that email, the union called the quota "aggressive, patently unfair, and unjust."

Police Chief Raymond Martinez has denied the reports, saying in an email to Local 10, "I want to be clear, there is no arrest quota for Memorial Day weekend or any other day on Miami Beach."



Anonymous said...

No you people and your ignorance. COPS DO AS THEY PLEASE.

lmclain said...

Let's see, the POLICE (!!) send an e-mail to the POLICE CHIEF (!!) complaining about a quota. But of course, its a LIE! A rumor! A disgusting fabrication. Riiiiight. What else could he say? That yes, we haven't SEEN a crime, or had any reports of a crime, BUT just to make sure that "we, the people" are kept in our place and know who is boss, we are going to arrest AT LEAST 2000 people. And, if a few of them get arms broken, maced while in handcuffs, gang beaten by 5 cops at a time (you know, because that 18 year old kid made them "afraid for their safety"), well, we ARE the cops. We have permission. Make up a reason for arrests. In fact, make up a LOT of them. Nope, can't say THAT. Just a rumor. The e-mail actually said BEAT 2000 people. It was a misunderstanding.

Anonymous said...

It is always a misunderstanding with the police.

Anonymous said...

Quotas are stupid, they allow us to lock up as many or as little as we want. However, there has to be some type of system that measures the officers performance and or evaluations for things such as promotions, disciplinary actions. So if an officer rides around all day doing nothing, when clearly there are criminals both traffic and arrests out there breaking the laws how do you want to word it, that you can be lazy and drive around for 12 hours and do nothing and expect to get paid for it.