I hope this makes you as angry as it makes me and that you will share with every friend you have!
Take a look at the attached flyer that came in our mail today. Now tell me, do YOU qualify for a FREE CAMERA PHONE, FREE MONTHLY MINUTES , NO PAYMENT EVER? And note the box stating NO I.D. REQUIRED. So, how do they know if you really even “qualify”?
First time that I became aware of this program was when we saw HALF PAGE ADS in the Sun paper Next ir was ads on TV. Now they are mailing heavy cardstock, full color, glossy ads– in English and Spanish. Guess this is another “gimme” from Obama’s “stash”…. except that you and I are paying the freight- which comes as a tax on your monthly phone bill.
This program began to provide a land line for the poor and disabled. But since when do people need or deserve a free camera phone and lots of minutes at other’s expense?
So what is going on here? Who is paying for the glitzy advertising? Once again is there crony capitalism involved? Since most Americans already own a cell phone, the poor represent a last untapped market for phone companies. The New York Times reported that wireless companies are scrambling to sign up people who receive government assistance. “Carriers can receive up to $10 a month in government subsidies, sufficient to cover what amounts to about $3 in service,” So with government assistance, companies are aggressively marketing the free phones. Nice work if you can get it.
I know, I need to calm down. I am just a heartless conservative!
Ellen Sauerbrey
I had a person offer to sell me theirs for $25 and still get all the free airtime. It wasn't as good as their Iphone!
I helped my friend who is 77 years old get one of these phones. She lives on Social Security and in a government subsidized apartment. It is for her safety if she is on the road and has an incident so she can reach her family....You only receive 150 minutes per month; maximum 200 whichever plan you chose. I don't begrudge my seniors who have worked hard all their lives and cannot afford to purchase the meds, etc. they need to survive daily...Perhaps you would understand if you were elderly living alone who can barely make ends meet. Just saying. Don't down everybody for a minimal benefit for being unable to afford safety...
I don't think you are a heartless conservative. I am a liberal but believe the phones have crossed the line. Maybe for the elderly and disabled that can't afford a phone they are a good idea but not just everyone that is on assistance. I have seen 1 person with 3 or 4 phones. They are very unnecessary.
This is a way for the govt to track you... Believe IT!!!...
Also, they are trying to put people on their system so that the system come time to fail can not be un done...
just like the health care bill and the like...
Only 150-200 minutes? They will have 2.5-3+ hours of emergencies every month?! I don't think so. My parents bought me a cell phone when I got my license for emergencies, I had 40 minutes a month. So yeah, the elderly should get a free cell phone if they can't afford a land line for ten bucks but not camera phones and hours worth of talk time.
Thank-you Mr Foodstamp President,but we want more free stuff Thank-you
I know a young woman on government assistance who has 4 of these phones...plus a luxury one with unlimited talk and text that her boyfriend pays for.
Its just another one of Obama's gimmes. The welfare President has done it again. You have to be on welfare, food stamps or SSI to get these phones, I also have seen these people with three or four phones. I pay $150.00 a month for me and my wife to have smart phones. And my taxes are paying for these free phones for the blood suckers on welfare. I understand too that there is a program to give them free cars, But I don't know much about that.
How many minutes are in the free data plan? Is it enough to keep up with Facebook?
9:27 your friend is the exception to the rule. I have helped out at a church in Salisbury that was providing food and shelter for the homeless for a week. Just about every man there had one of these phones. Just another way my tax dollars are hard at work.
I have to agree that this program makes me so angry. These people will never try to get a job - they don't have to, they get all they want and don't have to work so why look for a job. I really do hope the government is tracking every stupid move they make and the government probably is. If these people are stupid enough to do some of their dealings with these phones, just saying they might be, then they need to be tracked all the way to jail.
LMAO!! You people asked for it, now you got it!! Hey I have an idea, let's vote him in again so we'll have something else to talk about for the next four years!! IDIOTS!!!
Thats great they can use the free phone to call and demand more free assistance.
No they use these phone to make their drug deals . Yes all drug dealers have cell phones. Now with Obama we are paying for their cell phones to make drug deals and make more money than we do. Then they go get their food stamps, and unemployment. while still working as a drug dealer.
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