(CNN)-Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin took to her Facebook page Monday to warn Americans about President Barack Obama’s plan to improve the nation’s economy.
“Be wary of the efforts President Obama makes to ‘fix’ the debt problem,” she said. “The more he tries to ‘fix’ things, the worse they get.” A “surprised” Palin sounded off on reaction to the nation’s credit rating downgrade and chided “so-called smart people” who doubted her forecast of economic repercussions.
Can she be any more hilarious?! LOL
The chick was against raising the ceiling in the first place. Imagine what would have happened to our rating and the markets if we would have went down that route. LOL. And now she wants to act as if she actually wants to lecture. Best political entertainment ever.
Palin is smarter than Obama ,but that's not saying much Obama does not have all his facilities.
Well, if Palin said it...
10:30am, the down grade came because congress continues to act irresponsibly towards slowing debt and spending.....you would have had to watch the actual interview with S&P to know the truth. She's not lecturing, she warned/forecast , like many others did too.
10:38, I'm not sure about that. I think that Obama knows exactly what he wants to do. He is a very calculating person. I would never day that Palin is smarter than he is; she is a joke. (And that's from a Republican!)
Obama has evil intent. Palin does not. You don't have to be a geneous to be president. You have to be principled. Once you get to middle layer government workers they do as they wish. They cannot be fired. Sarah has the principles of middle america, and that is why she has to be demonized by the left.
11:04, the downgrades would have came in bunches and the market collapse would have been worse had we not raised the debt ceiling, a position that she was advocating FOR. Palin and many of the Tea Party focus their fire on "Obama spending", yet the S&P, other credit agencies, and economists have repeatedly said that our long-term outlays for entitlements are the problem, not the current spending on things like the stimulus bill. Also take note that dude from the S&P clearly mentioned that raising taxes would have helped the debt situation and that this is not a problem that just popped up with Pres. Obama; two stances that I'm sure your resident genius Palin would staunchly disagree with.
She is so smart.
11:49 wrong, she is not being demonized. People, including many republicans, simply point out that she is stupid.
BTW majority of 'middle america' is pretty stupid too and Palin's rise to fame is a good example of that.
Even a blind squirrel can find an acorn now and again.
Alex it's a shame your mom and dad didn't beat some sense ito you.
They did and also made me go to college and that's how I know Palin is an idiot.
11:50, I was begining to think I was the only one who realized this problem didn't arise just since the Obama inauguration. Instead of really trying to address and resolve, we'd rather play the "blame game".
she did more than Obama ever did.
glendonboy, calling someone who chooses to spout uninformed, ill-concieved, and factually untrue opinions as an idiot is not "demonizing" her. And Palin's only intent is to cash in, as I am sure several of the current crop of candidates are thinking of doing as well. By the way, 'what did Palin do in Alaska?" Tax the oil companies and issue gov. checks to the people. How socialist?! gasp
Where is she factually wrong? Gore the panty wAist drunk flunk out of Vanderbilt. Kerry had worse grades than Bush at Yale. What the hell is an "untrue opinion" anyway?
Alaskans have received checks from oil leases way before Palin!
formulating a belief on facts that are not true.
And please take two seconds to google the multiple idiotic/uninformed statements she has made. The fact that you can't fathom that she's clueless shows you are blinded by idealogy.
What is a "false opinion"? I can google anything and it will say your mother sews socks in haites if I want it to.
@Glendonboy 11:49 am
Obama has evil intent? Care to provide a shred of evidence to support that his intentions are willfully evil?
Here are your words: "You don't have to be a geneous to be president. You have to be principled." So, are you asserting that our President has evil intent, but also has principles?
Sarah Palin is demonized because she is perceived as a walking caricature of a talking points speech. Seriously, she can't even handle a tough interview, and now dodges any interview that is not a puff piece for her like it's the plague. Principles of middle America? Like being a quitter?
I'm not a fan of Palin, even if there are a lot of things I agree with her on when it comes to political ideologies. I do think she has taken advantage of her moment to make a ton of cash... and good for her for doing so.
Seriously though, do you REALLY take her seriously... or are have you been glamored by a semi attractive talking point with no substance?
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