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Thursday, March 01, 2012

Canada: Homeschoolers Can't Be Taught 'Gay' Sex Sinful

Homeschooling families will soon be forbidden from teaching that homosexual sex is sinful as part of their schooling program, according to the government of Alberta, Canada.

Under the province’s Education Act, homeschoolers and religious schools will be banned from “disrespecting” people’s differences, Alberta Education Minister Thomas Lukaszuk’s office told LifeSiteNews just last week.

“Whatever the nature of schooling – homeschool, private school, Catholic school – we do not tolerate disrespect for differences,” said Donna McColl, Lukaszuk’s assistant director of communications. “You can affirm the family’s ideology in your family life, you just can’t do it as part of your educational study and instruction.”



Anonymous said...

Give me a break! I can tell my kids anything I want!

Anonymous said...

I guess you won't be living in Alberta then. If people are going to homeschool, they do so under the eye of the BOE, who must sanction what they are doing. People who homeschool do not have carte blanche to do anything they want. There are rules they must follow for the privilege of home-schooling.

Anonymous said...

People who homeschool do not have carte blanche to do anything they want. There are rules they must follow for the privilege of home-schooling.

March 1, 2012 9:25 PM

Privilege? Since when is it a 'privilege' to parent your child?

This is just total bs and over the top. Government is a cancer that is continuing to spread. It needs the cure.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:05
How about it! A privilege?
That comment must be from one of our esteemed "we know best" public school under-educator's whom we can thank for the 84% unemployed 19 to 25 year old's.
Liberal's have controlled education for WAY too long.
Not to mention 9:25's obvious approval of the curriculum.

Anonymous said...

right on 12:04 SCHOOL VOUCHERS NOW get it on the BALLOT for 2013..If I homed schooled I have one cyblis for the state and when they leave I throw it in the trash..and I gaurantee my kid would be smarter, fully educated, more respectful, patriotic and socially competent then any thing the public school could produce. All you NANNY state lovers and Libtards can kiss my ...#$!%%@^!