Tonight - HB 1302 was officially sponsored by House Speaker Busch and SB-971 by Senate President Mike Miller at the request of our illustrious Governor Martin O'Malley. FYI - a 6% Sales Tax is to be assessed on all fuel sales in the State of Maryland and passage of these bills will require the gasoline dealers to collect and to pay to the State of Maryland.
This is in addition the present rate of Maryland fuel tax - currently 23.5 cents per gallon, and the Federal rate of - 18.4 cents per gallon.
In this author's humble opinion - tonight - class warfare has been officially declared against Maryland's citizenry, and more particularly against the working middle class.
What an absolute bunch of dumb a$$es.
WaWa in Delmar, DE had better put bigger tanks in, because Salisbury citizens will be flocking there to fuel up.
And the Maryland DNR wants to raise the 2 year boat sticker fee from $24 to $125!
I'm pretty sure that it will pass as the Maryland legislature is comprised mainly of Democrats in both chambers. There are 141 Delegates and 41 Senators and 2/3 of them are Democrats.
The Demos were supposed to be for the working class - but as one can easily see - they just won't walk the talk.
INCREDIBLE! What dumbasses.
When are we, the people going to learn.....we have the power to change things... all we need is to get mad enough to bring issues to a vote...ie term limits. Busch and Miller have been taking too much from us for far too long
Time to buy gas in Delaware & Virginia, anywhere but MD. Just like alcohol, don't buy in MD anymore. Not going to give those dumba$$ ba$stards in Annapolis another penny to waste that I don't have to.
Gonna cash out my saving account and buy a gas station across the Delaware line!
Keep voting for democrats you stupid idiots!!
And you all still keep voting these same fools in office and trust and believe them when they lie in your face for your votes...HAHA you all are getting what you deserve..Wanna make a bet ?? How many of these same fools in office will get put back in office ???
Delmar, here I come!
Clothing, technology items, cigarettes, alcohol, and now gas - five reasons to make a visit to the First State.
Did they not learn anything from the MD/DE/PA casino fiasco?
Depressing, very depressing
Obama, Owe'Malley, O'Ireton!!
Anything ring a bell here?
Just never stops here in Maryland. If gas wasn't $4/Gallon well guess what . . .it is now. Thanks to Maryland officials.
What a bunch of A number one $$sholes. I agree with you Dayton.
Just think about it - Maryland has no skin in the game.
They pass a law and then the gasoline and fuel dealers do all of the work.
We citizens 'mash the potatos and then Maryland officials get all of the gravy'. Something isn't right about this scenario. I hope all of the democrats rot in ##ll.
Democrats really taxing the rich,are'nt they?
Of all the time I have been covering the Maryland Legislature - I have to admit - this one contains the most taxes that I can ever recall.
The Governor, House Speaker, Senate President, have taxed literally everything but the kitchen sink - and that to. From flushing toilets, sales taxes, internet sales taxes, cigarettes, alcohol, car registrations, titling taxes, fuel taxes, teachers pensions, court surcharges, red light cameras, telecommunication surcharges. For the SBYnews readers - I have read every single House & Senate Bill synopsis for each of the past 6 legislative sessions and this one is by far the worse that I can ever recall.
vote all dems out next time...
Not a big fan of this, like everyone else, but isn't this supposed to happen over a three-year period, and not at once?
It's still bad, but I figured that part was worth mentioning.
To 9:23
The bill says 2% proposed increase for FY2013 - then goes to 6%.
Either way - it is a tax on top of tax in my estimation it represents triple dipping - (i.e. 1. State Fuel Tax, 2. Federal Fuel Tax, and now 3. State Sales Tax).
I will say this - any proported job gains claimed by this administration is completely wiped out by this job destroying legislation. It really blows my mind away at how the MSM will try and spin this legislation. I agree - a war has been declared today on Maryland's working middle class.
Maryland has a reputation for having the best politicians that money can buy. At least our state is holding true to form. Delaware is looking better and better all the time.
It's just unbelievable to me that this is acceptable to any Maryland taxpayer. It's just another example of worthless politicians, who could care less about the people who elected them. Regardless of political party, it should be apparent that the elected officials in office now do not care what the average taxpayer wants, but only what the special interest groups pay them to want. Time to send a message!
Hey, while you are in Delmar go ahead and support our local businesses as well!
To 10:05 Posting
The Daily Times and Beacon club will spin it and say this tax increase will generate jobs. Wait and see. It amazes me at the differences in opinion between this site and The Daily Rag.
We need a daily update"the price of gas in Delmar today" ticker at the top of the page Joe. lol
You guys are a bunch of cry babies , do something about it. Call your congree people , e-mail your representatives , if that don't work, then doooo the following:
1. insure you have ammo
2. insure you have weapons
3. form a militia
4. revolt , it's time
Now , that you know what to do , do it. Don't you just love obama , the socialist , communist , liar,
and what ever you want to call him.
We cannot take another four years of his leadership , if that's what you call it. O'malley is his right hand man. I hope both rot in hell.
Welp, guess its time to find a new job and home somewhere else...
Maybe Milwaukee, at least they will get ride of and lower income tax...
Fuck Maryland and the people who work for it...
Lets see O'malley stop me from moving and lets see O'malley stop me from going into Delaware to buy my goods until I move...
Mr. wonderfull strikes again,and we get nothing in return.
Can you all please just STFU... There is nothing you can do about it, Yes vote all you want, guess what, your vote doesn't count, and if it does go as Maine how their votes count... If the establishment picks the candidates to win, and since every time since FDR, Every candidate whom got the nomination is like the other currently in office and will more than likely be their bitch and do what they want... If you have to vote on those fools and between lesser of two evils, then guess what your vote means shit... your better off rolling over and dying because you will vote the same idiots back in or be a complete moron a listen to what they say ans believe it...
What you ALL FAIL TO REALIZE is this... Once it is passed or voted into law, IT WILL NEVER GO AWAY...
Just like Obama Bin Laden Health care and all the other BS he did, Why do you think they pressed so hard to pass it and then implement it? because once its in place and people are using it, you can't take it back... or at least no one will...
Citizens need to light up our politicians phones and tell them what you think.We need a posting of all the phone numbers somewhere.
To 7:06 Post
Yes - that is the way the democrats do it. Inch - by inch - then they have them by the gonads.
Look at the flush tax. $30 this year, $60 next year, then by the gallon. How about medivac fleet. First $33.00 tacked onto tags. Then court surcharges - then red light cameras, speed cameras.
I could go on and on - and now we have a tax on top of a tax. The US and State governments should not be one bit surprised if a revolution occurs. And they are even preparing for that with these newly created camps & imposition of the newly created terrorist laws.
Greece, Portugal, France, Spain, Italy - here we come.
What is amazing is that as big a news as this is for Marylanders, none of the MSM are covering this legislation.
I would classify this as a major development. Where is The Daily Times, or WBOC, or WJDY, or WMDT?
Thank you SBYnews for bringing this to the forefront.
Where is the MSM--surely you must know by now that theprogressive liberal machine (aka Soros,Buffet et al) own the so-called new sources. It is the reason why they have been so successful at implementing thier agenda. We sat back for the last 40 years while they infiltrated inch by inch our schools, our media, our political system,our federal and state courts and our military and our health care system. We are in for the fight of our lives.
Joe...It is my understanding that Maryland is not one of the 19 states that allows recall of the governor...is there any other way, before the next election, he can be unseated ?
anonymous 10:46, O'Malley has term limits, which have expired. He cannot run again.
: 'rudolph.cane@house.state.md.us'; 'adelaide.eckardt@house.state.md.us'; 'jeannie.haddaway@house.state.md.us'; norman.conway@house.state.md.us; 'mike.mcdermott@house.state.md.us'; 'charles.otto@house.state.md.us'
Start writing, folks!
Response to 8:40 Question - Where is the MSM?
I'll tell you when you'll read about it - after it is to late and the stupid piece of legislation passes.
The Daily Times is way behind the game in reporting news. The only news The Daily Times reports is OLD NEWS!
If this goes thru I will never buy another drop of gas in Maryland. Even if I have to pay more I will purchase it in Delaware. This guy is a complete A$$.
12:41 thanks.Now everyone start writing!Write your butts off and dont stop!
This legislation has got to be a joke! In this economy there isn't anything to write home about - ie- layoffs, high unemployment, vacant houses galore, crime. To impose more taxes in this mess is insanity.
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