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Thursday, September 01, 2011

25 CEOs Who Made More Than Their Companies Paid In Income Taxes

The Institute for Policy Studies has just released its 18th annual review of U.S. executive compensation and found that 25 out of the country's 100 highest-paid chief executives actually earned more in 2010 than their companies paid out in corporate income taxes.

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Anonymous said...

Gee, what a surprise. But heaven forbid we close some of those tax loopholes, we wouldn't want to stifle all those jobs these companies are not making.

Anonymous said...


yeah right so we can give more money to the government so they can spend it "wisely" good for these guys who actually create jobs good for them for making money sorry for you pc folks who have bought into this socialist blab that profit is a bad word

Anonymous said...

think about what ever you love to do. now, think for a moment you start a business doing what you love to do. everyday, you work. everyday, your business grows. you start making lots of money. would you want the government to step in and tell you that you have to stop making money because people dont like you? and anything you do make, will go to the government.

Anonymous said...

I expect for tax rates to be fair to EVERYONE. Tax loopholes are corporate welfare where welfare is not needed. These "job creators" are creating no jobs and sitting on a load of cash. Nothing but greed and justifying taking advantage of the working class. I know, "It's just business." Sorry, I have a soul and can earn a living for myself without needing to have a McMansion, 6 cars, 2 vacation homes and every high-tech gadget that hits the market. I call a spade a spade and the top 1% earners in this country are just sickening to me, just trying to justify their greed.

Anonymous said...

it is people like you that have bought into this pc notion that profit is a bad thing. if you want to be successful then get off your but create a company work hard take some risk and guess what you might be in that top 1% remember the government considers 250k a year rich. maybe you should look at those folks in government who are ginning up all this pc and ask yourself what have they done to create anything? why are they making millions off of nothing? maqybe you should get mad at them and stop worrying about the folks that are really working and creating something

Anonymous said...

I agree with 8:55 - tax rates should be fair for everyone. If they were the 45% who pay nothing, many of whom receive refunds with no withholding, would finally have to get off their duffs and start paying taxes instead of sucking off the system. Give us a flat 12% for everyone and watch the deficit (including WIC, Sec 8, Medicaid, and all giveaways) disappear.

Anonymous said...

It's a free country and it's none of your business what people make in the private sector the real corruption is in the government payroll!

lmclain said...

It's a complicated situation. No clear black and white. However, keep this in mind. Congress, made up of mostly millionaires, wrote the tax code. Who do you think they want it to benefit? And, believe it when I say, they DIDN'T write it to make sure rich people "created jobs". It was written (like most other laws) to protect the wealth and property of (OTHER) rich people. Thats why you will never see a flat tax. How would the uber-rich EVER have a good life if they had to pay the SAME tax as everyone else? Its a well known (and many times published FACT by numerous, including private sector publications) that thousands of companies ARE hoarding cash (in the hundreds of BILLIONS). But NOT creating jobs. Its also time (on the OTHER hand) to STOP giving women with 4 kids and no job an "earned income (?!) credit" that is many times the amount of the average WORKING person's tax refund. The tax code is only unfair to the middle class. And don't hold your breath waiting for millioniares to change THAT. Just keep buy weapons and ammo.

Anonymous said...

Last time I checked I didnt get paid without being taxed. The company paid the CEO a huge amount of money and the government got a huge amount of tax revenue as a result. You people act as if the CEO is being paid under the table and somehow the government is getting shorted on the tax revenue.
I just dont get the jealous class warfare. The only thing holding back your income is YOU. Stop complaining about others and go work hard, and take a risk. If your as smart as some others in this country you will likely make a buck or two.

Anonymous said...

Lazy liberals always want a free ride on the backs of the producers in this country.