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Friday, August 19, 2011

Unlocking Deep Throat's Territory With New Rosslyn Marker

ROSSLYN, Va. -- Even if you weren't aware the innocuous parking garage in Arlington was the site of one of the country's most notorious whistleblower confessions, you somehow still feel the need to whisper.
The dark corner in the cavernous underground lot houses space 32D, the significance of which was previously only marked by a newspaper clipping taped to a nearby column.
But Arlington residents now will know their morning walk to the Metro passes by the location where the late FBI second in command, Mark "Deep Throat" Felt, passed state secrets to Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward for a string of stories that would eventually take down a president -- what would come to be known as the Watergate scandal.
A new sign outside the unremarkable parking garage on North Nash Street near Wilson Boulevard identifies a location most Americans have heard about, but very few could pinpoint.
"I never realized anything happened over here in Rosslyn," said passerby Laura Goodspeed of Arlington. "Now walking by, people will know what happened in our neighborhood."



Anonymous said...

I thought it was a prostitute garage at first glance.

Anonymous said...

where is the statue of expat G. Gordon Liddy?