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Tuesday, May 01, 2012

25 Horrible Statistics About The U.S. Economy That Barack Obama Does Not Want You To Know

The human capacity for self-delusion truly is remarkable. Most people out there end up believing exactly what they want to believe even when the truth is staring them right in the face. Take the U.S. economy for example. Barack Obama wants to believe that his policies have worked and that the U.S. economy is improving. So that is what he is telling the American people. The mainstream media wants to believe that Barack Obama is a good president and that his policies make sense and so they are reporting that we are experiencing an economic recovery. A very large segment of the U.S. population still fully supports Barack Obama and they want to believe that the economy is getting better so they are buying the propaganda that the mainstream media is feeding them. But is the U.S. economy really improving? The truth is that it is not. The rate of employment among working age Americans is exactly where it was two years ago and household incomes have actually gone down while Obama has been president. Home ownership levels and home prices continue to decline. Meanwhile, food and gasoline continue to become even more expensive. The percentage of Americans that are dependent on the government is at an all-time record high and the U.S. national debt has risen by more than 5 trillion dollars under Obama. We simply have not seen the type of economic recovery that we have seen after every other economic recession since World War II.

The horrible statistics about the U.S. economy that you are about to read are not talked about much by the mainstream media. They would rather be "positive" and "upbeat" about the direction that things are headed.

But lying to the American people is not going to help them. If you are speeding in a car toward a 500 foot cliff, you don't need someone to cheer you on. Instead, you need someone to slam on the brakes.

The cold, hard reality of the matter is that the U.S. economy is in far worse shape than it was four or five years ago.

We have never come close to recovering from the last recession and another one will be here soon.

The following are 25 horrible statistics about the U.S. economy that Barack Obama does not want you to know....



Anonymous said...

This can't be right. Everyone around here says there are plenty of jobs. People just don't want to work. People just want to suck on the government teet.

Even IF someone is able to work, WHERE are they going to work at?

I'm not so sure Ted Nugent was talking about himself being in jail or dead if Obammy got re-elected.

We go deeper in debt to the tune of 2 million a MINUTE?!

I think everyone's worse nightmare is going to come true, very soon.

Anonymous said...

The Obama Administration has too much faith in psychology.He/they truly believe that what we don't know won't hurt us & that we won't know unless he tells us.This may have flown in the pre-internet era but not now.The days of dependence on newspapers and TV are over.With a computer we can bring the world to us.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bush

Anonymous said...

5:24 Unless that is truly joking? You must be one of the blind Obama supporters.
How can anyone still blame Bush after the last four years of nonleadership?
When does that train finally get into the station?

lmclain said...

Oh, it's still Bush's fault, huh? LOL! 5:24 must be friends with that goof who says "the system is working" and we should "vote" for better people. The system isn't working and voting won't help. The Attorney General is stonewalling an investigation (he's the TOP law enforcement official IN THE NATION!!) into whether or not he's guilty of accessory to commit murder or merely conspiracy. Our monetary system is ruled by former banksters and CEO's of companies who stole BILLIONS from taxpayers. Despite what his supporters say, the economy IS barely hanging on. Middle class America is getting shredded with new taxes, fees, fines, and surcharges. The government has already shredded the Constitution. Is this the America that Franklin, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, etc., intended? Its probably Bush's fault that these people are still even mentioned in history, too. It rained today, too. Damn that Bush.

Anonymous said...

9:18, check PRMC and SU sites. They are always hiring.

Anonymous said...

9:18, check PRMC and SU sites. They are always hiring.

May 2, 2012 9:55 AM

I did. Except for kitchen work you need a degree or cert. to work at PRCM.

Same for SU. Specialized jobs for both.

Not exactly employment for the masses. But nice try I guess.