I am sending this in hopes you will post a notice on your site to let people know that Eric Ludwig’s Downtown Barber Shop will be closed until further notice. Eric was rushed to the hospital yesterday with chest pains and needed to undergo heart surgery last night.
I want to let his friends and customers know that all he kept talking about was how he needed to be in the shop to help with their needs.
As of this morning he has made it through the surgery successfully and is resting well in the ICU at Peninsula Regional and should be moved to a separate room in a day or so. He will however need to take some time off to fully recuperate, and as usual Eric is complaining about the time the doctors are saying it may take.
For all of his friends and customers he will be back as soon as he can and hopes they will remember him.
Thanks, Joe. And Happy Holidays to All
Fred Ludwig
Sorry to read this. The nicest seem to get the bad breaks. Will look forward to seeing Eric back downtown once doctors say he can return to work. Great guy, great haircut.
Take your time and get well, my family will be praying for you. We won't forget and you'll still have this Father and his son's hair to cut, though the hair may be a bit longer than usual.
Eric will be in my prayers for a full and speedy recovery. He has a wonderful little downtown business and many loyal customers. I hope that someone will place a nice sign on the door of the shop for those who don;t otherwise know what has happened and that he will be back. Joe, do you know if he has insurance coverage. This surgery could be a real set back for a small business owner if he doesn't, and I, probably among many, would be willing to make a contribution if he doesn't have coverage. If you can let us know when he is in a regular room and can have visitors, that would be nice too. He has brought back what a real small town business was like. It's wonderful to go there and get good service and be known by name.
Get well and have a Merry Christmas Eric!
Eric. We wish you a speedy recovery. Last night when the Colts won my sons said Eric will be happy, can't wait to wear my Colts jersey in for my next haircut. We will watch here for updates. Merry Christmas Eric.
John, Matthew & Taylor
I will keep Eric in my prayers for a speedy recovery. When you do a good job, you won't be forgotten.
Happy Healthy New Year!
Get well soon Eric.Before I found out about your shop I used to go to another town for a haircut.Now yours is the only one I will go to.
Eric, So very sorry to hear this! You are in our prayers for your health, your business, and your finances. These customers are not forgetting you, and we will be back when you get back! In the meantime, someone please post how to make a donation. We are more than willing to help out! Wouldn't it be neat if each of his customers would make the donation of the cost of a haircut since he doesn't get sick pay? That would really help him out!
anonymous 9:37, GREAT idea! Count me in.
Please keep us posted on how we can help, Joe. We all need to pull together to make sure he isn't at risk of losing his business. That would put his health at further risk. Maybe the other downtown people could help out, too.
This is easy part, enjoy. Rehab is the hardest. Theirs good people working their to help you.
your the best barber in town man. its crazy how i just got my hair cut with you on tuesday, and now this happened, it just leaves me speechless. i wish you a speedy recovery and hope you make it back to your business. i can actually say you are one business in town that if i were to see it go it would truly be devastating. your a figure head in salisbury and many people, including young kids, look up to you for there hair cuts. i wish you well man
Get better Eric!
Get well eric i will be there as soon as you come back. Speedy recovery for you ,my prayers are with you!
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