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Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Ron Paul Warns Of Federal Reserve Power Grab

Not only was Obama’s appointment of Richard Cordray to the misnamed Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) unconstitutional, but the newly minted federal leviathan itself is in direct violation of Constitution, specifically the Tenth Amendment.



Anonymous said...

Just as I said before... We can't stop it and no one will open their eyes...

Why are Americans so damn stupid that they would still allow the govt to speak for them?

I'm telling you now, When you have to pay the govt a tax to get a permission slip to use your own bathroom in your own house on your own land, maybe then you will wake the fuck up... But then, when you say "why didn't anyone fight this"; "why did this happen"; "how did you let this happen"

Then I am gonna slap you in the face and say, why are you to stupid to listen when we told you this would happen...

And honestly, if we go into a revolutionary war again whereas we have to use arms to do it, I am using these so call stupid Americans whom allowed this to happen and whom allow themselves to be told by the govt what to think as a body shield when I am getting shot at...

Because quite frankly these Americans are the cause of these problems because they allow themselves to be told how to live and the like...

Anonymous said...

Most intelligent people know that the country is lost in the obama wave of destruction.
Our recovery can be accomplished by only one thing.
I know this is hard to swallow , but , I will say it again.
Civil war is the ONLY way way out of this mess.
His leadership has taken us to new levels that resemble the middle east. Isn't that ironic ? The muslim countries , we will bow down to and accept this religion.
Maybe you , but not me , open your eyes and at least listen to what is happening people.

Anonymous said...

Civil War! Have you lost your mind! Don’t you know we lost more American Solders to the Civil War than any other war! At least 618,000 Americans died in the Civil War, and some experts say the toll reached 700,000. The number that is most often quoted is 620,000. At any rate, these casualties exceed the nation's loss in all its other wars, from the Revolution through Vietnam. And you want another Civil War? Please explain how you think a Civil War would be anything but disastrous? Don’t get me wrong, I believe that Obama is the worst President that our country has ever had. Oh don’t get your feathers ruffled Obama supporters! Do your homework before you start spouting that Bush did all this! Well, you could had a valid point the FIRST year in office, but Obama is in his third year of office. I am not going to sit back and be an Arm Chair Politician and shout out how it should be done. I do not know how to get us out of this hole, but I do know that a Civil War is NOT it!

lmclain said...

Civil war is NOT the proper term, or the correct response. It's not "states against states", it "we, the people" against the despotic, imperial, and dictatorial leaders who have lost touch (or just don't give a damn) with the people and who have flaunted their disdain for the Constituion for so long, they don't even flinch when approving things like the NDAA or the Patriot Act. I'm not sure of the exact wording, but "every once in a while, the tree of liberty needs to be nourished with the blood of tyrants and dictators". And we have a few of those and the tree is badly in need of nourishment. The alternative (which seems to be QUITE accpetable to MILLIONS of non-thinking sheep is to let the government rape our freedom and tell us what to think, where we can go, when we can go there, how we will get there, what we be allowed to think and read, and use every available means (much of it only used previously in military aplications) to force our compliance. I'd rather be shot dead resisting THAT. And from the posts that grow in number each day in agreement, our leaders BETTER be preparing for THAT. It's not "fringe" or "tin-foil hat" thinking....its the facts. And people much smarter than you or I have come to the same conclusion....