UPDATE: Hello Joe,
Great news...Just want to let you know that Tyson has been found and is in great health...thanks again for putting the word out and helping return him home. We definitely just got our Christmas present. Sbynews is an awesome site for information and you are doing a great job with it. Thanks for all of your support and we are happy to keep your pet finding percentage at 100%!...Merry Christmas and a great New Year to you and your family!
Hello Joe,
We are missing our 1 year old pug. His name is Tyson. He is all black with a small white patch on his chest. He may be injured. If found or seen please contact us at 443-523-4993 or 410-430-1000.
Oh my gosh what a beautiful face! Prayers for Tyson to come home.
bless his heart! he looks like he could break into tears at any moment!
My dog looks exactly the same, white patch (described) and everything. We bought him from someone in delmar, so im pretty sure there are quite a few that match that description running around. Awesome dog though, really hope they turn up safe.
Cathy...I was thinking the exact same thing.
Sure hope his return is your Best Christmas Present!!!!
I see you got your Best Christmas Present! Soooo glad for you!
Thanks for posting these lost animals Joe!
Aw great! He is such a cutie.
Yeah! Great news.
Po LiL guy, bet he's a happy hound now : ) Merry Christmas to ALL
mr albero
i did not get a chance to post a couple a days ago on the article were you had helped owners and pets reunite.just wanted to say thanks for all you for the owners and there pets. salisbury and surrounding areas are blessed with your kindness and outreach. keep up the great work and happy holidays to you and your family.
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