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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

For The First Time Ever, Most Americans Don't Believe Their Congressional Rep Deserves Reelection

Following years of destroying this country and acting as a spineless proxy only for Wall Street, Congress is facing a historic event: for the first time a majority of Americans are demanding a clean out of the House. The full poll indicating that yet another bloodbath is coming during the next election season can be found here [2], but here is CNN's commentary. "Only 41 percent of people questioned say the lawmaker in their district in the U.S. House of Representatives deserves to be re-elected - the first time ever in CNN polling that that figure has dropped below 50 percent. Forty-nine percent say their representative doesn't deserve to be re-elected in 2012. And with ten percent unsure, it's the first time that a majority has indicated that they would boot their representative out of office if they had the chance today." Time for a radical overhaul of the utterly criminal and corrupt American political system, preferably replacing it with one that will return democracy back to the system?



Anonymous said...

Just imagion how great politics would be if none of them were allowed to be re-elected. Then they knew first off that they had just one term to do the things they promised and then their out. There would be less deals made and the politician wouldn't be concerned about pissing off people cus he can't be reelected anyway, so he don't need to listen to special interest groups. AND they could consintrate on doing there job for the full term rather than campaining for reelection the last year in office.

Anonymous said...

Or, they would steal more, faster. Ha, it won't change a thing.

Anonymous said...

I do believe they should have term limits. Both house and senate. I do wish they would be more "representative" than independent of their voting districts too. Glad to see this, so more democRATS will be leaving. OsBama is the worst ever president in the history of our country. Look at what his "change" has brought to the economy. Only one person from his original economic team is even left. They jumped ship when they saw it NOT working. Troop withdrawals, just waiting for the voting year, hasn't changed anything. Let out secrets of operations and now our Seal Team Six has had major deaths. He's an idiot! Can't wait for some of them to go. Same with Pollitt and a few of the others who don't know S#$t and need to go.

Anonymous said...

Lets hope this sentiment prevails in 2012