A 24 count indictment has been handed up against the man accused of stabbing New Castle County Police Sergeant Joe Szczerba to death.
32-year-old David Salasky faces first degree murder charges and other counts ranging from assault to deadly weapons posession.
Police say Salasky stabbed Szczerba during a struggle in the early morning hours of September 16th.
My sympathies to this brave sergeant's family. Death to cop killers.
Death to cop killers.
December 7, 2011 6:28 PM
...and killers of others, period!
@ 12:49 - Let's hear what you have to say on the subject. If an individual commits a murder then he/she should be put to death. Obviously, you feel different. so let's hear it. Explain.
9:01 AM
I asked why you thought people should be killed for killing cops.
If you have no answer, say so. Don't assume anything on my part.
@ 10:08- I just posted the answer. If you commit a murder then the penalty should be your own life. Now, I am asking what your view is.Do you believe in the death penalty? Do you have a problem with it being enforced in the death of a law enforcement officer?
My sympathies to this brave sergeant's family. Death to cop killers.
December 7, 2011 6:28 PM
This is what you said dang it. I asked why, and I am still asking why. I didn't think it was that hard of a question.
@1:21 - Let me try again. People that kill ANYONE should be put to death. I have stated that in the last 2 posts and that is the answer. People that kill police officers, should be put to death. Taking another human being's life, especially one who is tasked with protecting our communities by enforcing the law, is wrong and should result in the death penalty. Simple as that. Now do you understand the answer? Quite frankly, it is pretty straight forward. Why anyone would need that explained to them is beyond me.
Why anyone would need that explained to them is beyond me.
December 8, 2011 1:37 PM
I'm sure it is beyond you since you still haven't given a real reason other than eye for an eye, revenge, etc.
So I guess that is the only answer I will get. Thanks for playing. You may return to your world now.
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