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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

First Amendment Right?

Do we really have first amendment rights anymore? Remember our last city council? Louise? Well it appears as though this is a growing trend. Think about it. 2011. Miitary patrolling our streets. People being told by the government what they can and can't say. What will 2012 be like?


Anonymous said...

I;am afraid it's going to get worse. We need Ron Paul more than ever now. Notice, neither officer laid a hand on him, or it would have battery.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see this video making the rounds. I was also glad to hear the one councilwoman leaving the meeting in order to make herself available to her constituents.

Anonymous said...

Well, if I were the guy speaking, I would continue to, and would say this is my right as a productive society member and legal citizen...

Then I would go on to say to the office, if you touch me just once, that would be considered harassment and battery and i will defend myself with accordance with the law...

Grow some balls and stand up for your rights because soon you won't be able to think for yourself without getting hanged or thrown in jail for it...

Anonymous said...

When Hilter's troops were put on trial for the war crimes they commited, they excuse was that they were just following orders.
Those three moron goon cops should be sued for violating that mans consitutional rights!

Anonymous said...

This is the LOVELUTION, cut and dry. Folks with words and ideas and love vs. quasi-government employees with guns, clubs, tazers, and cages.

Anonymous said...

Dispicable and appalling. There was NO reason for this person to be removed. I am so angry right now that I feel physically nauseous. Joe, is there more information on this? This is an outrage that cannot be let to go unanswered.

Anonymous said...

Not just Louise Smith, Joe. She would shut meetings down completely. But remember Mike Dunn? Now that guy would send the cops over just like that!

That dog and pony show of his and Laura Mitchell's and Jim Ireton made me THANK GOD Terry Cohen is president now. Dunn was egging people on to stand up and applaud, an act HE would have thrown people out for! Or Louise would have closed down the meeting.

Cohen took it like a grown up and handled it with grace. Her enemies tried to make her look bad but all they succeeded in doing was making themselves look bad. When G.A. Harrison got up there and pushed the limit with Mitchell (who deserved it, imo), Cohen didn't shut him down or gavel him. She gently reminded him not to get too personal.

Salisbury is full of circus performers. Cohen does a good job of balancing their rights to act like jackasses with keeping the tone of the room at a reasonable level.

Lady, I sure as heck couldn't do it, so thanks!

Anonymous said...

Almost unbelievable! Good for him!