If you had the luxury of being there or watching on PAC 14 I'm confident each and every person in the game was on the edge of their seats wondering, will she flip flop? I knew my answer to that question early on but I have to tell you, she had me going for quite a while. In the end Councilwoman Stevie Prettyman made the call and said she now supports moving forward with a commitment letter on behalf of Bennett Middle School.
Councilwoman Stevie Prettyman thought she was being smart when she challenged my recent Post about the new property being in a flood plain zone. Well, perhaps I worded it improperly. The TECHNICAL term is call Hydric Soil. That's what 90% of that property is, allow me to explain more nut clearly from Mrs. Prettyman's question she had no idea of the following information. "A hydric soil is a soil that formed under conditions of saturation, flooding, or ponding long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part."
Now I don't care WHAT you want to call it, 90%, (or so) of that property has that soil and with floating footers there could be very serious settlement issues. Heck, the new Fire Station in Salisbury buried footers way into the earth and guess what Folks, they STILL had major settlement and continue to experience cracks in the concrete.
The Images above clearly show/prove that what I was saying is completely true. Now, that being said, while this was being challenged today I directly discussed it with Rick Pollitt and he said, "well, you know Joe, that wasn't wasn't my first choice." He then said, "I wanted that school to go behind the WalMart".
I should add, I'm putting this information up for selfish reasons as I want my readers to understand I did not try to mislead anyone. The experts and even Council Members can challenge me on a technicality but the TRUTH in the end is, this soil is some of the worst soil you could place a school on.
There could be a LOT of arguments as to why this shouldn't go forward but there's little doubt there was political influence. Many will claim a deal was made behind closed doors. Mrs. Prettyman stated the new financial information changed her mind but in all reality, nothing changed financially.
Mr. Pollitt and one BOE Board Member told me, "Wicomico County is the laughing stock of the entire state of Maryland". Well, Wicomico County is on the Eastern Shore. We do not enjoy the interest in development other counties experience. Always trying to be number one or the center of attention isn't even possible for Wicomico County, let's be real.
What we should be doing is LEARNING from those other counties and NOT make the same mistakes. We should be USING other plans/designs from other counties who have already designed new schools to save us millions of dollars.
The other day we exposed the serious problems with 40% of our schools failing state standard tests. THAT makes Wicomico County the laughing stock of the entire state, wake up people. Should Wicomico County be rewarded for the failures in those educators not capable of TEACHING our students.
I'm not trying to create sour grapes here. Similar to last night's City Council Meeting, what's done is done. However, wouldn't it have been WISE to add in an addendum for tomorrow's meeting into that letter stating IF Public Works doesn't agree to 100% of the original package the County Council could back out of their commitment? Am I the only one out there who thinks ahead. I mean, fair is fair, right?
In time each and every one of you will see the problems the County will experience attempting to build that kind of structure on that kind of land. The documents above do not lie. When we have so many financial road blocks ahead of us, so much uncertainty, I have lost ALL faith in Wicomico County and the direction our leaders are heading us into.
In the end I can say in the very least for Salisbury News we will continue to have a lot to publish daily. So I hate to say this but this decision is actually great for business. Over the last 5 days we have experienced record days, one day after the other beating out the previous days numbers.
I guess in the end I need to rethink things. I'll have to somehow convince myself that in today's world when you have 40% of the schools failing it's best to spend up to $80,000,000.00 to reward them in the firm belief they will do better. At least that's how Councilwoman Stevie Prettyman is thinking along with three other Council Members. I truly thought someone with wisdom and experience would know better but as I said earlier, I need to rethink the way things are run in this country/county any more and many of you do too, because obviously we're wrong in the way we were raised.
Maybe the County is just trying to keep up with City - $84 mil for a waste water treatment plant that doesn't work vs. $80 mil for a school that doesn't teach.
Regardless of the soil, it's still in Fruitland town limits....three times what Salisbury Charges...why not put it on County land?
Okay, second post...I only live a few yards outside of Fruitland town limits, just a few tenths from the school...how are they gonna control traffic? Nothing but two lane roads?
wow.. i was right about stevie prettyman! i always did kinda figure her as a sellout! i will NEVER trust her again!
40% of the schools are failing, but you must take Ito consideration the gains these schools have had. NCLB requires all students to be profieciant in math and reading by 2014. This includes all students regardless of language and disability to pass the exact same test in the exact same language, even if only in the country for a short time. Let's face it, there is no way in the world that all kids can be profieciant, and other factors need to be taken into consideration. There is also a reason we are having educational reforms such as common core to fix these problems. To say that these schools are failing so reward them is misleading the people when most people do not even know how the system works.
I agree! Great post!! I'm very disappointed with today's vote.
So reasoning would be that if schools are succeeding, they should get the money. Hmmmm, maybe that means Mardela since they are passing the state tests.
GET IT ON THE BALLOT SCHOOL VOUCHERS NOW. It is the only way we will regain power... good schools will prosper public eduction will die on the vine.Please tell me my wonderful elected morons How do private schools get better results with less flare and extras???
Rick Pollitt served on the BOE.
The BOE runs the County.
The BOE runs Ireton.
Ireton's hooked up with Mike Dunn now.
Our children are failing. Elected officials conduct themselves badly.
Wow. All I can say is wow.
Joe...you dont need to rethink the way you see things. Stevie is an absolute idiot. She sold out her conservative constituents and really ought to resign. I remember hearing her say "I know whats right for my people". That's what's wrong with this nation today. Politicians thinking they know whats best regardless of what the people want....but it's whatever.
So again, Liberals - The State has NO MONEY!!!!!!! So ,We the TAXPAYERS are paying for this and remember the Federal gov't does not produce or sell anything to make money - It comes from those of us who work for a living (don't mean a gov. job, I mean the Private sector) - So while it will take years to pay for this new school - Which means I cannot retire when I want to. So for those of you who say, Well the state is giving us the money - WE ARE THE STATE!!!!! and you are educating my kids?! This is really scary!!!!!!!! Because again, the FEDS do not do anything to produce money!!!!!!!!!!
I have an even better idea: Since, We the taxpayers are going to pay for this school - We should also be able to write your contracts for you!
A. Take your vacations in the summer - not during the school year!
B. Make your Dr. appt's on the unnecessary days you have off or after your work day!
C. If we have any fog delays - and they add up to 8 or more hours - make a day up!
D. If schools are closed due to weather conditions - Take it off of spring break week and we wouldn't have to be in school till June 15th
1027 comment: private schools do not take mandated state tests and are not required to follow the same curriculums, therefore ou cannot compare there results to public schools. Most college studies will tell you that there are considerable advantages to both avenues to education, but private school does not mean better.
Private schools do not take the Maryland State Assessment (MSA) so there is no way to compare.
Private schools are also mostly comprised of students that are well behaved and have parents that support the student at home and care about the students education. They are not made up of students who go home and have absolutely no support at home.
Core learning goals won't fix it either. Can't we admit that, for whatever reason, not all children are of average ability? In fact, some are of very, very far below average ability. We keep searching for the magic formula that will help us avoid the simple truth.
come on Joe--put my comment up!
We will be reminded each year they increase our property taxes to extract the money they are spending and don't have, not to mention the cost overruns because of the land they are building the school on. Politt knows he will never win another election and took a shot at it. Hope someone wises up or we are shot in the A$$.
Pollitt is full of crap when he says he wanted the school behind Walmart. Rick Pollitt was town manager of Fruitland for eons and he knows everyone down there and their business. He knows good and well Herman Perdue tied that land behind Walmart up in a trust so it can't be sold.
Please tell me my wonderful elected morons How do private schools get better results with less flare and extras???
January 24, 2012 10:27 PM
Quality, dedicated teachers? And kids who WANT to learn? A system of incompetence equals termination?
Just guessing.
No matter what, Roses really smell like poo poo.
10:27 - Because the parents of kids in private schools care and are willing to pay for an education that their child cannot get in public schools. Holly Grove is a great example. Bible is taught there, uniforms are worn there and students who do not wish to follow the rules, or refuse to be serious about their education are asked to leave.
Parents are involved in all aspect of their children's education in private schools. Holly Grove has built on significantly through the years. Guess who does the construction? The parents - just like an Amish barn raising. The parents and students work hard at fund raising. The parents donate time and often materials Not only do the parents pay for the education, they also work for free to improve the school that in turns provides a better education to the students.
You get what you pay for, as the saying goes, including a "free" education. When a parent does not care, than why should the student? My son, a teacher, says the only parents bothering to come to PT Conferences, are parents of his best students.
Mandates run public schools as if one size fits all. One size does not fit all adults, but government says all have to be treated equally in public schools and discipline is out of the question .
Not interested in getting an education, that's okay, we'll just let you stay here and do your thing, disrupt classes, start fights, hit teachers, cuss authority, all with no consequences until you are 16. In the meantime students in public schools who want to learn are the ones who suffer.
This deal reminds me of the back door, handshake, buddy-buddy deal that was made when parkside high school was first built in the 1970's.
The original plan was for the school to go to the east side of wicomico county for those kids. But the land owners and council in a back door deal put it where certain people made money and got their kids into the newest school.
My employer relocated to Delaware from Wicomico County three years ago.This was not do to the schools it was do to the high taxes. Hopefully we will be moving soon to Delmar Del. The voters in Wicomico County need to wake up and start electing people that are aware of what is happening.
If the building is so important to education , then why are home schooled students far suoperior in knowledge.
Don't give me that crap about affording homeschool. I know of my neighbor that has students and they all are considered poor even the teacher.
Prettyman won't get my vote anymore.
Stevie Prettyman is a fake, she is a sell out. She caved in because she didn't like getting picked on. She is definitely a RINO and someone who doesn't represent the people who elected her. It would be in everyone's best interest to vote her out of office in the next election and prevent her from being a career politician. Let he live the rest of her life in her ritzy lifestyle condo in Florida like she does much of the year anyway. Her hopes were to move on to the state level so now it's time to cut her off early. After all she used to preach term limits. She claimed to be in favor of only 2 terms. That was one of the first lies I caught her in.
I have an idea as January 25, 2012 3:05 AM has reminded me. We already know the land in Fruitland is not suitable to build so why build there. Take that land, turn it into open space land and acquire land in the Pittsville area. Build a new affordable high school there and then turn the new Bennett High School into BMS. The current Bennett High students can go to the new high school on the east side. Now every will be happier.
stevie prettyman your blonde hair must be real! What a sellout idiot.
The entire council needs to go. They are no better than the past idiots. At a time when Dc is taking all they can we can't afford to give anymore. Omalley is going to be taking more also. Time fro mass exodus out of this God Forsaken State. Stevie has shown her true colors. Her career should be over!
I voted for Stevie and Matt... I will NOT vote for them again! End of story, no reset button, no do-overs, no second chances.
Our schools are failing, is it the teachers fault? No, it is you and your kids who could care less if they learn. They go to school, disrupt classes, fight, distroy what every they can. Who do we blame, the teachers. It you the public of Wicomico county really knew what went on in these schools. Anyone who cared would have their kids in private schools. That is why the BOE does not allow all that goes on out to the public. People, it is your kids that are distroying our education system, not allowing the teachers to teach those who want to learn. I know you are saying that isn't my precious child. Yeah! Right. I am not and employee of the BOE, but a concerned grand parent. No, a new school won't help, but lay off the teachers, they try so hard to teach your spoiled child. If you try hard to make your kids learn and do well. Thank You!!!
The number of behavioral specialists (feel good title) in this county is incredible. If the Board wants to eliminate programs that don't benefit the majority of the students, how about starting there? Almost nothing is spent on strong academic programs, but I bet those are the first to go. Deans of students are not required either, but they quietly added one each to Prince and Pinehurst this year while saying they cut positions. If the public knew how much money is spent with no evidence of academic gain, there would be a revolt.
shame on stevie. she sold out for votes. no other reason. all of our family and (so far) alot of our neighborhood didn't want this to happen. so sad for wicomico county.
bad deal, bad land (foundation), bad for taxpayers.
can you remind me where this money is coming from? no don't bother; the whole issue just makes me sick.
without a doubt stevie needs to go.
It HAS to be in Fruitland because it is a kickback from Pollitt to Fruitland, where he was the town manager! It is so obvious why that school is going on that lot, in that town. Mark my words, in 5 years Fruitland will want its own high school AND THEY WILL GET IT! Meanwhile, over a dozen other schools in our county are totally neglected, over state rated capacity or have HVAC issues. But that's ok, because Fruitland is being served, right Rick?
Having agreed w/Stevie on some issues and disagreed with her on others, she is neither a sellout or a RINO. I can only assume her reasoning for her change of mind is exactly as she stated. This is an emotionally charge issue. I can only respect Stevie and each member of the council for taking what they feel is the correct stand.
Hey BOE Employee 9:56,
It is because of teacgers like you that our children are failing. LEARN TO SPELL! Repeat after me....dEstroy
Just to clear the air… This is not about teachers or schools, it’s about over priced schools!
WBOE is asking for way more then what should be considered. Build a bare-bones school. Add in air conditioning, make it ADA compliant… oh, and throw in a mini jail to lock up any want-a-be thugs and you’d have something the whole community could rally behind, and afford!
10:08 PM -
Are you an educator? Because you seem to be one based on your knowledge of the testing system. THis shocks me, because it's PROFICIENT. pro·fi·cient. I would expect somebody with knowledge of education and a college degree would know this.
"Wicomico County is the laughing stock of the entire state of Maryland".
U Big FAT Pig of a Bast@%d,
This is what u really think of Wicomico County.
Well, the voters will have the last laugh. We will show u something different come election day.
Furthermore, every dog has it day come judgementday.
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